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SIth Assassins have too much stuns!


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Absolutely agree. Too much utility, cc and dps. They are also the only class in the game that has 3 useful talent trees (in PVP).




I like how you keep laughing at anyone pointing out the imba's of Sins. Umad that your class is getting called out for being op? Let's hear your counter-arguments, broski.


Only class with 3 useful talent trees in pvp? lol, what do you think - which one of the marauder skill trees is not viable in pvp? Deception got a buff, ok, but it's still useless in rated warzones (and that's where it's at!) and if i wanna play madness, i go level a sorc. Darkness is sitll the only way for an assasin to be a good addition to a team - right, because of their utility! but what else do they have? dps? If i want dps, I take a marauder or sniper. Survivability? Ok, why don't you complain about Guardian tanks then? Or uninterruptible commando healers? Or op healers? Or a good dps sage that kites you around the pillars all day long and you're not able to kill? Every class can survive if played well...


Oh and lol @ "they have so godd defensive abilites... They have Deflection and Force Shroud (and a vanish, but that is kinda useless without shroud), that''s basically it. If you remove Force Shroud, they'll be useless as PvE Tanks and Deflection is only half as good as a Warrior's Saber Ward, but no one complains about that lol. Besides that, Force Shroud got nerfed for PvP in 1.4 (increased CD from 45s (skilled) to 60s)...And you forgot about the other nerf: Lowered armor and reduced self heal.


People have to keep in mind that Assassins are a really good 1v1 class, and in the hands of a skilled player,they're extremely difficult to beat. Besides, players have to know what they're up against - the op clearly had no clue that there was another assasin around and the "stun where he lies on the floor" doesn't last long enough to cap a turret...so, the only thing one could complain about is, that darkness gets all the good talents and because of that, it's "overpowered" but what would you do if you wanted to stay competitive? All the crying for enrfs needs to stop, srsly. Just play the class and learn its weaknesses... imo, the assassin is pretty "balanced" because it does what it should be doing - support the own team and annoy the enemy players.

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I'd start with nerfing the crap out of their hybrid capability. The have too many goodies way too low in the skill trees. A good amount of them should be moved up. No other class has such extreme versatility. Other classes cannot even dream about this. At best they have something like give up 5% damage on this skill to get extra crit chance on other skill for example.


Disjunction, lightning recovery, avoidance are prime offenders. These need to be moved upper in the trees.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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If they want to discourage Hybrids they have to make the top tier talents more attractive for PVP. Full Infiltration is still mostly a "play around in normals" spec.


The Hybrid Specs are proof positive of how powerful full utility is in PVP. All of it is 1v1 focused though. Other classes (Mara and Sniper) have much better GROUP utility, and much better burst damage. Hybrid burst damage is ok. Not great, but ok. You aren't going to be lighting someone up with it anytime soon. Enough damage to put on the hurting then and not squishy enough to take down quickly.


I'd say the hyrbids are reasonably well balanced. They're a very good Jack of all Trades kind of deal, which is what makes them so good 1v1.


Other classes make better tanks, better DPSers, better crowd controllers and Operative is a better out of stealth burster. Working as intended imo.

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Absolutely agree. Too much utility, cc and dps. They are also the only class in the game that has 3 useful talent trees (in PVP).




I like how you keep laughing at anyone pointing out the imba's of Sins. Umad that your class is getting called out for being op? Let's hear your counter-arguments, broski.


I just came back to the game, but it hasnt been that way for long then. Most of the time Deception spec (mid tree) was usually regarded as the worst because they were so squishy. It's nice to know they got buffed, but I changed servers and now leveling an Operative. :D



Anyways, as for the OP:


You know, I have never complained about PvP on forums before. But this... this is just outrageous!



So, its Civil War again and I with another player (I think it was PT) are running to the "snow" turret to take it. Near it I got stunned, though no one seems to be here. (I don't know how this stun ability is called, since I never played SI, but it makes your character to grab his head with his hands)




There's your problem. You dont need to have played the class to know what their abilities are either. Up-to-date databases are your friend, or maybe even old ones.


This was the first game I played PvP in, enjoyed it besides all of the stun-stun-dead, but thats never going away, so might as well deal with it. You need to learn your class first. Range, AoE range, rotation, CDs, etc. Then spend time looking at databases or guides on the classes giving you the most trouble.


For me it used to be Operatives/Scoundrels mostly. So I spent time looking into some of their skills. Came to find out that Shoot First/Hidden Strike were tech damage skills. So when I saw a Scoundrel/Operative in a WZ, I began hitting my Force Shroud before they could get the jump on me. Then laugh as they just popped out of stealth, dealt no damage, and didnt even knock me down. Turn around and completely own them.


Learning your class first and then learning how other classes/specs works will help you. It's better than (seemingly) omitting facts and then complaining about a certain class on the forums. That gets you laughed at and ridiculed. But if that's what you're going to do, you deserve to be ridiculed. >.>

Edited by Katsuragisama
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What, your upset that people are discussing the nerf possibility of Assassin/Shadow and not Marauder/Sentinel.


