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Have the people that are complaining about queues been a part of ANY major MMO launch


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45 minute + queues on a Tuesday morning isn't normal. I wish people would stop saying it is. Yes I played WoW at launch as well as Warcraft and Rift. There wasn't anywhere near the queue times in them games NON PEAK times as this has right now. Lets also understand that they clearly don't understand what the less then sign means. < means less then, if you put "< 15 minutes" it means less then 15 minutes. If they can't get closer to the actual time then don't give a time. I logged in figuring ok, 15-20 minute wait sucks, but what else can I do. Over 45 minutes later I got in, that's NOT normal for a Tuesday morning at 9am I don't care if it's launch day or not. Never seen it like this in any MMO, again talking a Tuesday morning, yes WoW, Rift, Warcraft, etc etc etc had queues but not this bad during non peak times.
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45 minute + queues on a Tuesday morning isn't normal. I wish people would stop saying it is. Yes I played WoW at launch as well as Warcraft and Rift. There wasn't anywhere near the queue times in them games NON PEAK times as this has right now. Lets also understand that they clearly don't understand what the less then sign means. < means less then, if you put "< 15 minutes" it means less then 15 minutes. If they can't get closer to the actual time then don't give a time. I logged in figuring ok, 15-20 minute wait sucks, but what else can I do. Over 45 minutes later I got in, that's NOT normal for a Tuesday morning at 9am I don't care if it's launch day or not. Never seen it like this in any MMO, again talking a Tuesday morning, yes WoW, Rift, Warcraft, etc etc etc had queues but not this bad during non peak times.


Agreed. Even at 2pm in the afternoon on an EU server the wait time is 20 mins+.


God knows what it's going to be like at 6pm tonight.


I pity the poor sods who want to play at that time.

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Since I am in queue, I will post this.


Since I payed 80 dollars for this game and will be paying 15 dollars a month for the foreseeable future.. I reserve the right to ***** about the queue times all I want. That is all. *maximizes to game to check place in queue**.....


Queue times during peak play hours is to be expected but in the morning? seriously.


Although, with that said, I expect that after Christmas break is over, all the kiddies will be back in school so the queues go away during non-peak hours.

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WoW's launch did have queues that long. I remember people posting screen shots with 10k people queues trying to 1 up each other. Most MMO's have queues that I played at launch, the only ones that didnt were EQ2 and LOTRO, though i may be mistaken.


I can honestly say the longest que I had so far is only 15mins. But the friends I play with like to think a head and play on RP servers for the lack of queues and less children.


I've started on a RP server which was lightly populated and now I have a 15 min wait queue time. Therefore your last statement is incorrect.

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I love reading mmo launch drama threats.


Bioware is handeling this in a very nice way (you epople don't see it though).


Subjective opinion. One which I disagree with. Staggering the early access is causing them serious problems. Perhaps the very same problems that they were trying to avoid.


old server have capt capacity atm, aka less slots for players then new servers.


forcing new players to avoid ques


Wrong. Those who got into Early Access the earliest are well into their characters development, meanwhile their friends who either got into Early Access later, or are just starting out today are looking to join their friends. Thus filling up the server. They may not be willing to move servers and leave their friends behind.


cap is raised every hour


eventually every server fills up.


opposed to every server has max slots from teh get go


And what good does that actually serve when people already have friends playing the game hmmm? It doesn't do any good and only serves to cause frustration.


old servers don't appear full so every newbie rolls on it


server actually is full by the time we get home and serer crashes and dies in a fire.


Actually the old servers ARE full.


but all the young people that are used to MMO's that have been out for ages or never seen a propper MMO launch want TO PLAY NOA! get over yourself drama queens you wont stop playing you know it.


Maybe you should take your own advice.


If the purpose of staggering Early Access was to make the experience of playing the game better, it didn't actually accomplish that goal in certain respects.


every copy of swtor has 30 day free play period, know what that is for? for the que time you get at the start and ironing out some real problems (que is normal it will be fixed within a day or two when everything settles down).


No, the 30 days access ISN'T provided for the reason you specific. You're just making up excuses.

Edited by Tarka
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I've been playing al day long, now and then reading a post made here... thx for making my day, i LOLed through every post. God u ppl can bicker hahahahahahaahahahahaha


Now, get over it and have some patience with Bioware like i have. Things will be ok. Now go queue, go play and have fun :p

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I logged into my "old" server in under 5 minutes, which is a record for this time of day, but I have waited 30 minutes at night. We have no idea at this point what night waits will be. Furthermore, we have no idea if Bioware is palnning on raising the server cap as the day progresses. It would make sense to first fill the new servers than start raising the population caps on all the servers as the day progresses. You can not call this the best or worst launch in MMO history until the day is well history.
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I would rather play on a server of 100 than not be able to play at all! NO QUEUE is ever acceptable for a fee based service!


