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Character Recustomization


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You're saying that no one should get to recustomize their characters more than three times because some people might do it more than three times in the entirety of forever. I disagreed with your reasoning - called it selfish and asinine - and now you're saying that ... and that Bioware should now never-ever introduce recustomization because I've disagreed with you and called you selfish.


That's all I'm getting.


You want to restrict character recustomization because you're afraid you won't be able to recognise people anymore and that will somehow cheapen the entire gaming experience.


If you hate me so much, why are you still talking to me? If your meaning is something different from my interpretation, you've done a very poor job of getting it across.


Don't give me that garbage. It's all you, reading my perfectly rational posts and contriving ideas that were never stated. All you had to do was be respectful, maybe change my idea slightly to suit your likes, and re-state your preference of how it should be. What is your problem, that you can't just say "ok that sounds like a good back-up plan if BioWare won't go for full re-customization"?? You read B.S. into my post because you wanted to pick a fight. YOU are a troll. Literally.


I started out the most intelligent supporter of this thread. I suggested a 3-token re-customization because I'm fairly certain BioWare will NEVER put unlimited re-customization into SWToR. You freaked out and went on a tirade of re-phrasing everything I said and inferring ideas that I never stated. Pretending that it's me that is dead set against full re-customization getting into the game is just you being careless reading my posts, and becoming increasingly irrational. Your next B.S. post is no doubt something even more out-of-control like pretending I'm trying to punish you for being abusive... instead of you actually considering what I'm saying, and realizing the main point is that there's a down-side to full re-customization.


Now, after your insanely juvenile antics, I give up on the idea of full re-customization that you think is SO important to get into the game. All you had to do was not screw up creating your character in the first place, or re-roll it as soon as you realized you screwed it up. Once you posted a tirade of abuses against me, I'm left with no particular remaining impulse to continue supporting this idea, and had only my original vague sense that full re-customization would disrupt the game in some way, and would be over-used by some of the players ... and so that's the only thing that was left for me to focus on since I really don't care much for supporting any further this idea that you use as a troll club.


Now that I've thought more thoroughly about full re-customization, and being relieved, through your ridiculous abuse, from my initial impulse to support your idea, I think full re-customization should NEVER make it into the game. Never. Not even in limited form. Why? It would completely violate the integrity of the gaming environment, with players showing up as different species, different genders, entirely different faces, skinny one day and gigantic the next... it would be a ridiculous circus act. I have no doubt that players intend to abuse a feature like this, changing their appearance on a daily basis like some dumb etch-a-sketch toy. There's a reason re-customization of the character's appearance is not already in the game in any form, and I think it's a good and inviolable reason.


And don't keep overreacting to anything you think I'm saying and try to keep fighting me personally and flinging insults my way. If you can't manage to remain objective even when people don't agree 100% with what you're pushing, then you are just going to end up baiting yourself into trolling incessantly like you've done so far in this thread. You could always apologize for the abuse you so impulsively flung my direction ...

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Sidestepping your ridiculous interpersonal debate, I think you're not considering the part where Re-customization in any form would cost players something, be it a ton of credits or CCs. That's where the restrictions for people modifying their appearance every week would make more sense. That's the logical "gate" I'd imagine BW would go for. Your "3 tokens" idea isn't crazy, but it's too... "specific".


TL;DR: It just makes more sense to charge heavily (either in in-game credits or CCs) for full (or even partial) Re-customization that would send you to something akin to the Character Creation Screen, than to implement a new system...

Edited by MurQueL
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Sidestepping your ridiculous interpersonal debate, I think you're not considering the part where Re-customization in any form would cost players something, be it a ton of credits or CCs. That's where the restrictions for people modifying their appearance every week would make more sense. That's the logical "gate" I'd imagine BW would go for. Your "3 tokens" idea isn't crazy, but it's too... "specific".


TL;DR: It just makes more sense to charge heavily (either in in-game credits or CCs) for full (or even partial) Re-customization that would send you to something akin to the Character Creation Screen, than to implement a new system...


You've still got the mega-millionnaire :sy_auction: folks and RL super-rich folk that will purchase as many as they please, making SWToR a game suddenly without integrity of character appearance. Without some semblance of permanence to the environment, SWToR would be much diminished. Imagine if players were allowed to terraform the planet environments, and add trees, change terrain features, add mobs, etc... the potential for ridiculosity is far too great.


I think it's just ironic, that I started out completely in favor of getting full re-customization into the game, only suggesting a limited form of it because I'm sure that's all that BioWare will even consider.

  • (High cost is not a limitation for some people so is not a viable strategy... if anything, the cost of minor (natural) re-customizations should be low (10k?) so that people don't forgo it just because of the cost, and high enough that people won't fickly change themselves every time they're on Carrick. But this is too objective of me, I'm sure it will garner more viciously over-criticing ranting.)