Actually, I have played against them on sorc, merc and sent. At no point have I ever seen this class as OP'ed!!! Have they caught me by suprise, absolutely. Have they beaten me every time by doing so, no.


This thread underlines they harder points of assassins/shadows, but it forgets that those strong points are also the weaknesses.


Trust me, 70% of my 1v1 medals in PvP have been against Assassins/Shadows. They are not Op'ed. If anything, I think a small (note the word, small) buff would not go amiss.

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What, your upset that people are discussing the nerf possibility of Assassin/Shadow and not Marauder/Sentinel.


Beings that I have 1 of every class and so far everything is pretty balanced. I'd say Sentinels and Marauders are a tad stronger then Shadow/Assassin. I'm not upset at all.


In fact, I admire your little 3 page post about Assassins and Shadows. Maybe if you were actually correct on information and knew what you were talking about you would get as much attention as I did when I thought Shadows and Assassins needed nerfed.

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I laughed.


Please!!!!!! I have a sith assassin and I get stunned all the time but do not have the ability to strike back. It's called hacking. We have hackers that have abilities the rest of us honest people don't have and will not get because it is wrong. Hopefully the hackers will be found and delt with, but don't blame the characters themselves.

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When I go up against a Siths they seem to be able to break all my stuns is which I am worried about, how is this so?? I have one maybe two abilities to break stuns. Oh and the time the stuns last Jedi Shadows need theirs increased in duration. I get stunned by a Sith and I know for a fact they last longer then any I have. Why is this? And Anyone who complains about what I wrote is a Sith worried they might get theirs reduced. Oh and their dam Dots should not be able to kill me in a seconds I mean talk about OP BS. And off topic but I got two shotted yesterday in WZ by a Marauder I think. He hit me once, and the second hit dropped my health to from 75% to 0%. oO I have read threads about Sith complaining their getting nerf'd too much, well just saying a game should be hard not easy. And having the ability to solo everything is not a fun game. It's a bunch of kids picking op classes so its easy to win for them because having a challenge is to f'n hard for them.


Oh......my.......gosh... :confused::confused:

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I'd start with nerfing the crap out of their hybrid capability. The have too many goodies way too low in the skill trees. A good amount of them should be moved up. No other class has such extreme versatility. Other classes cannot even dream about this. At best they have something like give up 5% damage on this skill to get extra crit chance on other skill for example.


Disjunction, lightning recovery, avoidance are prime offenders. These need to be moved upper in the trees.


Why am I not surprised to find you in this thread complaining about Shadows/Sins needing a nerf?

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You know, I have never complained about PvP on forums before. But this... this is just outrageous!



So, its Civil War again and I with another player (I think it was PT) are running to the "snow" turret to take it. Near it I got stunned, though no one seems to be here. (I don't know how this stun ability is called, since I never played SI, but it makes your character to grab his head with his hands)


Assassin appears and attacks PT. I break out my stun... only to get stunned in exact same manner. While I am stunned Assassin kills PT. I attack him and got stunned again! Only this time I just lying on the ground, and stun lasts just the right amount of time for Assassun to get the turret, The rest is easy to guess.


This is just wrong. They should at least make Assassins stuns CD a bit longer.


See, now this is why you'll never get anywhere against me. I eat people like you up for breakfast. Mainly because you don't understand what resolve is, or how it works. You're popping your stun break ability too soon. For starters, if you're using it on Mind Trap (which is a non-stealth breaking "sap" that doesn't do damage or initiate combat) then you're an idiot. What you need to be doing is wait for me to come out of stealth once I use mind trap, and then pop electrocute, which is the stun you should break, if you want. The key thing is: every time you get stunned, you should not be breaking it. Learn what resolve is.

Edited by Sindorin
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Juggernauts/Guardians - Rage Spec, Snare spam

Sentinels/Marauders - Rage Spec


Sorcerors/Sages - Bubble Stun (more of a resolve loop hole)


Operatives/Scoundrels - Heal Spec


are all overpowered.


Roger that.



Edited by Lyaic
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Op u are correct


The Jedai Temple Customer service is issuing you and invitation.


You will adquire an all inclusive free pass for 90 days. In those 90 days we guarantee u will adquire 9000 more midiclhorians wich u will be able to redeem for an exclusive "I am A Jedai" T-shirt and a full set of L85 Armor (PINK) and the Han Solo L105 blaster so u can can detect and 1 shot all the players that annoy u with those tricky stuns


Please head to coruscant and wait for a blue Obi-wan at the entrance.


We also encourage our selected customers not to post for 90 days because it may affect the inmersion process



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are all overpowered.


Roger that.

Yes and clearly the answer to all these over powered classes is to Nerf Operatives.

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i love it when people come into the forums and dont even know class mechanicsp


I do not play Sith Assassin\Sith Sorcerer. Like, ever. How on earth should i know his class mechanics? Also why the hell should I know it if I normally don't do PvP at all, and in PvE I expect Assassins to know their own class and just do what they are supposed to do? Not everyone here has a legion of alts.

Edited by Gelious
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