Do you wait to watch your TV?

Do you wait for you tap water?

Do you wait for a dial tone to call.

Do you wait for electricty to turn your PC on?



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I would rather play on a server of 100 than not be able to play at all! NO QUEUE is ever acceptable for a fee based service!


Do you wait to watch your TV?

Do you wait for you tap water?

Do you wait for a dial tone to call.

Do you wait for electricty to turn your PC on?




But this is more of a pure entertainment thing. You are not compairing apples to apples in ever case here.


1. you pay to wait at lines to ammusment parks

2. You sometimes have to wait in line to buy tickets to concerts, movie, playes etc

3. People wait to pre-order games, or new systems and put money down on them, only to be told we are out of them and you need to wait till the next shipment.

4. People wait to get into popular resturants.

5. On black friday people line up in freezing cold weather, to brave long lines at cash registers, and be told things are sold out.


I can think of lots of things we pay or will be paying for and get the privaledge of waiting in lines. Making a list of arguments does not prove you argument when you can make a counter list that "proves" the other argument. In fact, many thing that are highly desired or anticipated involve something in common........ lines. And this game unlike many things we wait for will not have one thing in common..... getting sold out and never getting in or having to wait weeks or months.

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But this is more of a pure entertainment thing. You are not compairing apples to apples in ever case here.


1. you pay to wait at lines to ammusment parks

2. You sometimes have to wait in line to buy tickets to concerts, movie, playes etc

3. People wait to pre-order games, or new systems and put money down on them, only to be told we are out of them and you need to wait till the next shipment.

4. People wait to get into popular resturants.

5. On black friday people line up in freezing cold weather, to brave long lines at cash registers, and be told things are sold out.


I can think of lots of things we pay or will be paying for and get the privaledge of waiting in lines. Making a list of arguments does not prove you argument when you can make a counter list that "proves" the other argument. In fact, many thing that are highly desired or anticipated involve something in common........ lines. And this game unlike many things we wait for will not have one thing in common..... getting sold out and never getting in or having to wait weeks or months.


The thing is, when I have a preorder already and have had one for an extensive amount of time, that is the equivalent of having purchased my ticket to the amusement park, concert or play.


I'm just on the side that says:


- Bioware did a guild launch.

- Bioware did an early game access stunt.

- Bioware extended the early game access stun.

- Bioware told us they were planning the smoothest launch ever.

- Bioware told us that they wanted to polish the game properly for release, hence the late release date.


Now, with all that in mind, should this be a "standard" mmo launch?

Edited by Scelerant
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I was at wow's launch only ever saw 30mins-1hr queue nothing to the extend of the queues on TOR atm



As someone who was actually there. Queues were at least an hour long and when you did get in game you didn't dare loot anything for fear of the loot lag and then inevitable disconnect. Starting all over again in the Q. The launch numbers were also smaller than SWTOR.

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45 minute + queues on a Tuesday morning isn't normal. I wish people would stop saying it is. Yes I played WoW at launch as well as Warcraft and Rift. There wasn't anywhere near the queue times in them games NON PEAK times as this has right now. Lets also understand that they clearly don't understand what the less then sign means. < means less then, if you put "< 15 minutes" it means less then 15 minutes. If they can't get closer to the actual time then don't give a time. I logged in figuring ok, 15-20 minute wait sucks, but what else can I do. Over 45 minutes later I got in, that's NOT normal for a Tuesday morning at 9am I don't care if it's launch day or not. Never seen it like this in any MMO, again talking a Tuesday morning, yes WoW, Rift, Warcraft, etc etc etc had queues but not this bad during non peak times.


It doesn't matter what day of the week it is, THIS Tues is Launch day. Of course there will be queues. I'm not looking forward to the wait time but as it has in every other MMO I've played, it will get better soon. And Queue time is an estimation only, there is no person or software that can foresee how soon someone will log off allowing someone else to log in. Sometimes we expect way too much...

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So....how many MMO launches have we seen? I personally have seen a few.


If the truth be told, its the fact i've seen so many MMO launches that ticks me off.

If this were the first MMO launch, the f ups would be excusable.


This is old hat and devs should know what to expect by now, ESPECIALLY considering there are people on the team that have done this before.

