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An Honest Explanation for why there are no Minigames


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I want an *honest* answer about why they can't put in minigames.


Once again, in a recent interview, they talk about the 'wall of crazy'. Sure, if you want guild capital ships and freeform space combat, that would take a lot of effort, but minigames?


There is a reason why KOTOR had Pazaak and Pod Racing. There is a reason why every open world game has like 20 minigames, even if they're not GTA. The reason is that they are *cheap*. Really, really cheap. The most amount of work they would do to make Pazaak is probably creating the page on the website to advertise it.



I cannot understand why, when they *clearly* have enough developers to do so, they do not do minigames. It cannot be a limitation in the engine, can it?

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I have another explanation: Hero Engine.


But that's exactly the point, there is no legitimate reason why the Hero Engine cannot do this. These games would not require any more characters onscreen than we have now. In fact, the casino games would be entirely UI-based.

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Well the potencial of swoop racing forinstance make it a not very cheap undertaking imo.

There is tracks, to make in several planets, swoop bikes models, upogrades for it, to create a pvp system/craft for it, is actualy a bit more then a mini game imo.

Also i belive the game engine doesnt help much.

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I don't think there is a reason that they can't put them in. I think there is a reason why they haven't. A lot of stuff has/had been pushed back due to needing to put in features like the group finder and such. That takes precedence over minigames.


Of course, TOR already has a minigame in it: the space game. When they get the time to make them, I'm sure they will. Check the Livestream for a discussion re: the Wall of Crazy.

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But that's exactly the point, there is no legitimate reason why the Hero Engine cannot do this. These games would not require any more characters onscreen than we have now. In fact, the casino games would be entirely UI-based.


I'm sure it can. But for some reason they still haven't figured out why speech bubbles are such a problem.

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Maybe it isnt a problem at all, but a choice not to having them.

Personaly im happy with out it. This is star wars after all.


What do you mean you're happy without it? Speech bubbles immerse you deeper into the game. It's almost a basic for MMOs.


I don't see how the absence of speech bubbles makes it more star wars-ish.

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What do you mean you're happy without it? Speech bubbles immerse you deeper into the game. It's almost a basic for MMOs.


I don't see how the absence of speech bubbles makes it more star wars-ish.


I could care less about speech bubbles, the people i want to talk to is on vent, i cant remember the last time i actually typed out something to anyone in a mmo.

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I'm sure it can. But for some reason they still haven't figured out why speech bubbles are such a problem.


Maybe because speech bubbles are such a problem.


For the people who want them, they are easy to do. For the people who don't want them, it's very hard to fix. You see, I live in the real world where I can see the usefulness of speech bubbles, but I see the stark idiocy and crushing immaturity displayed by an extremely active minority of the community, and I know that the moment they get introduced, they are going to be a strong source of annoyance in my game, regardless of whether I want to use them or not.


So, like many things suggested by novice game designers here, the suggestions think only of how to get it done, not how to get it done well, or how to get it done in a way that is not going to be abused from here to Tatooine and back. Adding a toggle isn't actually a solution, as the primary people you would want to protect from abuse are the same people who want to be using speech bubbles.


Figure that out, design the UI for the controls, work out the back-end system for filtering/blocking abuse, list the places where it can be used to grief along with the ways you're going to prevent it.... then I'll start asking why it hasn't been implemented.

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I remember wanting minigames. That ended when another MMO devolved into nothing but minigames. Some personal observations on minigames from that MMO:

  • They're often used to distract people from lack of actual content.
  • They're usually very peripheral (i.e., irrelevant) to the main game. When they're not, people complain.
  • If they are cumulative, they're a grindfest.
  • If they are not cumulative, they're only fun until you've beaten them once.
  • They will be monetized to hell and back.

Granted, it is possible to do minigames right - just wanted folks to be careful what they ask for.

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What do you mean you're happy without it? Speech bubbles immerse you deeper into the game. It's almost a basic for MMOs.


I don't see how the absence of speech bubbles makes it more star wars-ish.


That's a matter of personal opinion not fact. The only genre I find speech buubles to be immersive is in super hero games where they add to the feel of a comic book universe. In any other genre I personally find chat bubbles to be distracting and I turn them off.


It's a matter of personal preference. If/when they get them working I hope those of us that don't like them can turn them off. That we can all be happy.

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I want an *honest* answer about why they can't put in minigames.



Unfortunately honesty and big business dont come together


Maybe because speech bubbles are such a problem.


For the people who want them, they are easy to do. For the people who don't want them, it's very hard to fix. You see, I live in the real world where I can see the usefulness of speech bubbles, but I see the stark idiocy and crushing immaturity displayed by an extremely active minority of the community, and I know that the moment they get introduced, they are going to be a strong source of annoyance in my game, regardless of whether I want to use them or not.


So, like many things suggested by novice game designers here, the suggestions think only of how to get it done, not how to get it done well, or how to get it done in a way that is not going to be abused from here to Tatooine and back. Adding a toggle isn't actually a solution, as the primary people you would want to protect from abuse are the same people who want to be using speech bubbles.


