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Sentinel (Marauder doesn't fit republic)


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Is this just me?


I've played TOR since early access and currently I'm playing a level 37 and going marauder which is my first DPS toon after playing 3 tanks to level 50 as well has several other toons in their 30s. I modeled my marauder with inspirations from Assajj Ventress (my toon is Rattataki though since you can't be Dathomirian in TOR).

The thing that makes me think about the whole sith-jedi thingy is that this is too awesome as a Sith class in every aspect.


First It's main focus is super-.aggressive. The class is also entirely based around anger and rage, and the anger/more hate you gain the stronger you get. As a Asajj Ventress fanboy this is pure awesome since Asajj though a highly skilled assassin was always haunted and controlled by her fears (Dooku never allowed her to be sith because she could never overcome/master her own fears) and her obsessive borderline psychotic behavior towards Ben Kenobi which also led her to act out of pure rage which clouded her judgement.

As your berserk stacks get higher your character will growl ferociously of maddening frenzy.


Granted I have yet to play the sentinel but after playing Marauder it's just too hard for me to imagine this class design actually work as well as a Jedi. It's just feels far too aggressive to be played as a master of his emotions.


Would be fun to hear others experiences of the class :rak_03:

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To have played the Jedi Knight story to the end, it is really different.


Guardian and Sentinel have the same story, it's just one of them choose to help people by defeating the enemies fast enough so they don't have the time to cause harm, while the other prefers to defend others, taking the enemies hit on themselves. Yet, that's only the description given to you when you choose your advance class. To me, the sentinel is just a Jedi Knight with two sabers. It's two different approches to acheive the same goal. As such, I don't think the sentinel is out of place in the republic or even closer to the darkside.


Storywise, I didn't see anything to reflect the Sentinel vs Guardian mind. I completed the story on the light side since I like to play the hero in a game. On the darkside options I've seen, they appeared slightly boring to me. A lot of time you would get darkside options like: attack without offering surrender, kill a bad guy instead of letting him live and sending him to a Republic prison. It's been a while I did that story, but that's the most I remembered about the darkside Jedi Knight. There is probably more, but that was not a class I remembered having a lot of good/evil decisions. It was darkside if the decision was not totally with the jedi code and lightside if it was.


Heck, the bounty hunters on his starting planet has a lot more good vs evil choices to do than the Jedi Knight with his 2 or 3 first planets (not that the Jedi doesn't have choices to make, but they are mostly boring).


My opinion,

Lloyd Shade

Edited by LloydShade
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Anakin fought Dooku using 2 sabers in Episode II, so for about 3 seconds, he could be considered a Sentinel.


Aayla Secura also fights with two lightsabers...in the (excellent) game Battlefront II, which is odd because she's only ever seen with one saber in the movies.

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If you actually read up on Jedi history you'll notice its actually not that uncommon for Jedi to entertain a lot of different styles and perspectives.


You say it's weird that Jedi focus on aggression, but Shien form is an aggression form designed by the Jedi. Ataru is also generally pretty aggressive. Vaapad, an advanced "complete" form of Juyo, although not invented in this era yet, was also invented by a Jedi (Windu).


Here is form Niman/Jar'kai.


Fact of the matter is Jedi use lightsabers and lightsabers are weapons and weapons are meant to hurt things. They aren't total pacifists.

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Anakin fought Dooku using 2 sabers in Episode II, so for about 3 seconds, he could be considered a Sentinel.


Yeah and Kenobi shot Grevious with a blaster so he MUST BE A SMUGGLER BH HYBRID! FIX PLX!


No, really, attributing game mechanics to a movie is just beyond silly.


As for the OP, you don't get rage and stuff as a sentinel, you get focus and build zen (IIRC). You might think that this is odd or something but it's not. Martial artists get more focused the more intense a fight is, and sometimes get "in to the zone" which isn't limited to fighting but is a state where you no longer think about fighting, you just fight, calmly. While historically this is portrayed as some magical state of "zen" it really isn't that magical in the real world, your brain simply changes your conscious perception of itself.


Short answer: No, you don't need anger and rage to fight.

Edited by Jandi
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1. At the beginning of the game, the Sith forced a peace treaty on the Jedi and the Republic. They were at war, and the Jedi were defeated. They had to fight, and they lost. So they retreated back to Tython and as the story goes on, the war continues. The Old Republic time era was full of war, and the Jedi had to fight to survive, and both playstyles are just some of the forms they fought in.
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I think the sentinel fits in quite well lorewise. A gross generalisation of the jedi order is that they generally looked down on dual wielding and using saber staves but the practise persisted through out the orders history.


In many ways combat for jedi is meditation, when they're fully in tune with the force they are working the forces will.

This is expressed ingame with the centering mechanic and zen. Yes using 2 ligth sabers seems more aggressive than one but they both ahve a pointy end to stick people with.


I guess dual wielding is more a personal thing for sith and jedi, how it compliments their mind set,skill set and physiology..It could be stylistic choice aswell, maybe soresu and shien don't fit with each jedi's mind set or how they solve problems.


Once upon a time I studied Kendo, no matter how much I practised or how "good" I was It always felt awkward. After watching a Ni-ten demonstration and approaching the senpai, He explained that some methods just don't fit a person.I'm no more agressive than anyone else it's just using a sword in each hand fits me better than using one in two hands I guess.

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the sentinel is what in lore is called a weaponmaster (I believe). A highly skilled jedi warrior who has mastered the art of fighting with two sabers. It has nothing to do with the darkside or rage and anger.


Sentinel have always been a playable class in SW Lore with a good balance between physical and mental disciplines.


Jedi Weapon Master is a Light Side Prestige Class that has always welded Dual Weapons, and Marauder is the Dark Side equivalent.


This is why a Sentinel's PvP armor is called Weaponmaster's

Edited by Ramtar
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Just because you wield two sabers and pour out a lot of damage doesn't mean you have to give into rage/anger/fury to fight. It just means that you use two sabers instead of one and are attack-focused.


In the Watchman spec you utilize Juyo form, which is also known as the Ferocity form. According to Wookiepedia:

"A Form VII practitioner was said to maintain a calm exterior appearance, but they were also stated to experience significant internal pressure, while using the Ferocity Form."


Ataru form (for Combat spec) is also probably the most offensively-focused of the lightsaber forms as well.


While taking an aggressive combat approach will likely put more strain on a Sentinel to maintain his balance with the Light Side, it's not impossible. Although he's not in the same vein as a Sentinel or an aggressive fighter, look at how much combat Obi-Wan was able to go through during the wars and still maintain his balance.


I support the person before me who stated that the essence is even built into the mechanics of the class: Focus, Centering, Zen, Transcendence. That's the challenge, being able to maintain control while still being a killing machine. You know, sometimes the best defense is a good offense and all that stuff.

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