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Ranked WZ


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If you want to have competitive PVP come to POT5. We have ranked going on everyday and we have more than just 2 solid guilds to play ranked. I've played on other servers like the Bastion and Harbinger and came to find that the PVP is most competitive on POT5.


Yes I know rerolling is terrible, but this what the game has to offer. Either wait for cross server ques, bigger population, and wait for the new subs(which isn't much) or you can spend that time waiting to reroll a toon on a good PVP server like POT5.

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A few questions:


*Are the current teams/guilds accepting new members?

*Are the current teams/guilds running more than one group?

*Are all classes wlecome? I'm not expecting groups to run with horrible combinations but is it possible for a one of the less desirable dps specs to particpate?

*Are the active teams mixing it up or is the activity a result of people forming pugs, just to get steamrolled by "that one team" that every server seems to have?

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A few questions:


*Are the current teams/guilds accepting new members?

*Are the current teams/guilds running more than one group?

*Are all classes wlecome? I'm not expecting groups to run with horrible combinations but is it possible for a one of the less desirable dps specs to particpate?

*Are the active teams mixing it up or is the activity a result of people forming pugs, just to get steamrolled by "that one team" that every server seems to have?


Right now I feel that most guilds are looking to recruit good PVP players. There are a lot of guilds running ranked at the moment and good PVP players are hard to find so if there is a good one they definately will be recruited. So yes most guilds are looking for new members.


I would say most teams do not have a second team running, but that is not because there isn't enough players playing ranked. We have maybe one elite guild and 10-15 competitive PVP guilds. So instead of one guild hoarding all the good players it is spread out pretty evenly. There is also about 5-10 guilds who are also very good, but just not enough players in the guild atm.


I can't say for all guilds if all classes are open to invites. Our guild DEADWEIGHT does not openly recruit just any player, but if you are good at what you play there will always be room. We just picked up a merc healer he will not be on the A team, but we would not be hesitant to use him if need be. He is just that good. We also have merc dps who is putting out an average of 400-500k dps in any wz. I've seen him hit 900k in huttball with a mix of bm and wh gear. So we are open as long as you can play your class.


There are pugs that do run ranked quite often, but most pugs cannot beat any of the competitive pvp guilds out there. Here is a list of guilds who currently run ranked. If I forget anybody sorry it happens.



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No point, we could re-roll on every server, eventually you all will stop queuing.


Funny you say that because I know someone in your guild who is a regular, but says you guys are bad!!!!!!!!!! He wants to reroll a toon on our server so why don't you follow him.

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I forgot to ask, how's the faction balance, in terms of rated guilds/teams and player quality? I don't really care what faction I roll on but I've always prefered the jedi look so given the choice I'd rather roll a pub.


TBH most of the competitive guilds are on IMP, but I do know that there are 2 really good guilds on pub side. There are a few on pub side who just don't have the right comp, but are looking to make ranked teams. That is all I know, but on the IMP side there are many guilds running ranked.

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I was sad yesterday, My guild(Postmortem) and 1+ 1 random pug(recruit geared lmao) were going to Q for a ranked WZ but I lost the electricity for some reason so my guild could not Q.


Yes we were going to Q with a mix of recruit to Full augWH players. Its preseason so we dont really care about the rating.


Also, we are looking for good pvp players to do ranked pvp. we went from 6-7 active players to 15-16 in the last two or three weeks. We dont care about the gear you have right now, if you are skilled enough we will bring you with us to do any type of pvp.


If you are interested the Guild leader is Hâlifax aka Invictious aka Shutters aka Christophh




Sith Assassin

Master Corporal of the Guild Postmortem (Empire)

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It sounds interesting but open transfers would have really helped. It's not just a matter of giving up on ewh/DG chars, which it atleast to me would be since I don't have time to maintain numerous chars on several servers, it's also the trouble of going through story one more time, something I'm not too keen on. The fact that there's no legacy or a high level char to support the new one with creds just makes it worse :(
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