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Anybody else not gonna subscribe to the game if the queue problem isn't fixed?


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Dumb people are dumb. Why they keep creating characters on already full servers... even my RP server is having sick queues atm.
The problem is not that easy, at least in Europe... when they opened the flood gates, it was 6am. Most people were sleeping or getting ready for work. So even the full servers appeared not full.


I'd blame "the new people" if it was their fault. But there was absolutely no way at 6am (EU time) to know which servers usually have a queue.

Edited by Korrigan
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the queues for Aion when it was released were around 15-25 minutes on the server I was on but that went away after a few weeks.


That's hilarious cos I had 6 hour queues.


I wouldn't complain about queues in SWTOr if it weren't for the fact that it's very early even in my country and I'm ahead of most countries in time and I'm still looking at an hours worth of queue at least.


And no I can't reroll when my guild was assigned to this freaking high population server. Stop blaming the players when they obviously should have locked some of the EGA servers for launch.


Edit: On another note it seems like I got suddenly in even though my position in queue was over 300. Weird.

Edited by bluumberry
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People just need to suck it up about the queues the queues and server caps are there to encourage people to join the light servers that have just opened so people arent all alone in a server if your stupid enough to join a heavy server that's your own fault. Server queues are much more consumer friendly than bioware saying **** you chose a different server
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Stop blaming the players when they obviously should have locked some of the EGA servers for launch.
Locking was impossible. For instance, some of my guildies waited release to join us. But a big red warning "QUEUES AT PRIME TIME" would have been enough to keep the newcomers who don't join a guild out of them.
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Dumb people are dumb. Why they keep creating characters on already full servers... even my RP server is having sick queues atm.


The problem is that servers shows their status based on ppl connected to them.

So if server is normally full at peak time with lets say 2h queue, at the morning they are

light so new ppl creating characters on them.

Imagine now queue time in peak time if they are full already. 10-15hr ?

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These queue whinners, please just leave the game, so tired of hearing.. QUEUE omg. It's LAUNCH. And btw, if you did your research, they are on it, they are aware of the queue problems... so either STOP whinning, or just leave! Sounds more like haters to me. Warhammer had queues and crashes... SWTOR has the most smooth launch to date!


tbf m8 that would get rid of the ques, and the whiners.. win win ;) i'm chilling eating bacon while in que so it's all good here :p


and i fully agree, i'll be nice and compare it to wow coz everyone seems to love doing that...


wow had a worse launch then this by far :)

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I rerolled from Bloodworthy to Kai-Kan to get out of the queues - went from a level 20 Jedi Shadow to a level 12 Jedi Guardian. Guess what, I'm now in a queue at 10 am.


What the hell.


I sure am glad there's no grace period for disconnecting, I was almost done in my Flashpoint.


If this is not fixed, at least the grace period part - I wont subscribe.

Edited by GyroGate
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Seriously. I have been in a queue for 45 minutes, at 8:00am on a tuesday. Ok, the game is new, but honestly it isn't acceptable for a p2p.


Stop no-sense QQ.

It's first official day of this MMO, every MMO in the universe history first day got queue.

Also if u don't subscribe we don't care at all, we will regardless what u will do.

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Its morning and a weekday in EU and the queues are crazy... you know it will be several hours at prime time
Yeah, that makes me worry a lot. Those are obviously new players who joined at launch mostly, since usually there's no queue on my server this early. Prime time is gonna be awful. Problem is, if the newcomers stay logged in all day, they may never notice the queues until it's too late.
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The problem is that servers shows their status based on ppl connected to them.

So if server is normally full at peak time with lets say 2h queue, at the morning they are

light so new ppl creating characters on them.

Imagine now queue time in peak time if they are full already. 10-15hr ?

Someone else got it. Thank you, fellow intelligent person :)
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I love the game and think BW did a great job. queues are expected during the initial release of a MMO. HOWEVER, we expect these queues to die down over the next few days especially as BW made such a deal about controlling the release and subscribers to the game to ensure a stable launch.


Yes the servers are stable but thats because theyre nobody on them as theyre all queuing!


Lets hope this is only temporary, because if it lasts after xmas I know that most ppl apart from the die hard SW fans will give up and thats bad news for BW and SWTOR!


I have patience but its limited.

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This is shocking because for the most part my server looks dead and lifeless half the time.
What gives me some hope is that despite server being full (and having queues of 1+hour during early access at prime time), I never ever experienced any kind of lag. This makes me think the caps is set lower than what the servers can take, to avoid people rushing full servers and encourage them to go on low pop ones, and that the cap will be removed in the next days.
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Hopefully the queue's will be sorted soon, but if they're not then i might not sub. From what I've experienced so far, the game is awesome. But the lack of ability to play when I have the spare time is a problem. Couple that with the fact that when I wait 3 hours in the queue, I get dc'd after about 30 minutes and have to start again.
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people telling me "queues on the first day! should have expected it!" don't quite get my point.


All i am saying, is that there have been queues throughout the whole early access already. FIne. The game just launched. Fine as well. All I am saying is taht they should find a solution, otherwise they just don't deserve subscription money if they can't even handle servers.

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Ok seriously people.

Ques on a launch day is nothing to be suppriced at, how ever....

The ques is nothing new and has been around since the first day of early access so to just say " What did you expect on a launch day" is not realy a valid arguement.

Ques ARE a big annoyment and a rather serious issue.


Saying "Re roll on another server" is pretty flunky aswell since alot of ppl are way beyond lvl 20-30 and i know i sure as hell would want to start all over again and scratch my lvl 34 BH.


How ever, things will pan out eventually even if its realy annoying having to pay for sitting in a que, be it in a game que or quing at the store buying milk :p

I know ppl wont stop complaining about these issues any more that ppl will stop complaining about the complainers, but i do wonder which one is the most silly :p

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I really hope that Bioware will buy better servers. I can't agree more with the logic that if ppl start making chars at strange hours, they will likely end up at high pop servers.


Maybe they should flag servers as full even if ppl are not logged in on them?


And please start making free char transfer available.


I'm looking forward to this problem being taken care of so we can start leveling and doing operations.


Really love this game, it is all that I hoped for

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Re-Rolling on other servers is not an option to many of those who came to Tor in a Guild and have been assigned to a full server by BioWare.


Our guild from SWG came across, pre launch had 140 members and in total expect about 200 of ex SWG members to join us here. Howver, the majority ive spoken to so far, like myself, wont subscribe if these ques still exsist after the "free" 30 days subscription as many have limited game time due to work/families etc.


Game itself if brilliant but simply no point in paying to play if we cannot play when we want to. Already que times you may as well times by 6 what it says and that was early access. I just hope they sort thier act out before the free 30 days comes to an end or they will lose alot of subscriptions, which ironicly may improve que times for others

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... stay logged in all day, they may never notice the queues until it's too late.


*smile* I did that on Sunday. Stayed online from 10 in the morning but was force to logout by a game bug. Once I logged back in I was in position 800 even though I was playing 3 minutes ago. **** that.

Edited by Indica
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