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Bolstered WFs are a joke.


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PPS. I would rather have fast queues then all wins.




sure, when everyone is leveling, the low level brackets are full. a few months (maybe even weeks) the low level WZ will dry up, bigtime. (same thing happens to low level dungeons, on level groups will be torture to find) eventually when a large % of the player base is 50, the only way to get somewhat fast queues will be to lump all the sub 50's together.


and besides, dont all the 'hardcore' pvpers always say "only max level matters" usually with a "butt out until you experience max level pvp" added in? lol.

Edited by blackhumbug
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so whats better, people who are bolstered or people who arent and are fighting people 10 levels above them? hmm let me think..


oh.. and what will take longer to find a pvp wz.


People seem to think that there are a lot of IWIN buttons based on previous MMO baggage.

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I seem to see 2 different responses.


One from people that seem to be what I can only guess are fan boys cause they use the excuse that if you get beat by a level 30 at level 10 with the booster your bad and its the other way around. I dont want to be beating up on level 10s at level 30.


AND NO... your wrong, they do NOT have the same chance of winning, also what kind of answer to a piss poor designed system is "try harder".


"Oh yeah I see your complaint but if one class has his stuns and CC and the other class does not its not the system that is the problems its the lack of effort from the person with less of his abilities to try harder then the person who can CC."


And then to be told that the system is fine cause "you have been playing for a while and its just fine." Thats not even a logical address to the problems that arise with a bolstered PvP system. Thats like something a government tells its people as a meteor screams down to earth to destroy the entire population just so it does not insight panic.


If you guys have a GOOD reason to why bolster is better then a none bolstered bracket system PLEASE by all means share. The only person to even attempt to make a case on that end is someone that likes to get abused in warzones by lower levels cause he is bad. And that STILL is not even close to a good enough reason or have any bearing weight on the real issues to why bolstered none bracket warzones are a better idea.


Can ANYONE present a GOOD reason to have none bracketed bolster warzones???


i have to disagree. I jumped in the Q for warzones as soon as i hit 10 and the only thing i complained about not having was sprint. I had no issues killing enemies 10 or 15 levels above me...in fact it was rather rewarding.....i jsut wish i coulda talked smack to them.

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Can ANYONE present a GOOD reason to have none bracketed bolster warzones???


As the game matures and population level averages increase, bracketed warzones will result in less lower tiered warzones since they will be fed by a then much lower population. This will also result in a diminished experience for new players.

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"PVP is a side part of the game, not its main focus. you want pvp, go back to arenas or play real games like COD and BF3. PVP in RPGs are for challenged people with no hand eye coordination in fps games."


First of all I disagree with this, I play MMOs for the PvP. Secondly what does it being "second rate" have to do with Bioware trying to fix issues with the current PvP system? They should be trying to make the game the best possible for all player types PvPers included. I say that there should atleast be a seperate bracket at 50, as for 1-49 the bolster system is alright.

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I say that there should atleast be a seperate bracket at 50, as for 1-49 the bolster system is alright.


Just out of curiosity, do you really anticipate end-game gear making that much of a difference once someone goes from 49 to 50? I honestly haven't looked at the stats that much, but I wasn't under the impression that it was going to be as drastic an upgrade as it is in other MMOs, and fairly watered down by the bolster system.

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Bolster is a great way to get new players to enjoy the PvP experience. They know they can contribute early on and have fun without having to worry about getting all geared up first. It may even encourage players that would otherwise never even bother with PvP to give it a try.


Hell if I wanted bracketed PvP where gear and level is most important than I would go back to WoW. I much prefer a system where teamplay and tactical skill/knowledge are more important.


Please keep the Bolster system and keep the WoW trash systems out of this game.

Edited by Hellapain
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Lets say you are a "serious" pvper.....does it really matter before max level anyway?




The bolster system is a fun way to level up and it will cut down on que time. Even if you have a WOW mentality pvp before lvl 85 is a complete joke.


Also the game hasnt even been out a day. I wish people would just relax and give it time to develop.

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I completely agree with the OP here. Bolster helps a bit, but it doesn't make up for the lack of abilities available in your toolkit. There's an imbalance of cc's, counter moves and healing power. A predominantly low level team will get beaten by a predominantly higher level team. It's like taking a pen knife to a gun fight.


In the few WZs I've been in where the level balance has been about the same, I've had heaps of fun. The fights have been balanced, frantic and you feel rewarded for using the right abilities at the right time.


Introducing brackets would make this experience the norm. I hope the developers consider it.


Also - could be wrong here, but I'm sure I've seen some level 50s in WZs. Are you sure there's 2 brackets? If there's a single bracket only, by the time the majority of players has a 50 main, there will be no point PVPing with any character lower than that.

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The fact that so many of you think that the reason I feel this way about the bolster system in PvP is cause I lose to high levels or cause low levels beat me shows me that you really have no idea what real PvP is and that you most likely are in a raiding guild and enjoy PvP in SWTOR CAUSE its carebear for you.


I DONT want carebear PvP, if I was bad and losing how would a NONE bolstered system help me. I mean come on at least attempt to use some from of logic when trying to make your case.


I was thinking about this a lot last night. What is it that ruins PvP for me in this game. Is it that I really dont like the bolster, the lack of brackets... or is there something else.


