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Anybody else not gonna subscribe to the game if the queue problem isn't fixed?


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So many fanboys here.

When I pay for a service, I want to use it whenever I want because I chose to use it.

If there are problems it's ok but still, I want the company to offer costumer support and/or refunds.

The same concept apply to a MMORPG, so please Bioware, fix it and give us explanations.


Then i would suggest that you keep away from opening months of any new MMO basicly something will always occur at launch .


Some people realise this and some don't

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Yes, if queues don't go away soon and I'm still seeing them toward the end of my 30-day period, I will not subscribe. This is ridiculous. I'm seeing a queue for the first time ever on my server at a time when it was never anything but Light previously. I will not pay money to wait in a queue to have fun when I can pay for other games that won't do that to me.
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guess they can do like they did durings wow release pull the game from the shelves? heh dont see that happening anytime soon lol limited playtime? bah wrong genre of game if you dont have time to play thats just a hard fact. fanboys? yep its starwars and fans are kinda what they aim for not a fan cya! Gamers these days im almost sad to even be part of the gamer culture nowdays because all they do any more is QQ its gettin retarded as a gamer a MMO gamers you should know what to expect on a release this is why if you dont like ques dont like crowded zones dont buy the game on the first day its that simple wait it out a little while. Other than that quit the crying yeah its annoying ques are annoying i agree but its just a fact its gonna happen servers are expensive as hell a pain to maintain and they are not unlimited when it comes to bandwith .
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So many fanboys here.

When I pay for a service, I want to use it whenever I want because I chose to use it.

If there are problems it's ok but still, I want the company to offer costumer support and/or refunds.

The same concept apply to a MMORPG, so please Bioware, fix it and give us explanations.


Exactly what explanations would you like to hear? They have already posted saying they are aware of the issue. What else do you want to hear?


It's launch day FFS, is it really that hard to grasp the concept that the activity level for the first week or so is not going to be the normal activity. They are not going to release more servers as they won't be necessary when things calm down, and all you end up with are ghost towns. And things will calm down soon enough.


This is like ALL MMO's on launch day. If you can't grasp that concept and realise that today(and probably the next week or so) is going to see an exceptional level of activity, then you are being completely irrational.

Edited by Rollcageuk
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There's a lot of nonsense being said in this thread. I am one of the people that got in during the first day of early access. There was no queues then... After that, I've been in the queue for about 3 hours every day! And the game wasn't even out yet. Today, when I get home, I expect myself to see you are in queue, your slot is 6430, and wait time of around 12-13 hours.


I think Bioware did drop the ball as they did not set "maximum" character counts on their servers and just let people join already full servers. There should be ways to prevent this, or at least give out a warning that "You are joining a FULL server, you may have to wait in queue for 3-4 hours at worst. Do you still wish to proceed?" That would scare people away from the full servers.


I really hope that the queues don't get any worse, or I might just have to log on once, and run some macro to keep me in-game 24/7 so I can play when I eventually find the time to do so.


I'm here for the long haul... I've seen some triple A launches and queues are nothing new to me. But that is just it, the game has just launched today and we have had these issues pretty much since the second day of the early access, at least I've had them. I will sub into the game because I know that eventually the queues will get lighter and/or there will be options to move me away from the overloaded server.


Luckily, I don't have a guild or friends playing, that I know of, on the server, so I can move my *** without a big hassle, if there would just be the option.


When in game, loving it, greatly! Even the graphical glitches that are apparent from time to time don't matter... I'm not a whiner, I just want to play the game so much, don't remember the last time I was this giddy about a game... Brings back memories from my youth.

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I agree.


In fact, I have cancelled the regular suscription claming this topic in the BW question about cancelling.


I will wait during the days included in the purchase if the issue will be solved, but don't will play and pay with this problem (and don't mind about servers, I'm playing alone and tried in 3 diferents one, all of then from ligth to full in a few hours).

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Already subscribed.


Don't like the queue for your server? Reroll on a less populated one.


You are a *********** moron. I already rerolled on a less popuplated one. One that was light until yesterday. I'm not going to reroll again. They want my monthly money they better let me play when I want to. I'm not paying to sit one minute in a queue.

