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Cyrillic in the chat (Russian Topic)


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ONLY Aurek Besh!


But Seriously, why is it that Russians are so affraid to mingle with people from other countries and write in a language everybody understands?


Because NOT everybody understand english language.

Edited by neverinema
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ONLY Aurek Besh!


But Seriously, why is it that Russians are so affraid to mingle with people from other countries and write in a language everybody understands? I see it in all MMO's. I have played with a lot of differnent nationalities and they all have english as their "bussiness language" and even when I'm around other Danes we often communicate in English anyway, mostly out of politenes because it seems rude to talk "secretly" around other people.


I vote no for cyrillic and encourage my Russian bro's to get more out and mingle with the rest of us.


You know, some of us are really nice guys. :)




true. but it's really troublesome to write in english in russian guild chat:)

I can agree that there's no point allowing cyrillic in general chat. as russia is one of the launch countires it is natural that the client will support cyrillic fonts. still we encounter problems installing the game if our user account is in russian, so we have to create an english one just to play the game:(

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Why then every single software that YOU have on YOUR computer that is not in the backwards Russia (I presume) supports all other languages and you can type weird letters there? I can see Chinese gibberish in my browser just fine. I don't understand it, but it displays just fine and my browser is in English.


Developer of software can do localization for some language but it is NOT a bug when there is no localization.

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Actually they don't manage to be fine, WoW had to make Russian servers just because of all the spamming they do in trade chat

What do you mean 'they'?


Your true intentions are revealed. Not all Russian speakers are spammers--stereotyping an entire group of people and then marginalizing legitimate uses is absurd.

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ONLY Aurek Besh!


But Seriously, why is it that Russians are so affraid to mingle with people from other countries and write in a language everybody understands? I see it in all MMO's. I have played with a lot of differnent nationalities and they all have english as their "bussiness language" and even when I'm around other Danes we often communicate in English anyway, mostly out of politenes because it seems rude to talk "secretly" around other people.


I vote no for cyrillic and encourage my Russian bro's to get more out and mingle with the rest of us.


You know, some of us are really nice guys. :)




why are you so afraid that someone is going to communicate in a language you can't read? You do understand what bigotry is right?

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What do you mean 'they'?


Your true intentions are revealed. Not all Russian speakers are spammers--stereotyping an entire group of people and then marginalizing legitimate uses is absurd.


I meant the other MMOs when I said they... And Russian on a server that has English as it's official language is considered spam.

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It is an English speaking server there is no sense in bothering adding Cyrillic to it


All right. If you say so, then demand equality. Let the English will be removed from the German and French servers. With British support of French and German characters. Then everything will be on your way. Or is it?;)

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All right. If you say so, then demand equality. Let the English will be removed from the German and French servers. With British support of French and German characters. Then everything will be on your way. Or is it?;)


Fine remove English from the servers that are not English, I don't care, English isn't supposed to be spoken in those.It would be fair.

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I wonder, how people hate russians, it's good way to trolling, just type in general: "By the will of Great Stalin, this server belongs to Mother Russia and comrades!"- and you'll see mass leaving. :D Many of us have the rule about /general: "Remember, no Russian." Sorry for bad grammar.

PS. If scoolboy wants to write **** in /general, he will do it, it's not important where from he is.

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I meant the other MMOs when I said they... And Russian on a server that has English as it's official language is considered spam.


Give me some example games in Russian with English would be considered spam and punishable ban for his use in the general chat or do not say anything to that effect. Personally, I do not know of any such game. In Russia there is no discrimination in any MMO. We welcome everyone.

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Give me some example games in Russian with English would be considered spam and punishable ban for his use in the general chat or do not say anything to that effect. Personally, I do not know of any such game. In Russia there is no discrimination in any MMO. We welcome everyone.


The rules on every game clearly state you are not allowed to speak anything other than the server's language in world chat.

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If I see Russians on a server I will probably look to move server.


А вы знаете русский? Как вы понимаете русский это или нет?


