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Best and worst names seen...


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I can not post the worst i have seen they are too offensive...


(though a typo in one of mine is soo bad when i noticed i requested a name change.. no reply in 3 days yet)


sky instead of sly (as part of the name) so Skyfox (cry) just kill me..

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I was going to roll on a server this guy I work with plays on...


Then he told me the name of his MAIN toon...


Mcblumpkin - I didn't know what he meant by it... then I looked it up in the urban dictionary.... :rolleyes:


And to seal the deal (of me rolling on a different server), the name of his Guild is *drumroll*





Edited by FooBard
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My mains name is Hardpeck - still haven't decided what I want my surname to be.


A friend of mine made a pvp only character named Tebow lol.


He was in his first huttball game and there was a small preform from a guild called <Jews for Tebow>.


They were all kneeling down to him - and even though he sucked bad on his first match they all voted him MVP lol.

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I'm not too pleased when I see WoW names, but I don't really dwell on it or anything. What I'm seeing that kinda irks me is seeing simple names that are misspelled, already! My server is a few days old and there are people that just can't think of anything better than Thunnderr.


There is also a fairly large guild on my server with a misspelled name but I don't want to call them out for it.

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