Then it hit me. I do well in fights, most all the time in a 1on1 I win, I enjoy dueling people that I see have good gear to see how I fair against them and I enjoy joining a WZ (FYI WF is war front which it was called in EAs last failed bolstered PvP MMO) and having the challenge of fighting players that have better stats them me DUE to gear and in the same aspect I like to feel a little God like when I have to good gear. ALL THAT has been taken away and there is no chance of ever getting those experiences in this game.


I mean what shows MORE skill then killing someone around the same level that has BETTER gear then you.


The bottom line is REAL PvPers make up the PvP. They are NOT catering to PvPers with this system they are catering to the casual carebear PvPers. And I can tell you right now if things dont change it wont be just me that leaves this game for lack of a competitive edge it will be a LARGE amount of people. LOTS of people dont play video games JUST for the fun they play cause they are competitive and when you take away ANY chance of a competitive edge and just bolster up everyone to the same stats whats the point.


There are a LOT of people that ONLY care about gear for PvP. EVERY time a real PvPer gets gear all they think about is how it will effect their PvP performance and with that gone to the point of useless then I wont enjoy the game anymore. I wont enjoy getting gear cause whats the point if its just useless anyways.


I came here to PvP cause I DONT RAID and so did MANY other people. No one that came here for PvP is going to stay in a carebear system long and when the PvPers start leaving what do you think will happen with this game.


On a final note I was with Warhammer from the start and it had a TON of people at release. I dont know exact numbers but it was close to SWTOR I will tell you that. Servers were packed, queues in place and everyone was enjoying there first month of a new MMO. Then due to a lack of good design in PvP Warhammer dropped to what is now lower then a free to play game on steam.


Mark my words carebear PvP WILL be the death of this game if they do not give the REAL PvPers something to feel competitive in.

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50 is the same problem. Its not a matter of levels thats not what I am getting at. At 50 everyone would STILL be bolstered to the same stats.


Level 10 or level 50 it does not matter the competitive edge has been taken out of PvP due to the bolster.

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What? Having the same stats as someone else TAKES OUT THE COMPETITION? What? No. No. No. No NO NO.



MMOs suck for any sort of competitive person versus person gameplay. Why? Because time is far more valuable than skill. Take WoW, Rift, or EvE for example. A 2 year in good gear/ship who doesn't even know how to play will beat the best pro in the entire world who only has had the character 1 hour.


Look at the good competitive games: Star Craft, Street Fighter, FPS (CoD or Battlefield), etc.


You can play those for 20 years, but if you suck you're not beating a good player who's played similar games for an hour.




The bolster helps this game achieve that sort of parity. Good for Bioware. Bad for you elitist loot/gear hoes.

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50 is the same problem. Its not a matter of levels thats not what I am getting at. At 50 everyone would STILL be bolstered to the same stats.


Level 10 or level 50 it does not matter the competitive edge has been taken out of PvP due to the bolster.




Your statement really makes no sense. If everyone is equal at lvl 50 then it really does come down to which person is the better player not who has the better gear.


Even so you have to give people at max lvl an incentive to actually pvp. Should people who focus on pvp have better gear and an advantage over the pve player? My opinion is yes, but your argument that the competitive edge is taken away is way off the mark...if anything it will make the better player shine.

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The Bolstered system for good, and negative sides thb. I think they should keep it the way it is till level 49, because PvP doesnt mean anything until u reach level 50.


and yes, when all the stats are the same, it everyone is as "strong" as the other, will be more competitive, but the other thing is, is that PvP gear becomes absolutly useless, and got no value atall. And i think, if you are really better than the other player, u can still kick-*** with less gear...


so they should keep it like this till level 49, and on lvl 50, nothing should be bolstered..

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Bolster only multiplies your Endurance and primary attribute, nothing more. Therefore higher level gear with special stats (like crit rating, def rating, power etc) give you way better advantage. Plus, at level 50 gear gives way better stats that bolster provides, with epic geared tanks able to reach over 20k hp. So this system only creates illusion of equality in pvp. I'm currently mid 30 in lvl and any guy below level 30 is auto win for me, bolster can't help them. So this system is pretty unfair. But I can see it's merit for like 1st month, before there are a lot of max lvl players. If they stick with it for longer than it's nice fail from BW.
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When you are talking about competitive edge in early lvl's, I think you mean you want to be a twink.

Of course bolstering should be disabled at lvl 50, (when the bracket arrive) but nearly not enough has reached 50 to make it "fun" to queue.


Also there is almost no scenario where a 1vs1 would happen in a WZ without any kind of "interference" (Cooldowns still up, etc)

So how could you possible bring up that argument.


PS. I like bolstering, I could tear the sith empire a new a-hole with my lvl 11 trooper in a WZ

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bolstering system implemented into mmo pvp is intelligent game design. someone here referenced starcraft and other pvp games. ill reference dota, hon, league of legends, a genre defined by an innovative and, one could argue against this for LoL, a stat balanced pvp system. player victory is defined by skill, teamwork, and class orientation.


also, dont forget the reason why bolstering was implemented in the first place: so bioware could keep warzones realm specific without ridiculously long q times.

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Can't players ever think outside the box for a change? Thing about it. If their are only a handful of high level of players wanting to enter a warzone ...but can't ....because there isn't enough players with their level yet ...what would you sugggest? Would you do what Bioware is doing now or make the Power Levelers wait for a few more weeks?
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