Do you know Russian? As you can understand Russian or not? In Russian, for certain disorder Russophobes talking about half a billion people on this planet. And the good

I've been playing like the Germans and honestly admitted that I am Russian. Not once in betauikende for not kiknuli from a group or did not help when asked for their help in bad German. :confused:

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Well, as far as I know most decent russian guilds that play on non-russian servers in games that do have russian servers, adopt rule to speak server's official language in open chat (usually english). In LOTRO there have been vastly more problems with spanish or italian speaking people talking in their native tongue in general chat, than with russians. Still it is perfectly understandiable that people do not want to see texts in unknown tongue blocking off trade or /lff chats.
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The rules on every game clearly state you are not allowed to speak anything other than the server's language in world chat.


Show me where in the Russian game it is. I had ever seen. We have complete in the general chat of English words and phrases. And not once did I hear that at least it's someone banned. Even in the same WOW this is not to enter and no one was going. Even so these forums no one would raise! But the fact that you can not log characters in the Latin alphabet, there are even requests and petitions.



P.S. Well good luck to all! The evil you are :D. I invite came.

Personally, I myself can and a little German and in English a little and would like to correspond with the players from their guild in their native language. We need help from others ... I will ask in their language.

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Guys, you are make a mistake.


Ru community is big. And different, if you understand what i mean. Some people - adult players, they usually speak in common channels at eng (if they know eng, ofk), but some ppl - aggresive juvenille imbeciles. There are lot of imbeciles in internet, you know. In any country. And for me - no difference in idiotic spam in chat, no matters, on which language.


Russian chat in general is not a cause, that a consequence. Main problem is - there are no russian realms at launch and ithey not in plans for close future. Same situation with big local communities like polish, turkish or spanish speakin ppl. So, on some servers will be big local congestions of non-eng speaking players. Ppl like to play with other ppl, speakin on same language. Guilds, raids, pvp... you know.


And if population of, for example, scandinavian ppl on realm will be major - they will use their language in general chat. I saw that in WoW in vanilla and tbc periods.


Some servers WILL be occupied with non-end speakin communities. Live with it. And this situation absolutely not depends from can or can not ru speakin players use cyrrilic fonts in game. Just for us, russians - this inconvinient - we can use translite, but... well, no matter.


ps. there are some pvp and pve realms, which will be used for ru speakin players. just for information ;)

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I'd prefer to see our Russian friends get their own servers with full language support for clients made so they can enjoy the game to the fullest. Barring that, unicode support.


My grandparents came to the USA from Mexico, they spoke reasonable English, made sure their children spoke English first and Spanish as an after thought. They spoke in Spanish very rarely, usually when communicating something they were unable to do so effectively in English. My point? Some concepts don't always translate well from one language to another, and something important or even trivial being lost in translation isn't what I'd define as a good time.


Personally, I never learned much Spanish, I understand a small amount of it. I wish I had learned it from my grandparents because I feel like I missed out on something that may have made my life more enriched with culture.


To my Russian comrades, I don't honestly want to see your native alphabet or transiterated (spelling) communications in general chat. Just like I don't wish to see any other language I don't understand. I'm not so arrogant though to tell any of you that you should not be able to effectively and seamlessly communicate.


I sincerely hope you folks get your own servers, not because I don't wish to play with any of you. On the contrary, I do want to for the change of perspective. I just would rather you all had the same comfort level I'll get playing.


Now, if you all REALLY want to rally around an issue, I propose we ban people who use "leet speak" and "txt jargon" in general chat. I'm sick of seeing stupid abreviations like "u" "wut" and a long list of other butchering of the English language. I can tolerate syntax errors of someone for which English is not their native language, but these idiots who do have English as a native languge who simply cannot spend a half second longer typing are almost unbearable.



True Story, "bro"

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Seriously the trolls have to go away...


Cryllic is based off the Old Greek Alphabet.. 730 BC.. It's closest relative is Latin. The dead langue.


The script was created in the First Bulgarian Empire. 680 A.D.


The langue is history, our history. The split between the West (Roman) and the East (Greek).


It with stand countless invasions, and lived versus other that died during the Roman Empire.

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