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Paid xfers - when?


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So exactly when are the paid xfers coming? I basically don't see any communication with the player base from BW anymore, or at least it's not making its way to the fan sites that I frequent (DH and such). All I've seen is "it's coming".


Everyone will go ahead and say "be patient" or "look at all the other things they're doing" but I'd personally have this feature available instead of them making the leaves look better in the sunlight that I never stop to marvel at.


It is, after all, PAID transfers, meaning incoming revenue. I can't see how they don't have something in place yet, which would allow them to pull in more money. Trolls will say whatever they will, but I hate my server: Imp loses pvp most of the time and the ppl on pub side are just incredibly nasty, so I don't care to be around them. I'd much rather pay to move my lvl 50 legacy, where I have every buff and everything I need, rather than to start anew and reroll.


BW is not cutting it in my eyes. Can't deliver, and I can't blame anyone who doesn't wanna pay for such a terrible ROI.

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I gave up. I had two toons I was willing to pay money to transfer but it has taken so long I don't even care anymore. I did re-level one but the other I just am leaving and tbh, it has frustrated me so much I don't even play as much as I used to. Because now even tho I leveled the one, I still have to regear her and go thru the all the stuff I ALREADY did with the first one. So yeah, I am done.
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I gave up. I had two toons I was willing to pay money to transfer but it has taken so long I don't even care anymore. I did re-level one but the other I just am leaving and tbh, it has frustrated me so much I don't even play as much as I used to. Because now even tho I leveled the one, I still have to regear her and go thru the all the stuff I ALREADY did with the first one. So yeah, I am done.


Yeah. I mean, I get that they are lowering war hero down to regular WZ comms next patch, so I can get everything back that I have, but what's the point? I lose everything invested that my main has, it really makes something that should be "fun" become a chore.


And sorry I don't frequent the forums, so I didn't know this was a daily post, lol, but I can imagine it is.


Regardless, thanks for the positive feedback. I can't believe how this takes a backseat to other stuff. BW simply just doesn't care, which in my mind means they are not deserving of my money.

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And sorry I don't frequent the forums, so I didn't know this was a daily post, lol, but I can imagine it is.


No need to apologize! It's a very popular subject which makes many wonder why BW cannot get something so basic and so common that is shared with EVERY OTHER MMO, implemented?

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No need to apologize! It's a very popular subject which makes many wonder why BW cannot get something so basic and so common that is shared with EVERY OTHER MMO, implemented?


Not every other MMO offers paid transfers. Some do, some do not.


But I see that the OP got you all worked up again. :)


Anyway.... OP, they said paid transfers are coming after F2P. My guess is they want to see how the server pops settle in before opening the flood gates to server transfers, even if they are paid transfers. Honestly, IMO they need to give the AP servers some attention before opening paid transfers between other servers.

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I gave up. I had two toons I was willing to pay money to transfer but it has taken so long I don't even care anymore. I did re-level one but the other I just am leaving and tbh, it has frustrated me so much I don't even play as much as I used to. Because now even tho I leveled the one, I still have to regear her and go thru the all the stuff I ALREADY did with the first one. So yeah, I am done.


u should give up,

bw just don't wanna to provide it,

they just release f2p,

all team want to rest or slow down for a while.

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The fact that it's taken so long only leads me to believe that they are not capable of providing a solid service for something like this.


It's been a year FFS! There are only a handful of servers per region now. Paid server transfers would have been nice back in February. Both RIFT and Warhammer offer server transfers for free.


But, knowing EAware, if and when they ever implement such a feature, they will probably charge for it. Because we all know a server transfer in this game is worth forking out cash for. :rolleyes:

Edited by Abominant
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That's a dead link. I'd really like to see the content of that link though, lol.


And I get that they're short staffed, but come on. Only thing left to think is either they don't think it's needed, which is BS, or they simply don't know how to do it.

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Yeah, gotta admit this would be nice. I came over for a fresh start on an RP server that I feel has really enhanced my enjoyment of the game and I'd like to bring my 2 level 40s from another server, mainly to take advantage of the Legacy I've already built up. I'd gladly pay for transfers.
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Oh they know how....we have the ability already built in to our account and we all used it to transfer servers before the first round of merges.


But BW has not demonstrated the ability to add a drop down box to the destination server selection.


Their blatant disregard of something as big as this http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=3142724 only demonstrates they are incapable.

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Could not agree more with this post. Bioware really needs to sort this issue soon or it will lose a lot of paying customers.


It's pretty hilarious when their management is so poor that people for months have been trying to throw money at them, and they refucse to do so.


Then again, they put Hickman in charge of this game, right?

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