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Over leveling a Planet


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Personally I'm always horribly under-leveled when I avoid space, FPs and WZs. Even though I try to avoid stealth as much as possible, practically the only fights I skip that way are elites, I'm still only 45 on Voss and that AFTER I am done with most of my class quest and the main storyline for the planet. All the quests I am getting now are for lvl 47 and while it's absolutely no problem with normal mobs, the elite bosses start being a bit of a pain...


No worries, each time i level a new toon i try to beat the storyline at a lower and lower level. lowest now was my bounty hunter at level 45.


These have all been tanks, i do have a level 40 healer agent atm, so we will see. I think it will be hard to beat that one at a lower level.


Either way just try to finish off the quest if your between 45-47 already, makes it more fun *)

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I have a similar experience. I leave the starter worlds at level 11, with the exception of stealth classes who leave at level 10. When I get to fleet I run Esseles/Black Talon once or twice depending on how I feel, then when I leave the home world I'm 18-19. At this point it puts me on the max end for Taris/Balmorra. When I leave there, I'm usually around 24-25. I'm now over level to go to Nar Shaddaa. On to Tatooine at 29-30, way over. Yesterday I started Alderaan at level 35 with my Operative. I noticed some people talk about Quesh, but I left there at level 44. The planet was more of a nuisance than a challenge.


After Esseles/Black Talon, I do no FPs, never do WZ or space missions, and rarely do WB ops. The gear gained is of no consequence as I'm WELL over the level that it is useful and the limited monetary gain is negligable at that level. Money is never an issue as I craft all that I need when I need it. My funds go into purchasing things I can't make and I almost always have enough to get what I want, unless someone is price gouging.


When I find people out of place being too low of a level for a mission or planet, it is usually because they either laserbeamed through the storyline, skipping side quests or they follow the minimum level and skip whole planets.

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This has been a major complaint of mine since launch, I've been playing MMOs since 1998, and this is by far the fastest I have ever leveled in one.


Are you serious? Have you ever played wow? you could hit engame in a week if you really tried hard, and if you had a good guild, a month to get fully geared.

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1. I ALWAYS take on elites...in fact...I go out of my way to do so. But I also do every quest I can find with the exception fo Heroics. Still manage to out level. Have done this same thing on 6 other characters as well although I did mix in a very little space combat and a couple of heroics with friends on 3 of those. One thing I try to do is always have bonus XP whenever questing. If I run out, I park that character and play another till I have maxed it out and resume playing the previous one.

For those just playing one toon, this is what probably keeps them under-leveled, they don't watch the rested bonus.

Hmm. Good idea to deal with all the elites, they give nice xp for a short fight, more with rested bonus. Will have to start doing that. Rested bonus is my problem, indeed - I only play one toon at a time and, while I do park it in a rest area, it can only get so much bonus overnight. Time to try and change my playstyle a bit, it seems. Thanks for the hints!

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I only know of one guy who hit Tatooine (I think) at L22 and couldn't understand why L27 mobs were taking no damage. When we asked him about his playing style, he admitted he had more or less only done class missions up to that point.


That may possibly be a style he had become accustomed to (and worked) in other MMOs, but I also suspect it might be easy to take a "wrong turn" when leaving Taris. Certainly for my smuggler (and I assume for all storylines), I was tasked to travel to Tatooine and Nar Shadaa at exactly the same point in game, infact the mission to travel to Tatooine was above the Nar Shadaa mission, if we are going in list order.


In fact the smuggler , at the point you mentioned , is told to go to tatooine first by Risha which is really weird.


Possible couple of spoilers below or implied spoilers if there is such a thing.


Anyways I think I mostly out level planets , well by tatooine I just do 3-4 heroic missions on the Imp side and 2 heroics on the Rep side on a daily basis solo. obviously playing on another character or two in between. I now leave tatooine at 34-35 and then I don't really do any more heroics or FP's or Space or WZ's thereafter. So by the time you get to voss and / or the end planet , you can skip everything apart from class missions and save the side quests for when the cap goes up. O I am also saving hoth , belsavis and voss bonus series for when the cap goes up. I'm usually level 48-49 at the end of chapter 3 :).





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For those just playing one toon, this is what probably keeps them under-leveled, they don't watch the rested bonus.


That is probably true however, it is a good reason to go ahead and start a second or a third (though not needed). Rest one one day and play one the next. Works pretty well and you get other benefits for doing that as well....a chance to see how other characters work.

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The only time I have been under level it was due to abandoning the Quesh planetary mission due to a bug before finding out that abandoning a planetary mission prevents you from completing that story line. I had to hit Hoth earlier than normal.


Don't forget that the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series starts at level 31ish and the Alderaan Bonus Series starts at level 41ish. Typically the breadcrumbs for these two Bonus Series are picked up from Fleet NPCs at the end of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 story lines respectively and if you don't do these you can find yourself off the pace level wise.


As a subscriber however I found myself not doing the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series on my latest toon as the xp changes made it unnecessary.

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I found a perfect balance to be doing only the class and planet quest chains for each planet with a number of wz's and fp's sprinkled in along the way and I managed to hit 50 on several characters just as I was finishing up their last class and planet quests on Corella. I skipped everything else. On the flip side, with my first character I did nearly every quest and bonus quest and I hit 50 before I was even half done with Voss.
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I usually collect all the possible overlevels from early and mid game, so that when I finish Hoth I'm usually around 44-45. That way I can skip one or two of the end planets, because I'm usually really exhausted by them. I've never done Corellia yet, and I'm going to be really happy to skip Belsavis in the future because I'm tired of that planet.
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By the time you hit Quesh, you'll be glad you picked up those extra levels along the way. Difficulty starts to ramp up around that place, while the leveling speed will have started to decline a bit already.


Your not kidding.

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So I'm doing all the quests and bonus series on each planet, with the odd FP thrown in. But I find myself massively over leveling a planet. Do I miss out on anything by only doing the class quests and moving on? Should I bother doing the quests that are Grey'd out?


For first character u right.

But not for alts with massive side-quests(or even planet-wide quests :rolleyes:) skipping. In SWTOR is all around alts. :D

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