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Imp symbols/sith thrones on republic fleet


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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?



All the pubs are cosplaying Sith now. It's awful. Same for sorcerers who wanted hooded robes - they're just buying white-brown saberist armor!

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This is obviously just greed from the part of EA/BW.

I usually defend them in such claims, but this is too plain to see...


They could have easily made the malgus/bastila statues as one object that changes looks depending on faction.

They could have easily done the same with the flags.

And the chair.


But they didnt... instead they split them all into separate enteties to fill out the packs with fluff, and now the community suffers for it (well, those of us who care anyway).


There will be no "senators hover chair" VERSION of the sith throne... there will be a separate item instead. Just wait and see.

They dont give a rats behind about immersion and those of us who care about it. Its all about the cash nowadays.

Sad truth here.

Even more sad is the fact that sometime at the beginning they actually cared (else why would all previous gear have a unique look for each faction), but at some point the course of actions was drastically changed and they went downhill... so we have to deal with such crap now.

You know, i'm actually not against imperial stuff being available to the Republic and vice versa, but only if you make it extremely rare and hard to obtain by in-game means. But cash shop is not going to benefit from it, so not going to happen.

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What are you people complaining about?


Does seeing a player who obviously enjoys his/her unique mount truly ruin your gaming experience that much?




I assume you also shut down the game every time you see a Jedi with Red Blades or a Sith sporting Blues...


This is a Troll QQ thread and nothing more.

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Bioware faction locks something: "Whaaaa, why are some items faction specific? That's not realistic, nobody would stop a jedi from wearing dark armor!"


Bioware doesn't faction lock something: "Whaaaa, why are the items not faction specific? That's not realistic, my immersion is ruined!"


No no no, its because jedi are floating around on fleet sporting a huge neon sign in the shape of the imperial symbol... it just doesnt sit right.

People are not whining because jedi are wearing dark armour or anything, its because there is a huge frikkin imperial symbol right ontop of it and if they did that "in-game" they would be arrested...

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What are you people complaining about?


Does seeing a player who obviously enjoys his/her unique mount truly ruin your gaming experience that much?




I assume you also shut down the game every time you see a Jedi with Red Blades or a Sith sporting Blues...


This is a Troll QQ thread and nothing more.


Sith with Blue sabers are not lore breaking. . .

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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?


I wasn't aware the Republic had thrones, aside from the individual rulers of each planet. Sith are full of themselves to the point IAs/BHs get an option of commenting on this fact in Black Talon. So, because Bioware put in an item that demonstrates this fact and the Republic lacks such an item in genral, they're now pro-Empire?


I'm glad you're not an attorney, you'd lose every case you ever had.

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The throne is very silly. The only reason why people want it is because of it's rarity, thats it. It does not look cool. Plus, for a chair to travel faster than some speeders? Do you see the idiocy in that, Developers? I'm sure if they had Bantha poo for a mount and it was super rare, people would want to ride around on that too. Either way its the rarity, no matter how stupid something is or looks.
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Chair is stupid as it is, it being a big red glowing hovaround just lets me know who the village idiots are.


Makes it easy to put them on my ignore list.




Seriously? Anyone with a throne is on your ignore list? Snob much?

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Disgusted? Really?


You're disgusted?


I'm disgusted by many things in SWTOR.

The terrible tuning of raid content

The complete joke that is PvP

The absurd amount of bugs and downtime to fix them because apparently they can't hotfix anything in this fraking game

The completely abysmal customer service


I can honestly say that imp thrones in pub space is the least of this game's problems.

Edited by Beslley
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I'm disgusted by many things in SWTOR.

The terrible tuning of raid content

The complete joke that is PvP

The absurd amount of bugs and downtime to fix them because apparently they can't hotfix anything in this fraking game

The completely abysmal customer service


I can honestly say that imp thrones in pub space is the least of this game's problems.


Sounds like you should probably stop playing if you're not having fun. You're far too serious about video games.

Edited by RazielHex
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Sounds like you should probably stop playing if you're not having fun. You're far too serious about video games.


I wouldn't still be playing if I didn't like this game. I do think that it has a LOT of issues, which is sad because there is really a good game under all the problems :( If wanting a mediocre game to improve is "too serious", then I guess I'm the most fraking serious MMO player in the universe.


That's not really relevant to the discussion at hand, though. I was just trying to point out that "disgust" over the throne is silly.


Really, we've got 10000 people running around in Nihilus masks and OP chooses to pinpoint the throne? Making an MMO for a franchise almost always breaks established lore somehow (see also: the massive warcraft retcons due to WoW). This is just par for the course.

Edited by Beslley
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Seriously? Anyone with a throne is on your ignore list? Snob much?




Yes idiots like this get the /ignore, not anyone I want to play with.



Edited by Larce_Apollo
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I sold mine for a nice profit


That said I think people are sounding a little jelly


And if you think it conflicts with lore just think of it as spoils of war I mean

Every Jedi knight kills the emperor in their story so its not hard to imagine a few souvenirs

Would find their way back to rep fleet


Maybe hide your spoiler next time , been trying to avoid spoilers of the JK story and you just blasted it in my face. Think of others please next time.



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Because if you could not use it as republic people would cry, cry, cry. cry and just when you think they stopped crying, they would cry some more.


Its the same reason why you see so many annoying people run around with red light sabers as jedi.


I miss the time when colors were restricted and that Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Purple (and CE one) were the only ones...


Sometimes people just need to **** (not saying this to you) and deal with faction restrictions, etc. Everyone has the ability to create an Imperial toon and vis versa.

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Yes idiots like this get the /ignore, not anyone I want to play with.




I only park my lvl 10 and her hovaround on the GTN every other Thursday

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I have a sith pureblood jedi sentinel, full light alignment, wielding red lightsabers, and I run around force choking elites and champions, and occasionally cast lightning on the battlefields. I love placing my Imperial Banner around the Republic Fleet. If I had a Throne, I would be floating around on it too.
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I am simply disgusted that there isn't a different skin for this cartel item throne when used by pub toons. I never quite believed all the "devs only care for imps" talk until now.


Are you guys gearing up to just get rid of republic faction support altogether?


Are you equally disgusted by Cartel armor that does not change skins with faction as well? Personally, I find it a refreshing change for the most part.

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I was thinking about this earleir today and was going to post a thread on it.


Basically i was going to ask what the equivelant republic throne would be? Just a blue variety of the overlords throne with a republic logo?

I cant think of anything similar that would be so iconic to the republic. Personally i think the throne looks silly


Wouldn't really make a whole lot of sense for a Republic throne to exist. No emperor. It think itd be cool if the Republics answer to the Sith throne is a hover chair like the one Yoda chills in as he hovers down the hallway while Obiwan and Windu walk beside him. :)

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It would be cool to have a floating meditation stone that your character sits on and floats around with. Should probably only work for Knights/Consulars though.


Why would you say that? Through legacy all of my Characters are force sensitive, and even have force abilities.

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