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When the heck are Cathar coming out?


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I guess Cathar are popular or something, but I don't get it. If there was a race I wouldn't spend anything on it's Cathar. Must be a KOTOR thing.


Bring me the Voss. I'll buy that :)


Nah, it's a Marik Vash thing. :cool:


[Link] [Link]


Ahem. Shameless self-advertising aside, however. I honestly don't know where the popularity of Cathar comes from. I mean, I like 'em well enough -- but there's no real reason I could give as to why except for that it fits my characters' personalities. Back when I made my characters before launch I hardly saw mention of the Cathar. I only knew two other people besides myself that had characters that were Cathar.


And as for it being a KoTOR thing. It's possible. Personally, though, I didn't even know Juhani was a Cathar until I started researching the Cathar for my character Marik.


To answer the original question for which this thread was made, however. There is no clear answer, unfortunately. The only thing we know is that it's going to be "soon". Back in E3 when they announced their teaser trailer it was under the caption of things coming in this year. However, unless they manage to sneak in a couple of patches in the next twenty-seven days I'd say we probably wont see Cathar until after the the new-year.


I can't say I don't want them sooner as opposed to later, but at the same time I'd rather them come out as close to perfect as they can rather than be unfinished. We'll just have to wait and keep our ears to the ground. Rest assured, when there is any news to be had, it'll come from BioWare directly and there'll be no question. In the meantime, however, everything floating around is pure speculation.

Edited by Natharious
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The cathar were announced in the first half of June. It has been six months. It'd be really nice if we could have some additional information now.


There's no information of any additional playable races with Rise of the Hutt Cartel, either. I was rather looking forward to a cathar character but this is not a situation in which no news is good news. If I roll my new character before cathar become available, then I certainly won't be spending any Cartel coins to unlock them.

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Not only was the species/race announced in June it was promised by the end of the year. It is now mid-december and we still do not have it. Now if you say soon we expect soon, if you say next year we expect next year, if you say before the end of the year that is what we expect. The fact that they have developed so much other crap and have not given time to the things they have promised grows annoying. They have promised paid char transfers and have not done it. I have stood behind the game since it has started and I hope that I will be able to remain doing so, but the breaking of their word time and time again gets old and annoying. DO NOT give me another stupid battleground if you can not deliver the other things that you promised. Deliver things that have been on the shelf a LOT longer for goodness sake.
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Not sure if anyone else has noticed, but BioWare has had a number of major setbacks. Since the launch of SWTOR in Dec of 2011, BioWare hast lost several of its key developers and writing staff due to either;


A) EA forcing cutbacks

B) Leaving for other business/work ventures (ie; Drew Karpyshyn left to continue writing other books after SWTOR: Annihilation hit the shelves)

C) Pushed out to work on other projects.


What has also affected development is the shift to F2P. Because of this, further cutbacks were necessary to keep the game running for those of us who have subscription based accounts. The Cartel Market does help with BioWare's revenue in allowing players to buy Cartel Coins with real money, aka Micro-Transaction. F2P players have limited access to in-game storage, events and equipment, thus requiring them to Purchase it in game via credits or MC for things from the Cartel Market.


Why things like the introduction of Cathar as a Playable Species may very well be because of these cutbacks. As such, while many of us look forward to them, we can't really blame the BW team for taking their time as there is simply so much they still have to do. And they have to do it with a smaller staff.

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They originally said this year 2012. However now I think its no fixed time, would not be suprised if they hit with Mekaab most MMO's add at least one new species with an expanision.


This is what I was thinking too.


However, they did make a post about charging for cathar. Maybe they changed their minds and put them in the digital expansion. Only time will tell.

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Why do you want another race that looks everything the same as human except slightly pointed ears and different color skin?


When will the real worthwhile races come out? Wookies, Jawas, Ortolans?


I got a feeling the Cathar will bomb in the CC shop. Nothing new to this playable "race" except the species name.



I'm with you. Cathar are boring IMO...BUT...they've already said that the performance of the Cathar (saleswise) will show them if it is worth doing other races...so I will likely buy them just so they see adding new races is succesful.

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Why things like the introduction of Cathar as a Playable Species may very well be because of these cutbacks. As such, while many of us look forward to them, we can't really blame the BW team for taking their time as there is simply so much they still have to do. And they have to do it with a smaller staff.


No doubt that will have had an effect, but providing us with some kind of information is not too much to ask. An update of some form in six months is the least we should be able to expect. Especially since, as RichT points out, the cathar were meant to gauge whether they were going to introduce any other, new playable races.

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Let me play as a Rodean, or a Transdosian and ill give you $60.




Player who thinks Cat People are silly, and not Star Warsy. ;)


Yeah i am sure your $60.00 would make it worth all the work it would take to even get them in the game... i really hate the players that say I WILL GIVE YOU XXX AMOUNT OF DOLLAS!!! FOR SO AND SO MAKE IT HAPPEN!! please stop it sounds freaken stupid

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Let me play as a Rodean, or a Transdosian and ill give you $60.




Player who thinks Cat People are silly, and not Star Warsy. ;)


I agree I would have said Kel'dor and Gran but anything more alien, and I do like both Trandoshan and Rodian's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Who knows when we'll get the cathar.

Reskinning humans is really complex, you know.

BW might not know how it's done.


LOL, no kidding. They can't even get their cash shop clothes to appear on the toons as shown in the shop. They try to fix that, and break colour matching. Yah, they're awesome. I'm thinking sometime in 2016. In 2.9 update.


Then again who cares, Cathar suck.

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What is with the hate to the cathar? they first appaired at the same time as the sith pure blood, which was in Tale of the Jedi: The Sith War which was published in 1995 that was 8 year before Bioware's SW:KOTOR. It makes sence that they're in SWTOR and that they can be a playable race.
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It makes no sense for them to join the Empire...


It makes as much sense as anything else joining the Empire, they've already established precedence with at least one npc that shows up in our heroes' storylines. I'm not saying which story to avoid being spoilery but there is a Cathar merc willing to work for the Empire for good solids credits and if there's one, then there's bound to be more.

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Making sense for them to join the empire or not is really not the question. Why they decided to add the race is not the question anymore either, they already announced it. I'm not going to nitpick their decision. I however want to know when they are going to honor their announcement of adding the new species to the game. They said it would be before the end of 2012, clearly it wasn't. As a sub, hearing rumors that they are going to add it to the cartel market only tends to really anger me, but I'm not going to rage quit over a rumor. I can not find anything anywhere to confirm from BW/SWTOR people as to when they are going to even address the question little lone release the species. I've sub'ed from the beginning and making announcements like this and then not being able to come through them, just like promising some sort of player chosen server transfer which still hasn't come is an issue. I've already deleted one 50 that they put on a server that I didn't want to be on, and about to reroll another, that is how long it is taking them to get that done. All the while they are focused so fully on F2P crap I am beginning to feel that it is not really worth it to sub cause if we aren't buying their darn cartel coins every day we must not matter. That or honestly none of the population matters. I know that they are trying to meet a lot of demands at the same time but I do not understand why they do not meet the oldest demands before they start on new ones.
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