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Group Finder wait times

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Curious what people's experiences are for GF wait times for DPS spec. Since 1.5, it has been agonizingly slow and with 1.6 seems to be worse. I typically queue for HM flash points as DPS.. Sometimes 40 minutes go by with nothing popping. I'd think at least Foundry and FE would pop, given the HK mission. I am on The Harbinger.
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When I queue on my healers I'm surprised if i wait more than 10 minutes regardless of when I queue. When I'm on my dps its a crapshoot and I often give up before it pops. But, I've found that if I queue between 7-8pm my chances go up a bit, because I've gotten pops within 15-20 minutes within that window.
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I'm on the Red Eclipse, European English server. I normally log on between 21:00 and 21:30 GMT and play until about 00:00/00:30.


I'm playing the game for the stories. When toons hit 50, I only do the Belsavis dailies for awhile until I've maxed out my companion's affection through the quest conversations and then move onto the next toon. I'm currently working on my 6th toon (a DPS Juggernaut).


As soon as I log on, I open the GF window and join the queue and start questing. By the time I log out I've done 2-3 flashpoints. I normally wait 15-20 minutes for a queue to pop. Sometimes it pops in 5 minutes :eek: and other times it takes 30-40 minutes. Since I'm questing, the queue pop always comes as a pleasant surprise :cool:.


This has been the case for my last 3 toons: a DPS Assassin, a DPS Mercenary and now the DPS Juggernaut. Due to the XP/item gain from the FlashPoints I only do the Class and Planet quests on the planets and even so I tend to overlevel/outgear the planets I'm on by a wide margin (5-6 levels). I've hit 50 and started doing Hard mode FPs while still on Voss. By the time I've started doing the dailies, I'm fully geared in Rating 126 (or more) items. While doing the dailies I'm still queuing and getting 2-3 FPs a play session (part of the reason why I only do Belsavis: other daily areas only get a "once through").


I really don't get the complaints about the GF wait times for DPS. Maybe it is because I don't queue and then stand around waiting for the queue to pop. I really don't mind having to wait to do a FP, it gives me time to finish up the other quests I'm doing.


Maybe, you need to change the way you use the GF? Take advantage of the wait time instead of standing around and getting frustrated at the wait?

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1-3-1 would solve it, but thats a bit late to change now.


No it wouldn't. Every MMO I have ever played, aside from GW2, has issues with groups lacking tanks or healers. There is always an excess of DPS, always. The only reason GW2 escaped this fate is because they have neither tanks or healers.


If you want fast queues, roll a tank or a healer. Have fun tanking PuGs with DPS who like to pull and blame you for a wipe, or healing DPS who can't manage aggro and complain if you let them die for being stupid. If people remained civil in a PuG and did their jobs then you'd see more tanks and healers.

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They really screwed up by not allowing you to stay queued for LFG while running warzones. I mean, has anyone noticed an appreciable decline in warzone quitting? If anything, I think it's gone up has more and more people are taking their premades into regular warzones instead of ranked.
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Maybe, you need to change the way you use the GF? Take advantage of the wait time instead of standing around and getting frustrated at the wait?


This.....I bet you part of the problem is that there are people who seemingly join group finder and then go AFK... I can't tell you how many times 3/4 of us have readied up and then we have to wait on 1 DPS who isn't there or something.

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The real problem is that dps queue is so long. That when it finally pops, if anything goes wrong they get mad blaming things on crappy tanks or no heals. That they end up on peoples ignore lists. Thus making next queue for them longer. Making them more irritated each time. It is the limbo they will be in.
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Roll a tank. I joined the queue yesterday and after a SECOND I got in a group, because I forgot to toggle off the tank role for my sith jugg.. well, I told the others I wasn't a tank, but no one reacted in any way, so I just went ahead with it and tanked the Foundry without any problem, surprisingly. (I was way too surprised that it was so fast so I didn't really look at my role and when we were entering it I was wondering why there were 2 other DDs..)

