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Official PvP Records 1.1


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Even once the latest bolster bug is fixed, how are we going to determine that screenshots submitted after the fix weren't taken before the fix?

Time stamp type deal on the upload page?


Time stamps on chat log?


Cross reference the warzone?


Trust people to not be male genitalia?

This exactly. I will ask for all players to activate time stamps on their chat log if they want to submit records to validate the date it was taken.

Edited by xContex
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that only gives the time, not the date?


Ya I just found that out >.<.


We have a few options here


A) We can trust people

B) I can request for parses attached to each submission to validate it

C) None of the above! [suggest your own suggestion]

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Ya I just found that out >.<.


We have a few options here


A) We can trust people

B) I can request for parses attached to each submission to validate it

C) None of the above! [suggest your own suggestion]


Parses can easily be falsified by anyone with a plain text editor, e.g., anyone.


I think we should just ditch the concept altogether. No sense providing a catalyst for more drama. You'd think that trusting people'd be the way to go, especially given the 'just for fun' nature of the thread, but the reality is that this forum is enough of a tinderbox as it is.


Cheers for the time you've spent on its maintenance, but I think we should take the humane route and just put the dog down.

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Ya I just found that out >.<.


We have a few options here


A) We can trust people

B) I can request for parses attached to each submission to validate it

C) None of the above! [suggest your own suggestion]


E-Mail the screenshot so others can validate the original date/time it was taken? But I guess you could just re-save a screenshot and it would then show the newly created current date/time... I'd like to trust that people would be honest with their screenshots, but we all know there are some people that would go the extra mile (or two) to make something appear as it's not.


Maybe have someone else also take the screenshot so you have two references? Or have someone from the match (preferably someone the player doesn't "know" or someone from the opposing team) confirm that they were in the match at the time that the screenshot was taken? You can verify the time since the time is on the mini-map.

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Could be a system as simple as "at least one/two player/s not in the record-breaking player's guild must post in this thread to verify that the match happened recently." Should be very easy for ranked matches. Most normal matches should have enough players who frequent the forums to verify as well.
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Could be a system as simple as "at least one/two player/s not in the record-breaking player's guild must post in this thread to verify that the match happened recently." Should be very easy for ranked matches. Most normal matches should have enough players who frequent the forums to verify as well.


This would work if people were active about it. I have a feeling people will stop posting leaving me in the dust to decide.

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This would work if people were active about it. I have a feeling people will stop posting leaving me in the dust to decide.

It has the potential to work but also could have some flaws. For instance, I could go through any of my old screenshots, find two random people on them and offer them credits to say it was post 2.0.1. If people were willing to go to lengths before to cheat, who says they won't do this now? In my opinion, you should either trust the people posting, or stop accepting PvP records. Do you guys know how do the other servers deal with this issue?

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Parses can easily be falsified by anyone with a plain text editor, e.g., anyone.


I think we should just ditch the concept altogether. No sense providing a catalyst for more drama. You'd think that trusting people'd be the way to go, especially given the 'just for fun' nature of the thread, but the reality is that this forum is enough of a tinderbox as it is.


Cheers for the time you've spent on its maintenance, but I think we should take the humane route and just put the dog down.


I have to agree with this one. But then again, I can't say much. You know I've chosen not to actively participate in these types of threads, but that's just me. Others enjoy them. *shrugs*

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I appreciate everyone's concern over the complexity of verifying screenshots. To answer the question other servers are simply ignoring the fact that there are glitches in this game and counting everything. At this point in time it seems that is the only available option. And TBH to those telling me to stop updating this thread, I appreciate the 2 cents but people enjoy threads like this for a reason. Not to build their egos up, not to point and laugh at others below them. But to actually look at the SS and look at the ridiculousness that just happened. That is the beauty of this thread. To see things you don't always get to see.
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I appreciate everyone's concern over the complexity of verifying screenshots. To answer the question other servers are simply ignoring the fact that there are glitches in this game and counting everything. At this point in time it seems that is the only available option. And TBH to those telling me to stop updating this thread, I appreciate the 2 cents but people enjoy threads like this for a reason. Not to build their egos up, not to point and laugh at others below them. But to actually look at the SS and look at the ridiculousness that just happened. That is the beauty of this thread. To see things you don't always get to see.


You are so full of it. Sounds like you want to pull a Ron Jeremy

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You are so full of it. Sounds like you want to pull a Ron Jeremy


LOL. :D Of course, look who it is after all. He has to find some way to justify the exploits. And if there were no records thread how can he brag about finding someone with little to no expertise? ;)

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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LOL. :D Of course, look who it is after all. He has to find some way to justify the exploits. And if there were no records thread how can he brag about finding someone with little to no expertise? ;)

LOL! Right dude? Lmao!

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Well, ya know numbers are supposed to raise when we level up, and better our gear.


Raising Dmg is one thing... another thing is entirely how pvp works... I'm sorry but I'm not a fan of over 4 mil collective healing going out in a match ... that should not be a thing

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Full duration voidstar, with decent dps and heavy healers sufficient to overpower the DPS and prevent tank death, is a rare and exceptional game. It likely involved a lot of tight 8-7 group fighting for spreading AE taunts and guard-swapping. I'm not at all surprised to see those numbers.


This kind of game has happened to others on other servers pre-2.0 (see the pre-2.0 gamewide records thread; contrary to popular dogma, the top 2 or 3 slots are held by assassins!), so it's not the patch, it's luck of the draw in game and teams, and having the skill to take advantage of it, which Airenar clearly does. :-)



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