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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For BioWare from russian community


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Russian subtitles would be good, that way you can still learn english. I don't understand who wouldn't want to learn one of the most spoken (2. most spoken maybe) and helpful languages in the world.


P.S. I don't live even in the "neighbour" of USA, UK, Australia, Canada or New Zealand. So this isn't me standing up for "home" in itself.


P.P.S. Maybe someone should ask Bioware their opinion on Russian community translation project.

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Not sure why you want a terrible voice over, original is and will always be better!

signed a non-native English speaker

I believe the original native Sith language is in fact Russian.


They should just keep their original language in, as an option to English.

Blasphemy, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_language

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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I am not Russian but by seeing in other games (WoW) the Russian servers are always full and they can provide bioware with a huge income i think bioware should see opening SWTOR to Russia and even China/Japan and Korea, this should be a priority.


More money = More devs = More quality + Faster Content = many more players coming back = profit for both non players and bioware

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I am not Russian but by seeing in other games (WoW) the Russian servers are always full and they can provide bioware with a huge income i think bioware should see opening SWTOR to Russia and even China/Japan and Korea, this should be a priority.


More money = More devs = More quality + Faster Content = many more players coming back = profit for both non players and bioware


I fully support UI localization and subtitles for all the content but with original English voice over.

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Oddly enough no. For some reason all I hear when I read or type in the forums is the voice of either Christopher Walken ro Brad Pitt. I don't know why exactly but as I type this right now it's Walken that is saying these things to me. Strangely enough I am even typing in his sort of stuttering way of speaking as it takes me a while to type this out.


Oh damn forgot to +1 this. Yes I would hope they would roll this out in Russian.


It's odd.. at the moment when I read the forums all I hear is Dr. Doofenshmirtz (your post was no exception).

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I support this, as long as they introduce localized servers at the same time they introduce the russian language pack. After my first encounter with the nationalistic and hostile russian gaming community in AoC I have no desire to ever populate the same server as them* ever again.




* the nationalistic and hostile russian gaming community, not the open minded and friendly russian gaming community.

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You guys do realize that non-Russians backing this mean zero in terms of the numbers of people who'd need to join the game for it to be worth the $ BW would have to spend to do a translation, right? Your support doesn't put money in anyone's pocket and that's what counts in the end.
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I support this for 100%, but not only for the Russian language, their most come more languages.


(I always hate it when a game supports German and French, thats so selfish, why do they always get a game with there own language, and not the other big country's aswell?)


(I know that SWTOR only supports english (except the website) but the germans and french do have their own servers... whats the point of that?)

Edited by Sukel
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I support this for 100%, but not only for the Russian language, their most come more languages.


(I always hate it when a game supports German and French, thats so selfish, why do they always get a game with there own language, and not the other big country's aswell?)


(I know that SWTOR only supports english (except the website) but the germans and french do have their own servers... whats the point of that?)


SWTOR doesn't only support english, the game has French and German assets. Look this UI

As for servers and translation, analysts study how much it would cost them and how much incomes they'll have afterward. If their results show that it's not worth the investissement, they don't do it, it's not about selfishness but about money.

Edited by Altheran
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I have always found odd that in some countries people like "ruining" good stuff with dubbing.


I'm used to the style where only childrens (really young) programs get dubbed and not even all of them. Well, everybody and each with their own style I guess.

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SWTOR doesn't only support english, the game has French and German assets. Look this UI

As for servers and translation, analysts study how much it would cost them and how much incomes they'll have afterward. If their results show that it's not worth the investissement, they don't do it, it's not about selfishness but about money.


Plus, French is a given as Canada has a lot of laws about things sold up there needing to be in both English and French.

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Plus, French is a given as Canada has a lot of laws about things sold up there needing to be in both English and French.


True, i remember the story of a Canadian who sued a flight company because there wasn't any employees in the aircraft to Canada who were able to speak French... he get a load of money.

Edited by Altheran
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This is one area where TOR's voice acting might help. Instead of Dubbing hire some native Russian speakers to do Russian voices. Wouldn't be that hard to add sound files. Do this with all the major languages


People like you always baffle me. You say this as if it's easy to do quality voice acting, or cheap. It would cost millions and take months and then another long while to code it in.

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I have to say games are a good way to learn english and a second language is always useful especially english. But sure russian localization should be done but I propose it to be done by russians themselves after all they know what sounds better in their language.
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