But yeah, if you want to do a FP or something, join the queue and go questing or something.

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No it wouldn't. Every MMO I have ever played, aside from GW2, has issues with groups lacking tanks or healers. There is always an excess of DPS, always. The only reason GW2 escaped this fate is because they have neither tanks or healers.


If you want fast queues, roll a tank or a healer. Have fun tanking PuGs with DPS who like to pull and blame you for a wipe, or healing DPS who can't manage aggro and complain if you let them die for being stupid. If people remained civil in a PuG and did their jobs then you'd see more tanks and healers.


For SWTOR, I play multiple classes than can tank or heal. Only my assassin tanks, none of my heal capable characters heal.




The lack of a dual / multi spec option (saved key binds being the kicker for me - free / field respec doesn't cut it) along with a clunky UI makes me not want to deal with healing. It is systemic for me as to why I don't heal and has nothing at all to do with the way others act in PUGs.


Add dual spec and mouseover macro / frame healing and possibly a way to customize / highlight the display of specific debuffs and I'll start healing.


Otherwise I'll stick with dps as I have plenty of other things I can do in game while waiting on guildies to log on or waiting on queues, and I never have to rebind all my keys or fight the UI to perform my chosen role.


Oh and while some people don't perform these roles because of how others act, many don't because they just don't enjoy them for similar reasons I listed or for any number of completely different reasons.


And even if they made changes making it so I or others are more likely to heal or tank, it will still come down to a numbers game. Every AC can DPS, only three can heal and only three can tank. Not to mention as group size scales up, usually dps requirements scale faster than tank or healer requirements.

Edited by DawnAskham
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far too many tanks and healers are fed up on being blamed for stupid dps mistakes which cause wipes. they now either only do guild runs or play as dps.


also having a long queue time might be a indication of being on too many ignore lists. adding more dps to a group make up will NOT help you with this if so. so either stop being obnoxious in groups and or general channel or learn how to play your class.

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far too many tanks and healers are fed up on being blamed for stupid dps mistakes which cause wipes. they now either only do guild runs or play as dps.


also having a long queue time might be a indication of being on too many ignore lists. adding more dps to a group make up will NOT help you with this if so. so either stop being obnoxious in groups and or general channel or learn how to play your class.


Thanks. Last night it finally popped, the tank asked the healer, can you heal, and the healer said "not really". The tank then quit. This is a case of the DPS not being at fault (for once). Fortunately another tank came by in 15...and the healer did a pretty good job by the way.


I agree with you there are many obnoxious DPS players but on the flip side I have seen some pretty obnoxious tanks too. They can afford to be, less of them and they are needed more.

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Thanks. Last night it finally popped, the tank asked the healer, can you heal, and the healer said "not really". .
That is always my answer. when someone ask my healer that question. :p


I will also post wimpy, squishy healer LGF for CtS....no one usually answers, so I go solo it. When someone does answer, they are very surprise when they show up.


I usually get instant on my healer on the times I do HMFP, if not I go do Black Hole until it pops.


I am also one of those healers that think if someone dies, it is my fault. Even in HM EC the other night someone miss a overload, I think I should be able to heal people through that. :p Of course I feel the same way as dps. It is my fault because I didn't kill whatever fast enough. :)


I pretty much quit running HMFP with my dps, don't need the gear. She is a shadow, so I will do them on guild runs with her listed as tank, but I would not do that in a PUG.

Edited by mikebevo
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As a healer my wait times are minimal for sure. Usually insta-pop and never more than a few minutes. I too feel that no one dies on my watch. As a healer it is my job to heal through even the mistakes. I have actually gotten hits DPS role several times. Including one were the healer quit early and I simply took over as healer and finished without issue. The other time I allowed the other healer to be the healer and provided emergency heals, which were needed especially on ironfist. As a side note if a dps quits they can be almost instantly replaced.
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