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I kinda miss Ilum.


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I think it's a waste of time. They should just create a new one.


And, what was the problem with Ilum again? I don't pvp so it doesn't bother me.


Illum and pretty much EVERY planet lagged when you got +40 people within 15 meters of each other.


You know how on Fleet when there are 40-50 people just standing around next to the GTN you lag when you go by them? Well, if those 40-50 people start using abilities their animations cause crazy lag.


The system is okay with 400 people in 1 zone, but not 40 people stacked next to each other. As a result you got dogpiles, massive laggy dogpiles.


An example for the PvE purists would be how an Ops group of 24 doesn't have that much lagged when spamming animations, but if you get a 2nd 24 person Ops group right next to them... Yep: LAG:(

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Illum and pretty much EVERY planet lagged when you got +40 people within 15 meters of each other.


You know how on Fleet when there are 40-50 people just standing around next to the GTN you lag when you go by them? Well, if those 40-50 people start using abilities their animations cause crazy lag.


The system is okay with 400 people in 1 zone, but not 40 people stacked next to each other. As a result you got dogpiles, massive laggy dogpiles.


An example for the PvE purists would be how an Ops group of 24 doesn't have that much lagged when spamming animations, but if you get a 2nd 24 person Ops group right next to them... Yep: LAG:(


Oh god I thought it was just me and my ****** computer that caused this kind of lag. Glad to see i'm not the only person that chugs along walking past the GTN.


I've been playing a few weeks now and this happened to me for the first time (I play Jung Ma, fleet is usually nearly empty) when 1.6 hit. Made running back and forth from the GTN to whatever else a pain.

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Oh god I thought it was just me and my ****** computer that caused this kind of lag. Glad to see i'm not the only person that chugs along walking past the GTN.


I've been playing a few weeks now and this happened to me for the first time (I play Jung Ma, fleet is usually nearly empty) when 1.6 hit. Made running back and forth from the GTN to whatever else a pain.


Nope, high end comps lag like crazy going past the GTN when you have 40 people just standing their scrolling the auction list. So you can imagine what Illum was like: yes I finally killed that Battlemaster (then BiS PvP gear) Assassin! No, what? My last attack never registered and he took from 80%-0% while the game pretended nothing happened? F**********************!!!

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Nope, high end comps lag like crazy going past the GTN when you have 40 people just standing their scrolling the auction list. So you can imagine what Illum was like: yes I finally killed that Battlemaster (then BiS PvP gear) Assassin! No, what? My last attack never registered and he took from 80%-0% while the game pretended nothing happened? F**********************!!!


To be fair, my computer isn't that ******. I can run most modern games on max, and it ran Aion just fine with no lag. But for some reason TOR just rips it a new butthole. So I wasn't surprised when walking past 40 people maybe me chuuuug. Good to know it's not just me, I guess.


I know to probably avoid Illum then. I just hit level 44 so I need to start looking at what endgame stuff I want to do.

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To be fair, my computer isn't that ******. I can run most modern games on max, and it ran Aion just fine with no lag. But for some reason TOR just rips it a new butthole. So I wasn't surprised when walking past 40 people maybe me chuuuug. Good to know it's not just me, I guess.


I know to probably avoid Illum then. I just hit level 44 so I need to start looking at what endgame stuff I want to do.


Actually Illum has 20 people at most usually because no one goes there anymore:(

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In a weird way I too kind of miss base humping the Pubs while mindlessly farming valor and putting the game under so much stress it lagged like no other.

'Twas our dirty pleasure back in January.


I sorta miss it too. But with that said. Want large scale open world PvP? Find another game, cause I highly doubt this games engine will ever be able to handle it. I doubt their reinvention/whatever of Ilum will be anything more than a mockery.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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I had good times on Illum with the PvP dailies and the world PvP resulting from that.


The good news is its gonna be relaunched with an event alongside engine optimisations that should make the game less heavier. Its a patch im much looking forward to as hopefully it ends all the silly talk about the engine not beeing good. I'm also hoping it has a positive impact on the combat delay issue and on the loading times.

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I had good times on Illum with the PvP dailies and the world PvP resulting from that.


The good news is its gonna be relaunched with an event alongside engine optimisations that should make the game less heavier. Its a patch im much looking forward to as hopefully it ends all the silly talk about the engine not beeing good. I'm also hoping it has a positive impact on the combat delay issue and on the loading times.


They said the same thing about optimization in 1.4... :rolleyes:


As for the Hero Engine being crappy being just silly talk... I don't know what to say to that. O.o

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They said the same thing about optimization in 1.4... :rolleyes:


As for the Hero Engine being crappy being just silly talk... I don't know what to say to that. O.o


Thats the arrogance talking. You have no clue whatsoever how the engine works nor what its good for or not.