Figure that out, design the UI for the controls, work out the back-end system for filtering/blocking abuse, list the places where it can be used to grief along with the ways you're going to prevent it.... then I'll start asking why it hasn't been implemented.


This post is complete ********. Every other mmorpg has toggleable chat bubbles and in every other mmorpg they work great without any sophisticated filtering shmiltering ****.

Edited by Satanski
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Honest explanation is that they need to get the basics down first, like server transfers, speech bubbles, sitting on chairs, maybe optimization of game, etc.


Once they get it all done, then they will create those mini games.

This right here is why this game is failing.....

Bioware listens to the suggestions that won't actually improve the game itself. Like LFG tool. They spent months doing that when the design of the game didn't need it. The central hub of the imperial fleet makes a LFG tool unnecessary. I don't care how many people asked for it. It didn't improve the gameplay.

It's the gameplay that's the problem with this game, not these little side issues.



minigames are sorely needs, and the honest explanation is EAware is lazy and only using this game to milk subscribers for all their worth.

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Like LFG tool. They spent months doing that when the design of the game didn't need it. The central hub of the imperial fleet makes a LFG tool unnecessary. I don't care how many people asked for it. It didn't improve the gameplay. .


That is your opinion, not fact. I never bothered to do HMs or flashpoints while leveling until the LFG tool was added and now I run them constantly. I know many people who feel the same.


You see, there is a huge difference in gaming quality of life to spam "anyone for foundry?" in general and be ignored while people fight over politics and troll each other, in comparison to just questing or otherwise playing the game while waiting for a queue to pop... for lots of people.


Would you find it unreasonable for 8 people to have to group up and manually enter an area in order to play warzones? I mean, you have to do that for ranked PVP and the queues for that take a year, which implies to me that lots of people don't like doing it.


Point being, the LFG tool, to me, is the single greatest improvement to the game since launch. I don't expect everyone to feel the same but I do question it being written off as useless.


But to the OP, I want more content too but I hesitate to just ask for minigames. I want to see more content that doesn't simply require combat, but a casino-style minigame that basically takes place outside of the rest of the game doesn't interest me much, either. Instead I'd like to see more opportunities to be social, reasons for players to interact, etc.

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Maybe because speech bubbles are such a problem.


For the people who want them, they are easy to do. For the people who don't want them, it's very hard to fix. You see, I live in the real world where I can see the usefulness of speech bubbles, but I see the stark idiocy and crushing immaturity displayed by an extremely active minority of the community, and I know that the moment they get introduced, they are going to be a strong source of annoyance in my game, regardless of whether I want to use them or not.


So, like many things suggested by novice game designers here, the suggestions think only of how to get it done, not how to get it done well, or how to get it done in a way that is not going to be abused from here to Tatooine and back. Adding a toggle isn't actually a solution, as the primary people you would want to protect from abuse are the same people who want to be using speech bubbles.


Figure that out, design the UI for the controls, work out the back-end system for filtering/blocking abuse, list the places where it can be used to grief along with the ways you're going to prevent it.... then I'll start asking why it hasn't been implemented.



I can't see how speech bubble are that much of a problem, plenty of MMORPGs have them and have had for years.


It's not like they are trying to get a human to Mars and back or anything. :eek:

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Honest explanation is that they need to get the basics down first, like server transfers, speech bubbles, sitting on chairs, maybe optimization of game, etc.


Once they get it all done, then they will create those mini games.


Ok, server transfers and optimization are basics, but speech bubbles and chair sitting are very similar to mini-games. They are things some people want a lot, some want a little, and some will be mad if the resources are used to make them.


Speech bubbles are actually highly controversial with many players opposed to them altogether.

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To bring the thread back on topic somewhat, I agree with the OP that there needs to be waaaaayyy more side stuff to do in the game.


Someone said that this was just fluff and filler and not actual content. But that is the whole point of mini games is to fill the gaps in between content patches. They will never be able to release content fast enough to keep everyone happy so have other stuff to do is a viable alternative.


And finally, it adds a nice change of pace for people who just want to do something a little different for a bit.


Cast in point: In WoW when I got tired of running dungeons, or battlegrounds, I would fly around and do archaeology or fish or cook food. Now they even added their little pokemon thing and it a great distraction from the main game. I logged in one day and said, I don't feel like running any instances today and spent my play time that day catching battle pets I didn't have. Is it meaningless filler? Yes, of course. Like I said, that is the whole point. It gives you more options of deciding what you want to do with your time when you log in. This game is seriously lacking in that area.

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Haven't you guys figured it out yet? Everything BioWare does is for "Art Direction."


Everything you see around you is not interactive. Can't sit in chairs, Star Cluster Casino is "just there" etc. Every planet is "in one set time" and BioWare wants you to see the sun glaring over Korriban when you first play the game. No day/night cycles because of this crap.


BioWare sacrifices every good ideas for "Art Direction."

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