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I am guessing not. If they "fix" the queues today you are going to be left with empty servers 2 weeks from now. The queues are fine. They are sadly apart of this genre. Also these mythical 4 hour queues are just that mythical. I have yet to see anyone actually give proof of these 4 hour queues. The highest I have had was maybe 45 mins and I am on one of the higher pop servers.


People that are complaining about this launch were DEFINITELY not around for WoWs launch I know that much.


The problem is not the launch or Bioware...it is the player base. Good lord. When you log in to make a character, do you think it is a good idea to join on that says "FULL" or roll on the ones that say "Standard" "light" etc...


Or do you join the ones that say"very heavy" and think you will be the lucky one who doesnt sit in queue. When i join my server Anchorhead it was standard, 4 days later everyone and their brother wants to join this server. give me a break. The Launch was ruined by the players ineptitude at reading imo


Edit, BTW just scroll down the server listing im seeing over 5 with queue times of over 1 hour, so saying 45mins is the longest wait you've heard of is just you not listening very carefully or someTHING.

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I'm glad my server has queues- it means maybe, just maybe, it'll have a 'heavy' pop in a month. Any server that doesn't have a queue during peak hours during the next few days is going to be empty in a few months.


EVEN if people love this game and all decide to stay, the pop will go down as people stop playing 50 hours a week and play 25, or 100 hours and start playing 40, or 20 hours and start playing 5- depending on how hardcore they are. People book off time for launch, they do nothing but play, but once they get to max, or see enough of the game to satisfy their curiosity they play less.



Also, comparing to WoW just hurts yourself, WoW still had queues at peak times and after patches an entire year after it came out fairly regularly on big servers- and even on medium servers would get queues after major patches. Expecting a game to not have large queues on launch day is insane.

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I would rather play on a server of 100 than not be able to play at all! NO QUEUE is ever acceptable for a fee based service!


Do you wait to watch your TV?

Do you wait for you tap water?

Do you wait for a dial tone to call.

Do you wait for electricty to turn your PC on?




Theme Parks, Clubs, MMOs, quasi MMOs like LoL, all online multi player games like COD or Battlefield, air ports, concerts, taxis, buses, trains, shopping, getting into stores on boxing day/black friday, being served by a customer service rep when more customers need help than are reps, dentist/doctor appointments, fast food service, being seated for a restaurant...



I could probably go on for an hour proving you wrong, but my server queue just ended so I'm going to play the game.


Welcome for reality, if you want something at the same time everyone else does, you have to wait.

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I am guessing not. If they "fix" the queues today you are going to be left with empty servers 2 weeks from now. The queues are fine. They are sadly apart of this genre. Also these mythical 4 hour queues are just that mythical. I have yet to see anyone actually give proof of these 4 hour queues. The highest I have had was maybe 45 mins and I am on one of the higher pop servers.


People that are complaining about this launch were DEFINITELY not around for WoWs launch I know that much.


you can shut up right now im on the crapy swiftsure i got a dc the other night logged back in at 6:30 i was threw que at 11 so ya shut up...

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Nope, the people whining have never been through and MMO launch before (or at least it's been so long that they forgot).


Furthermore, they are the type of people that don't try to figure out the "why" of things. They don't realize that the queues are the player's fault, not the developers.

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To answer the thread, yes I have been. Several. None as large as World of Warcraft before it, and none since, until now.


The point of queues is not lack of understanding on the developers part, it is solely on the players that continue to choose high population servers without considering what it will do to the massive length of time to login for others.


I find it rude and irritating to be honest. If a queue is 1.3k in length, it would offer up for others to choose another server. You can not honestly tell me that every single person on the high queue servers had friends that are playing on that particular server, joining because of friends. I realize part of this is because of the early guild creation, but still...the queue is increasing, not decreasing.


Resolution: Server transfers for those established whether they be level one or level fifty.


Resolution: Regulate server restrictions by "buddy system" invites.

"No friends on the server? Sorry we're full up, choose another please."


Resolution: Real-time monitors (GMs) of a larger team to handle high queue servers with active monitoring for spam reports. Yes, I'm referring to "gold sellers" and "farmers". Get them kicked off, shut those accounts down...EA/BW, you made your money on the game from them, move on, it'll kill your in game economy and ruin the game if you don't remove the element from a well made environment, or at least police it to some degree.


Resolution: Open up new servers and offer a suggestion to those first logging in to play on those lower population servers by ranking them at the top before the others, placing the high queue ones at the bottom of the list.


All of these things could be done. Unfortunately as of yet, I'm sitting in a 1006 long queue. It has increased from 200 on second day of EGA.


Then again, as I've said before, it's largely part of player responsibility to not over-flood a server because it's at the top of the list or "popular". Space it out people.

Edited by Darkrite
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