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SIth Assassins have too much stuns!


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I do not play Sith Assassin\Sith Sorcerer. Like, ever. How on earth should i know his class mechanics? Also why the hell should I know it if I normally don't do PvP at all, and in PvE I expect Assassins to know their own class and just do what they are supposed to do? Not everyone here has a legion of alts.


Do you know what resolve is yet?

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See, now this is why you'll never get anywhere against me. I eat people like you up for breakfast. Mainly because you don't understand what resolve is, or how it works. You're popping your stun break ability too soon. For starters, if you're using it on Mind Trap (which is a non-stealth breaking "sap" that doesn't do damage or initiate combat) then you're an idiot. What you need to be doing is wait for me to come out of stealth once I use mind trap, and then pop electrocute, which is the stun you should break, if you want. The key thing is: every time you get stunned, you should not be breaking it. Learn what resolve is.

I get beaten by Assassins in every WZ. I see nothing strange in it, because I realize that they have much more skill in PvP then me and have better gear. The only reason I compained is because I had no idea I was facing 2 Assassins, not just one. But thanks for info anyway.


As for resolve I do know about it. However I noticed that white line above my head doesn't save me from anything. It only works for enemy players when I try in vain to Force Choke on them:D

Edited by Gelious
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I do not play Sith Assassin\Sith Sorcerer. Like, ever. How on earth should i know his class mechanics? Also why the hell should I know it if I normally don't do PvP at all, and in PvE I expect Assassins to know their own class and just do what they are supposed to do? Not everyone here has a legion of alts.


You dont do PVP at all, still you came to PVP forum to cry for nerf for the other class.

You dont know mechanics of other classes, still you came to PVP forum to cry for nerf of the other class.

Can you explain why?


This is main difference between good pvpers or pvpers at the begining, but with future and bad pvpvers.

Good one will ask friends, class forum etc. how to counter different class, what and why hi did wrong.

Bad one will make another nerf thread.



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I do not play Sith Assassin\Sith Sorcerer. Like, ever. How on earth should i know his class mechanics? Also why the hell should I know it if I normally don't do PvP at all, and in PvE I expect Assassins to know their own class and just do what they are supposed to do? Not everyone here has a legion of alts.


Your tirade here kind of shows why you should have never made this thread. Not only do you not know the class at all for which you are calling for a nerf, you also say you don't PvP much. Your OP shows right away that you don't understand what is going on so I would suggest figuring that out first.

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What most of you failed to realize is that it was an Assassin and an Operative.(he got face planted)


Second Sin's are far from OP... If your guarding by your self you are asking for a stealthy to take it from you.


Third Force Shroud is not OP at all 3 seconds (5 if your sepced into it) of taking near 0 dmg, tab over use a GCD on someone else and go back to the burn.


As a PT even Sin's that are full tank specced burn down pretty easily an extra 3-4 GCD to kill them but they are tanks they should be harder to kill.

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You dont do PVP at all, still you came to PVP forum to cry for nerf for the other class.

You dont know mechanics of other classes, still you came to PVP forum to cry for nerf of the other class.

Can you explain why?


This is main difference between good pvpers or pvpers at the begining, but with future and bad pvpvers.

Good one will ask friends, class forum etc. how to counter different class, what and why hi did wrong.

Bad one will make another nerf thread.




you have a problem with reading... i understood what he said yet you failed to see what he was saying...LOL you need hooked on phonics.


anyway, what he was saying for the low reading population. Not everybody knows all the skills in the other classes. yet know what is being done to them. He gave an example that in PVE he is expected and others to know their OWN class.


and if you catch the gist of the OP his main complaint is about CC. CC is over the top in this game at this point. And yes to mezzed from steatlh is the dumbest thing.. and it DOESNT white bar me. in a decent fight i have been stunned 3 times and still didnt get a white bar. I have seen my resolve bar filled with gray yet didnt turn white.


so there is big problems with the resolve bar. That is the issue. Instead this thread is filled with epeen morons who continuously feel this game is perfect the way it is. Nothing has changed since launch. and nothing ever will because this game is perfect.


yet we are down to how many servers?


take a look in the mirror people. There are problems with this game and the continuous talks about its the player not the game does not solve anything. If some of you got past your own ego, you would find out that there are problems with CC. It has gotten worse since launch. Toning down CC would fix a lot of peoples problems.