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Already subbed and its not that big deal to wait those 20 min in queue.Oh and welcome to any new mmo launch.Same thing will happen for years and years.


I think you are missing the point my friend. Nobody would complain about a 20minute queue. Nobody.


The queue for my server, last night, was 3hrs 15mins.

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I really hope they will add more european RP-PVP servers.

There has been only one/language since the early access and even though there were 2 maintenances for adding more servers and those were full already, there is still only one/language. Now the queues don't seem to be as bad as they are on other servers, but if it will stay this way, the queue will explode as well and I sure as hell am not looking forward to paying for 1h+ queues.

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I had an issue with BH class quest where I needed to reset the quest AND relog to get the instance spawn I needed. This was following a helpfull thread on the class forum, and the problem did sort itself.


My issue is that when I relogged I spent 2 hours in the Q for trying to self help an issue with BWs game.


I can imagine crashing and ending up in a Q or losing connection for 2 seconds and ending up in a Q.


There certainly are scenarios where it is so annoying to sit in the Q as to spawn murderous thoughts directed at BW.


I wont unsub, because the game - when it works, and when I can play is super awesome. I just think its unfortunate that the Qs are there.


I also think its ridiculous that BW estimates 10-30 mins on the various servers, when WE who are in those Qs know they are 2+ hours in many situations. Pulease be honest atleast.

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Watch the trailers, watch some TV, chat to friends - whatever you can do during the queue times. :)


I suppose, as I'm British, I suffer in silence when it comes to queueing... I think it's our national past time.


But seriously, I've been sitting in a queue myself for a little while now, and have passed the time with YogsCast, the SW:TOR cinematics, and chatting to friends over Skype. :)


Use your time productively!


Edit: Queue is over - suckaaaaas! ;)

Edited by Landuson
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In One Month the Queues will be gone - there won't be as many people playing.


In 3 Months servers will start to look empty & players will call for Server merging to help increase their server's population. BioWare will be offering Free Trials.


In 6 Months some servers will merge & some will close.


In 12 months the population will settle & assuming there is enough population to make a good profit they will be happy & it will run smoothly until someone decide to make radical changes.


In 24 Months it will be Free to Play, assuming it hasn't been closed (like Tabula Rasa) & everyone will be playing the 'New' mmo of the day ...


Cycle Ad Infinitum :cool:


Although I HATE these queues ... it is absolutely Normal for a New MMO Launch ... if there are as many players in 6 months as there are now, this game has a great future ...


One can only hope.


Remember, some people have taken the days off to play today, plus it is Christmas week, kids are off school. The queues today are no surprise.


However, queues ARE seen as a Negative & this is what SW:TOR's Launch will be remembered for - despite their best efforts to avoid this, they failed on that score. It WILL drive some people away.

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So far I've been lucky, maybe it's been my logon times but the longest I've waited was 15 minutes I think (on EU RP at that)... But saw some hours long queues - not good! And coming to think of it, I did go onto a different server than I wanted once due to a massively long queue.


I think we should all be patient, or in the worst case wait for the initial launch rush to die down - but that doesn't mean that Bioware should not take active steps to alleviate the problem as much as possible.


Posting aggressively though is the wrong way to go. No one likes a rowdy customer, including other customers.

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now I DID choice a low population server when I created one but now its a full que server. how I am suppose to know what server is going to get full?




I hope BW and EA and all the other idiots saying "reroll then" reads this...

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I was just going to carry on regardless but the queues are getting worse.


We have them at 10am GMT now not just peak times.


Not bothering subscribing. I'll leave my pre-order at the shop. Will probably check in a couple of months to see if the problem is sorted.

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For the love of god, please leave.


If it takes getting rid of the whiners then alright. Whatever needs to be done to get the queue lower.


Oh and when you do leave, I just want you to know. Thank you.


We will always have The Swiftsure.

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It doesnt matter if this is one of the most anticipated MMOs in years and that it is launch day.

BioWare had years to design this and figure out a clever system to prevent flooding of the servers - and they didn't.


It's almost 2012, a solution like this shouldn't be a problem to think of and create - it is p2p after all, not p2q.

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