And then after being viciously mis-characterized by trollish posts, I'm prompted to take more careful consideration of the down-side of allowing full re-customization in any form. Honestly, I could tell that Tatile was on the verge of completely losing it and going on a series of trollings, the moment I saw her very first posted response:


In what way is your game going to be diminished if I change my hairstyle every week?

I'm not dicussing my own personal subjective opinion, nor my own selfish perceptions ... I'm discussing the real down-side of the idea being suggested. But I humored the naive focus on me instead of on the issue because I care about SWToR. Believe me, I was completely aware that insult and injury were probably on their way... despite me being completely objective and even in support of getting full re-customization into the game. I was only trying to solve the hurdle of whether or not BioWare would go for unlimited re-customization.


Well, that's over. I no longer support the idea of adding full re-customization into the game at all. It's nowhere near worth the disruption to the integrity of the play environment.


BioWare really should be moderating these Forums heavily, and locking out participants who become significantly irrational or abusive. One-sided flame wars are a lot more common than you think... some people just can't objectively discuss anything that seems other than 100% in their favor. Once it turns into just flagrant personal abuse, a poster should be locked out of the Forums entirely for some number of weeks.


If you really demand a genuine, accurate perspective of how ridiculous this is, just take a second look at this nugget of :


What, does your idea of sovereignty of some solid state of existence, wherein the opinions of others are more important that those of the individual, trump my right to make decisions about myself which do not in anyway affect you?


Do you really think I'm going to put up with my opinion being sidelined by errant logic such as this? That^^^ is the most hypocritical statement possible.


Any time you fail to weigh both the pros AND cons of the issue from the start, you risk creating this style of freight-train of ideas and becoming the tyrant. If you don't think I'm owed an apology for this abuse, you're deluding yourselves ... and don't forget, I started out in favor of getting full re-customization into SWToR. Now (because of the ridiculously emotional over-reaction) I realize it doesn't belong.

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Could you add these ideas on the list?


Cybernetic attachments for lost limbs

-Hands, Arms, Legs, Torsos etc!


I believe this was mentioned early on in this thread and that it falls under the heading of "vastly improved character creation options". I would much like to see the cyborg "race" disappear in favor of an augmentation slider myself. I just don't think that's likely to happen now that cyborgs are official.


Interestingly enough, it's possible using Mr. Angrys suggestion a couple pages back and phasing out cyborgs altogether. Under this idea, all cyborgs revert to humans with the augmentation slider set at whatever number they were at with the cyborg. The token could then be redeemed to change the players racial preference. Although at this point I'm mostly just paying lip service to the idea since I kinda feel bad for the guy and his sensitive emotions. Realistically, it would be easier to have players simply enter the character creation screen when they log onto that character and have them redo their charter before playing.

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A BioWare employee posted a while ago that they do intend to add recustomization Soon™.


I believe the actual quote was something along the lines of "something we would like to see in the game sometime down the road". And it was also posted the the cartel market suggestions indicating that they have no intention of making it anything more than a cash grab directed at players unhappy with their character but too invested to simply start over. Outside of the personal correspondence with the lovely and talented Courtney Woods, they have yet to comment on the subject in any official suggestion thread outside of the cartel market to my knowledge.

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Well that's certainly better than "soon ", but I'm still fairly skeptical of their implementation at this point. Ultimately we'll just have to wait and see just like everything else. I'm still leaving a couple spots open for Cathar just in case.. Edited by althene
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Yea I still support full character re-customization.


That includes:

All slider changes when you created the character

Full race change.

Full gender change.


Those are the things that should be put in ASAP. I have a lot of character that I really want to change up, don't leave this issue on the shelve for too long Bioware, thanks.

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It would be a mistake to add full re-customization. It makes for a more fickle style of character environment, and no matter how much people think they just really want that feature, there are far more interesting things to add to the game. If they've worked on re-customization instead of adding new missions, new content, new Events, new armor pieces ... then it's just a mediocre use of our monthly investment dollars. One could make a huge list of features that a majority of the playerbase would like to have before full re-customization. For example, new space features (rather than new missions lol) would always rank higher than re-customization. Or enhanced social items, different styles of sparkle powder or something. I think even major enhancements to the GTN interface and search abilities would rank higher!


If they add re-customization, will I ever use it? Maybe. Then again, maybe not. For it's part, it's sort of like a clump of dirt just off the sidewalk. There are so many things that are more eye-catching.


They should let the players cast votes online, about what features should be worked on next. Re-customization would be fairly low on the priority list.

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Just because it will probably make a few bucks doesn't mean it should be implemented. That selling point should be somewhere around halfway down the criteria-importance list.


And whatever the demand level, it doesn't mean the tradeoffs are worth putting that into the game. There would be certainly decent demand also for something like a God terminal, which people could play around with to try out different Classes, Advanced Classes, get free 1-day equipment, level up, level down, try out Cartel Market items for 15 minutes, etc, etc... that doesn't mean it should go into the game.