Nobody likes to have their control of their character taken away. Its not fun. Not to mention some of the other small problems. being knocked back twice in a row and not getting whitebarred. being knocked back.. knocked down then pulled and still not being whitebarred. yes there are clear issues with this game. and CC is the biggest one.


so get past your ego and start seeing the root of the problem

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I love it when people QQ after I own them on my assassin tank in pvp. A smart assassin knows how and when to use their abilities, and when it is appropriate to stay in stealth, even when your teammate is being attacked by 2 players...


That said, I still get my butt handed to me by players who are better than me.

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If you ever get stunned (mezzed) by a stealthed assassin, the worst thing you could possibly do is use your stealth breaker.


That ability has no cooldown for the assassin, so they will just re-mez you if you waste the breaker. You need to wait for the 8 seconds to wear off, at which point you need to force the assassin to react by you starting to cap a node.


They can use the stealth CC on you again, causing you to wait 8 more seconds. But at the end of those 8 seconds, you will have full resolve and full health and a stun breaker that wasn't wasted.


(You could actually break the 2nd mez since your resolve will be full, but if the assassin is just trying to CC/delay you, there's no need to break it since you aren't getting attacked)

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1. You can't get out of combat mezzed 2x in a row without getting a full resolve bar

2. Time your cc breaker better

3. Your teammate should probably learn to 1v1

4. There is no assassin stun that lasts 8s and puts your character in a "laying on the floor" position



Lastly and probably more importantly,

5-100: bubblestun



Edited by JP_Legatus
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Only class with 3 useful talent trees in pvp? lol, what do you think - which one of the marauder skill trees is not viable in pvp? Deception got a buff, ok, but it's still useless in rated warzones (and that's where it's at!) and if i wanna play madness, i go level a sorc. Darkness is sitll the only way for an assasin to be a good addition to a team - right, because of their utility! but what else do they have? dps? If i want dps, I take a marauder or sniper. Survivability? Ok, why don't you complain about Guardian tanks then? Or uninterruptible commando healers? Or op healers? Or a good dps sage that kites you around the pillars all day long and you're not able to kill? Every class can survive if played well...


Oh and lol @ "they have so godd defensive abilites... They have Deflection and Force Shroud (and a vanish, but that is kinda useless without shroud), that''s basically it. If you remove Force Shroud, they'll be useless as PvE Tanks and Deflection is only half as good as a Warrior's Saber Ward, but no one complains about that lol. Besides that, Force Shroud got nerfed for PvP in 1.4 (increased CD from 45s (skilled) to 60s)...And you forgot about the other nerf: Lowered armor and reduced self heal.


People have to keep in mind that Assassins are a really good 1v1 class, and in the hands of a skilled player,they're extremely difficult to beat. Besides, players have to know what they're up against - the op clearly had no clue that there was another assasin around and the "stun where he lies on the floor" doesn't last long enough to cap a turret...so, the only thing one could complain about is, that darkness gets all the good talents and because of that, it's "overpowered" but what would you do if you wanted to stay competitive? All the crying for enrfs needs to stop, srsly. Just play the class and learn its weaknesses... imo, the assassin is pretty "balanced" because it does what it should be doing - support the own team and annoy the enemy players.


wow... there is a smart person here who doesn't complain and cry for a nerf cause they cant kill a class cause they dont know their own class.... The only thing I would add to your comment is that any class in the hands of a skilled player and someone who knows their abilities is hard to beat. No one class is unbeatable.

