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Will there be new Classes?


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Many of us are excited (or not) to have Cathar as our new race, level55 as our new level cap, and Makeb (and possibly more) as our new planet(s) in the near expansion.


New Classes or ACs may not be coming out on this new expansion, but can we expect them in the future?


What I can think of so far:

1. Imperial Trooper

2. Republic Agent

3. Bounty Hunter/Smuggler for both factions

4. Sarlaac Enforcers :p


Any other classes you can come up with? Post and discuss 'em, I'm interested.

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The answer to this is an emphatic no. They already have all the basic types of classes down in terms of lore and combat. There is a nice balance of Force-Users to non-Force users. Nor do I think that Bioware will decide to write even more class stories. Something to consider out of all of these threads, almost all proposals seem like reskins of existing classes (besides some sort of necromancer, which wouldn't work with SWTOR's vibe of combat). None of them seem different or new in any real way.
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Just one new class per faction means:

Two more stories to be written.

Four new advanced classes, five new skill trees to be designed (mirrored but with different names, animations, etc)

Modifying all the levelling planets for the new class quests.

Ten new companions to be created.

All those expensive voice actors: main character X 4 (male, female, both factions), companions X 10, numerous new quest givers.

And a whole bunch of little things (new armor, new class vendors, new ships, changes to spaceports and orbital stations, etc, etc, etc)


It would be an absolutely mammoth undertaking and I doubt they have the staff to make it happen anymore. Their limited resources are far better spent on new stuff that all classes can do (Makeb and other future planets). There are already eight separate stories and eight advanced classes, that's enough. How many people have done all those and want more? Not enough to make it worth the investment.


Realistically it's just not going to happen.

Edited by RAVM
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Many of us are excited (or not) to have Cathar as our new race, level55 as our new level cap, and Makeb (and possibly more) as our new planet(s) in the near expansion.


New Classes or ACs may not be coming out on this new expansion, but can we expect them in the future?


What I can think of so far:

1. Imperial Trooper

2. Republic Agent

3. Bounty Hunter/Smuggler for both factions

4. Sarlaac Enforcers :p


Any other classes you can come up with? Post and discuss 'em, I'm interested.


Where did you find this information? Especially, about the new cap being Level 55?

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see, this is how silly rumors start.


Below is a list of additions NOT coming from an expansion...




Increased Level Cap

Terror From Beyond

Ancient Hypergates(pvp)


notice the TFB is already here and Hypergates is coming 1.6.


when they were announced months ago it was said "Coming within the next year", they are just content patches like 1.5 and such. If they change that later, so be it, but as of right now they won't be part of an expansion.

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What the game really needs is a strong buffer/support class.


Also some kind of droid engineer would be awesome. But I don't think that Bioware has the resources to do a new class with tons of animations anymore.


Droid engineer! Technician or Mechanic, how did I not think of that!


Money, politics, and stuff aside, what else can be expanded from the universe of Star Wars is what I'm wondering.


Where did you find this information? Especially, about the new cap being Level 55?


Now that I've rewatched it, it didn't specify the level cap being lvl55, only a new lvl cap.

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see, this is how silly rumors start.


Below is a list of additions NOT coming from an expansion...




Increased Level Cap

Terror From Beyond

Ancient Hypergates(pvp)


notice the TFB is already here and Hypergates is coming 1.6.


when they were announced months ago it was said "Coming within the next year", they are just content patches like 1.5 and such. If they change that later, so be it, but as of right now they won't be part of an expansion.


Keep your anger rants down, the updates Are a form of expansion, just not requiring the players to pay extra money other than the monthly fee.


We can debate on that somewhere else but please stay on topic for once.

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I think the easiest solution to include new classes would be to create an extra advanced class for every base class in the game. For an example, there could be the addition of a Jedi Warden, who would be another advanced class for the Jedi Knight. This class could have limited ranged force attacks similar to a consular, as well as healing. It would only be allowed to wear medium armor, but would have the advantage of perhaps a double bladed lightsaber. You could create a Sith Knight, which would be the counterpart to that.


For non force users you could maybe create a Brawler or Mandalorian class for the bounty hunter. They would wear lighter armor, but do greater direct damage DPS and also have better resistance to melee and force attacks.

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Dont think itll ever happen due to new classes = 6 class story acts(almost like a proper chapter 4 for all the classes now), they would have to redesign alot of the worlds just to accomodate the new instances for the new classes. With Bioware being reluctant to even continue the 8 storylines we got atm....


Biowares stance pretty much being "we are done with class stories", "avengers style only"

Edited by Girdeux
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I think the easiest solution to include new classes would be to create an extra advanced class for every base class in the game. For an example, there could be the addition of a Jedi Warden, who would be another advanced class for the Jedi Knight. This class could have limited ranged force attacks similar to a consular, as well as healing. It would only be allowed to wear medium armor, but would have the advantage of perhaps a double bladed lightsaber. You could create a Sith Knight, which would be the counterpart to that.


For non force users you could maybe create a Brawler or Mandalorian class for the bounty hunter. They would wear lighter armor, but do greater direct damage DPS and also have better resistance to melee and force attacks.


This seems the most plausible.

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New Classes or ACs may not be coming out on this new expansion, but can we expect them in the future?



I'd guess, no.


The main reason being the MASSIVE amount of work it would be to produce class story from L1 to L50.


The second reason being with all the advance classes and they way they can spec, there's not really much (if any) room for a new type of class (that doesn't just end up being a carbon copy of any existing one).


The third reason is new classes don't generate the profit margin of new items to sell on the cashshop.

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How about biowares future plan for 50 planets over 10 years?


Thats gone down the toilet now so i doubt to see any major changes to the game.


Maybe a few new races an some planets but thats about it im afraid


This might change if 50% of the F2P players decide to sub but chances of that happening is low :rak_03:

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I think the easiest solution to include new classes would be to create an extra advanced class for every base class in the game. For an example, there could be the addition of a Jedi Warden, who would be another advanced class for the Jedi Knight. This class could have limited ranged force attacks similar to a consular, as well as healing. It would only be allowed to wear medium armor, but would have the advantage of perhaps a double bladed lightsaber. You could create a Sith Knight, which would be the counterpart to that.


For non force users you could maybe create a Brawler or Mandalorian class for the bounty hunter. They would wear lighter armor, but do greater direct damage DPS and also have better resistance to melee and force attacks.


I all so agree, this would be easier and plausible then creating a completely new class. Each Class has two non-shared ACs and one shared AC, adding another shared AC in the mix sounds decent.

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Maybe they'll add an "advanced" advanced class, and get a 4th tree lol.

I actually think that further specializing advanced classes OR adding additional advanced classes to the existing base classes would be the more efficient route. It'd definitely save a lot of resources if they don't have to write completely new storylines from scratch or record more voice acting all the way from lvl 1 upto whatever would be the new cap.


When an expansion happens, players will want to see new acts to their class story anyway. Adding a new base class would add to that load as well. New advanced classes or segregating the advanced classes into specialist classes would not.

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