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To reiterate: Artists aren't involved in features like this. Level designers aren't taken away from their projects for this. No other thing in development will suffer because a few programmers decide to pluck this one off the list. You can stop concern trolling over development resources now.



What other features would you suppose are assigned to the same developers as something like character re-customization? You know there are quite a few other features that a huge number of people would rather have in the game. If the player community as a whole were given a vote of options, I doubt character re-customization would get any of the top vote slots.


When did you become so oppressive of other people's opinions?

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I totally agree on this. We need a barber shop to adjust our toons appearence, gender and race. I mean many of us have multiple level 50s. Myself, ive been waiting for a cathar for ever! But yet we still haven't gotten them. But if i want to make one when they come out im gunna have to delete one of my 50s. thats crap! I'm all for a legacy skill that allows us to change species. This way i dont have to, yet again level up another toon which im sick of doing just so i can have a specific race. Plus, i have 2 of the same race that i really regretted doing but did thinking the legacy family stuff would give some sort of benifit later on...i was sadly mistaken. So now im stuck with 2 borgs when i would have definitly chosen another race instead.

I agree, we need pazzak, this way there is a way to earn cartel coins or money ig to kill time from constant grinding. Plus it will give us a reason to hit the cantinas.

How about adding a way to earn cartel coins ig rather than just buying? Other f2p games have it so that both subs and f2p can earn coins. Why don't we?

Finally, why are we waiting so long to do events? why can't you just rotate them every month? I didn't get to do much with the rackgoul because of work and really was liking that event. The race one...well that was broken untill the last 2 days but hey then it was gone so didnt get to do anything with that one really. Gree was great, but its already gone (but comming back from what i understand). So why not just rotate them every month? This way there is always something going on?

I have to admit, i am really close to leaving the game because of things that are missing like what is in this first post. I was one of the origional beta testers a year before the rest got to do it. But, i feel that the things we suggested like these, have been ignored and the player s voice doesn't matter. So, BW, if i were you i would start doing before more leave.

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BTW it seems logical that when new species are introduced in-game, that someone can't just toggle one of their characters to the new race. The race should have to be unlocked first. Maybe one month after a new species is introduced, BioWare could make available a species unlock on the Cartel Market. This way, the first level 50 characters of the new race running around Carrick Station will always be the people who legitimately leveled a character of the new race from level 1.


Not that I support species re-customization, because I don't, it's the most unnatural re-customization type... but if BioWare adds that in game, this is an important restriction I think.

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Did they use the word "should" in their own communication?



This is from an interview between SWTOR-RP, Damion Schubert (senior designer), and Charles Boyd (lead writer)



SWTOR-RP: Player-created characters are altered and changed in different ways, and sometimes this means cosmetically. Will we be seeing a 'barber shop' in the upcoming expansion?


Damion Schubert: A feature which scratches this itch is in active development right now, but will not be part of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. But this should get to you sooner than you think!


I think general re-customization would be nice. But not race changes, at least not until you unlock them through the legacy system.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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I think general re-customization would be nice. But not race changes, at least not until you unlock them through the legacy system.


I suppose if Bioware can't separate the switched species from one that's been leveled 1-50 as is in terms of legacy unlock, then having a restriction on that would be passable (not saying I agree with it), but I'd personally rather not see people being restricted on species switching just because they haven't done the 1-50 drudge. Considering that you can buy the Legacy species unlocks, though, with credits or coins, you'll still have people who would be able to switch from Human to Cathar without having leveled a Cathar, for example.


It's really a question of extra credit/CC expenditure versus restrictionless species changes.

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I suppose if Bioware can't separate the switched species from one that's been leveled 1-50 as is in terms of legacy unlock, then having a restriction on that would be passable (not saying I agree with it), but I'd personally rather not see people being restricted on species switching just because they haven't done the 1-50 drudge. Considering that you can buy the Legacy species unlocks, though, with credits or coins, you'll still have people who would be able to switch from Human to Cathar without having leveled a Cathar, for example.


It's really a question of extra credit/CC expenditure versus restrictionless species changes.


Well, certainly the 1-month delay on the Species Unlock purchases would be the important factor. That way the rush is not to just go toggle to the new species on day one, but rather to create an all-new character and develop the character from scratch. This makes a huge difference in the player's perspective on their (fresh-new-species) character.

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This is from an interview between SWTOR-RP, Damion Schubert (senior designer), and Charles Boyd (lead writer)


I think general re-customization would be nice. But not race changes, at least not until you unlock them through the legacy system.


I don't suppose the interview contained any information on what set of customizations would be provided by The Barber ... ? __The name itself suggests only head-hair changes. Though it might be nice if Aric Jorgan trims his armpit hairs ...

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