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For me it used to be Operatives/Scoundrels mostly. So I spent time looking into some of their skills. Came to find out that Shoot First/Hidden Strike were tech damage skills. So when I saw a Scoundrel/Operative in a WZ, I began hitting my Force Shroud before they could get the jump on me. Then laugh as they just popped out of stealth, dealt no damage, and didnt even knock me down. Turn around and completely own them.


It works but i rather save my shroud for when i need to vanish or get rid of debuffs.


What also helps if theres a stealther around ( operative or assa ) just use your aeo taunt it pops them right out of stealth wich gives you the upperhand ( no hidden strike etc )

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lies lies and then more lies.


The first stun you experienced is an out of combat stun. It cannot be done on targets that are in combat, and you have to use it from stealth. If you broke out of the stun while he was fighting the pt and got stunned the same way, there was likely another assassin around.


Also the stun that lays you on the ground lasts for only 4 seconds (half the time it takes to take a turret).


If you're gonna complain, at least make sure you got your facts straight.


Not really.


The sin could have done the following:


Zap the OP

Engage the PT

OP breaks

Vanish and zap the OP again

knocks down PT, stuns PT with 4s stun, Kill PT

OP out of zap, fights sin

Sin waits for resolve

uses whirlwind to cap


The sin in this case uses 2 x zap (8s stun), 1 x knock down, 1 x 4s stun and 1 x whirlwind


I can see how the OP thinks this is too much.


However, these two, the OP and PT seem to be just really horrible players. They could have stun'd the sin, PT pop his reactive shield and this would have gone really badly for the sin. What you have here is a good assassin vs two kids.

Edited by WasabiJack
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Mainly because I'm not very good at pvp but still enjoy it a lot. Playing a slightly OP class makes my life so much easier :D


I am willing to bet you don't have a sin or you have one, play hybrid, and suck at it.

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Asassin is the king of crowd control in swtor. It looks like the whole class concept is built arround it. The only lack a leap, but i think tanksin pull and knockback is better than pt tank leap and pull. I am ok with all of this, but frce shroud should be removed from the game.


Just use a DOT. Shroud will break on the DOT tick.

Edited by Stacksamus
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Shadows/Assassins have a max of 5 CCs.


Spinning kick/spike - 2 second knockdown. Tanks can use this out of stealth. DPSers must use this from stealth.

Mind Maze - 8 second CC - Must be used IN stealth on a target which is OUT of combat. Costs 50 force (half our resource0

Force stun - 4 second CC, 10m range

Low slash - only available if specced into Infiltration/Deception. 4 second CC that breaks on damage. In other words, completely useless in a big fight where people are killing each other.

Force lift - 2 second channel time, 8 second CC that breaks on damage, unless specced into balance/madness tree which makes it instant cast and will stun target for another 2 seconds if effect is broken but damage.



Tank builds:

Typically will use mind maze to turn a 1v2 into a 1v1. Will use spinning kick or spike pretty much on CD. Will use Force Stun sparingly because of the long CD and it's utility to change the odds in a fight.


Infiltration/Deception builds:

Will use mindmaze the same way as tanks. Can only use spinning kicks or spikes from stealth so will usually open with this. A good player will use low slash in conjunction with a mind crush channel. The point of this is either to goad the enemy into panic using their CC breaker, or to apply a healthy DOT to their target to aid their DPS. Will use Force stun as the last CC in their chain and this will fill resolve unless they apply more parts of their rotation in between CCs.


Balance/Madness builds:

Force lift will be used the same as mind maze will be. Spinning kick is rarely used because you're usually out of stealth when approaching targs, because you've applied your force suppression/death marks and some DOTs. Force stun is general CC usage.



I've played all 3 of these builds in PvP fairly extensively. If I could offer you advice when fighting shadows/assassins, it's goad them into using their resilience quickly and only use your CC breaker on the force stuns. DPS builds are squishy and rely heavily on their CC abilities to win fights. You really just need to down tanks really quickly.

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