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city's feel empty even with full servers


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Maybe because everyone is having a blast questing and its not like WoW and everyone camping Stormwind. Also, if you play'd WoW you would notice high levels/capped are in SW, lowbies arn't. So today we learned that, not many of us hit 50 yet so we are still leveling.


Do you think tomorrow we can all learn how to use the chat channels to interact with people?! :D

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I'm a little mystified at the full servers, everyplace feels empty, doing a /who on all instances of the starting areas does not pull up many people, beta had more, the pop seems down everywhere up to level 20 (didn't check planets above that) yet the queues are long. It felt more populated yesterday when the queue read light. This really doesn't feel like an MMO at all.


Please before replying: I checked all the instances in the starting areas, I know its instanced and I checked them, checked all instances. Now who wants to bet there is a legit response to this saying "the areas are instanced jackhole"


Afaik, who is now automatically limited to 100 people, but I might be wrong.

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its actually quite a large world...


from what I can see, out of 100% of the population in a server..


10% are in starting zones

10% are in Cantines spread through out the worlds AFK or crafting

10% are sleeping, working, doing real life stuff

35% are in PvP instances

35% are questings through out the worlds


there you have it.:)

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Agreed with OP. Game really feels like a ghost town. I just saw my first Republic dude today and I'm lvl 29. I only see 1-2 people at any given "quest hub."


The busiest place I've found is the staging area for instances, usually there is 30-40 around that small area, other than that... feels barren. I like the idea of instances zones to help appease crowding, but seems like they went overboard and have like 5 people per zone.

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