All you see is that its heavy and therefore you call the engine bad. Its heavy, it isnt bad. Bugs are in the code of the software, not in the engine.


1.4 DID bring optimisations. It didnt completely solve the issue but its at least bareable. I believe they did what they could with the tech they had at the time. The tech is better now and the engine is beeing further optimised for its "heavy" nature starting with the Illum patch and not ending with it.

Apologies if i dont hop on the hate train. The station it leads to leaves nothing but regrets and sour tastes.

Edited by Nemmar
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I miss it too.


And the problem with Ilum wasn't primarily lag, tho it did play a big factor for people with less beefier machines. My rig was able to plough through and give a relatively smooth ride in all but the most massive zerg fests.


Problem with Ilum was that they apparenty didn't implement all the mechanics they wanted to in time for launch (they said as much themselves) and as a result the scenario was extreeeemely cheesable which persisted through all iterations of hotfixes. People just capping nodes without fighting, kill trading, etc. etc. At some stage devs just went ah fk it, back to the drawing board + we'll have to do some performance "tweaks" while we're at it.


Cant wait to get it back thoe, hope they get it right this time and show some of the innovative spark that hit jackpot with hutball. Look at what works and doesnt work in other games and utilize it. WvW type scenario that doesn't encourage zerging would be great heh.

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Thats the arrogance talking. You have no clue whatsoever how the engine works nor what its good for or not.

All you see is that its heavy and therefore you call the engine bad. Its heavy, it isnt bad. Bugs are in the code of the software, not in the engine.


1.4 DID bring optimisations. It didnt completely solve the issue but its at least bareable. I believe they did what they could with the tech they had at the time. The tech is better now and the engine is beeing further optimised for its "heavy" nature starting with the Illum patch and not ending with it.

Apologies if i dont hop on the hate train. The station it leads to leaves nothing but regrets and sour tastes.


1.4 also broke stuff. I've kept my CrossFire off ever since I came back. Let's hope their super servers and optimizations lead to a great Ilum. But until then, apologies if I dont hop on the hype train. The station it leads to leaves nothing but regrets and sour tastes. I'm sure many of us prefer not to feel so disappointed again.


I miss it too.


And the problem with Ilum wasn't primarily lag, tho it did play a big factor for people with less beefier machines. My rig was able to plough through and give a relatively smooth ride in all but the most massive zerg fests.


Problem with Ilum was that they apparenty didn't implement all the mechanics they wanted to in time for launch (they said as much themselves) and as a result the scenario was extreeeemely cheesable which persisted through all iterations of hotfixes. People just capping nodes without fighting, kill trading, etc. etc. At some stage devs just went ah fk it, back to the drawing board + we'll have to do some performance "tweaks" while we're at it.


Cant wait to get it back thoe, hope they get it right this time and show some of the innovative spark that hit jackpot with hutball. Look at what works and doesnt work in other games and utilize it. WvW type scenario that doesn't encourage zerging would be great heh.


And I'll agree sitting around waiting for people to come and PvP, while running around collecting those stupid armaments was boring. Hopefully they will show some spark of innovation as you said, but I dont have very high hopes for the dev team. As for plowing through the lag, everyone hit below acceptable FPS when we had those huge zergs. Yet other MMO's are able to handle it fine as long as you have the hardware.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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To be fair, my computer isn't that ******. I can run most modern games on max, and it ran Aion just fine with no lag. But for some reason TOR just rips it a new butthole. So I wasn't surprised when walking past 40 people maybe me chuuuug. Good to know it's not just me, I guess.


I know to probably avoid Illum then. I just hit level 44 so I need to start looking at what endgame stuff I want to do.


Aion is also far from high-end, the game is heavily dated and as such it'd be surprising if any current modern system couldn't run it well. However, when it got just released? PvP was a breeze, as the majority simply lagged so bad that whenever you circled around them they'd lag too badly to effectively keep track of you.


The same counts for SWTOR truly, with my system I ran Ilum roughly 40 - 60 fps, well playable. Just like now in the fleet, there's little issues.


Wait a year, and part to re-release an area like that solves problems partially by itself, because quite a bit of players will have undergone hardware upgrades in the meantime. Especially once to that we'll see the next-gen CPU's and GPU's hitting the market the problem will become even less to many.


However, those 2008 ~ 2010 systems? Don't ever expect them to run Ilum like a breeze, the majority of them is simply too dated. No matter how much optimization happens under the hood in the meantime.

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