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I am a former swg player, and what i miss the most in this game, is housing.

I used to love to decorate my homes in swg, and iam wondering if it's possible to have some form of housing in this game.

I understand we cannot plant homes with this game-engine,but there should be a possibility to rent an appartment and decorate that one.

Really would love to see that on planets like: Dromund Kaas,Corellia,Nar Shaddaa,Coruscant.

The appartments can be instanced so that other people will not notice any loss of framerate or whatnot.

Just put down a few huge buildings with 1 entrance.

Click on the entrance and a pop-up will show,letting you pick your own appartment, or visit a friends one.

Might be something to think about devs !!

Bioware could even sell furniture,artwork (paintings,posters) on the cartel market!

Maybe add some decorations at the loot-table ,always nice to keep or sell at the GTN!

I dunno, its just a thought....

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Don't want housing.


Don't need it, don't want to be bound to one planet, don't want to see resources used on it.


We have a ship. My ship is my home. I wouldn't care if the ship could be decorated but I remember having hundreds of decorative items stored in one of my many, many houses on Tatooine in SWG, houses that were surrounded by hundreds of other players houses and structures that made Tatooine look like one massive urban sprawl.


Sure, they could go with the EQ2 model but as I said before I don't want to be tied to going to one planet to visit a house.


I'd prefer resources be fixed to deal with the lag and other bugs that have plagued players since day one.

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you might got a point there,maybe if the appartments have a hangar of some sort.

and lag or bugs is another topic iam affraid.

Just like to see some more depth in this game and more social interaction.

If youre happy with your ship,thats good for you,but many people missing the option to decorate their homes or ships.


housing should be optional ,not a must.

so if you don't want a home..stay on your ship .

you want a home...rent one..thats all.

Edited by soep
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this is why we have a ship for us and our companions.


why else would my ship have a huuuuge area for a kitchen but no tables/chairs, why my ship had a nice big area with a bed and desk but no carpet or anything else in there, no computer screen on any of the walls? (to hang paintings).


i think eventually we will get decorations

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I am a former swg player, and what i miss the most in this game, is housing.

I used to love to decorate my homes in swg, and iam wondering if it's possible to have some form of housing in this game.

I understand we cannot plant homes with this game-engine,but there should be a possibility to rent an appartment and decorate that one.

Really would love to see that on planets like: Dromund Kaas,Corellia,Nar Shaddaa,Coruscant.

The appartments can be instanced so that other people will not notice any loss of framerate or whatnot.

Just put down a few huge buildings with 1 entrance.

Click on the entrance and a pop-up will show,letting you pick your own appartment, or visit a friends one.

Might be something to think about devs !!

Bioware could even sell furniture,artwork (paintings,posters) on the cartel market!

Maybe add some decorations at the loot-table ,always nice to keep or sell at the GTN!

I dunno, its just a thought....


Your housing is your ship. SWG is dead. Get over it.

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Your housing is your ship. SWG is dead. Get over it.


Actually, I take that back. Well sort of. Anything they can add to the game that: A. Players may enjoy even if I dont personally, and doesnt interfere with other player game is fine. B. Make this game a little less like WoW. So, go for it, I say and nevermind my reflexive grouchiness.

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What the OP failed to mention in his otherwise praise-worthy post was that there was often a reason to go a person's house and have a look around. If you purchased an item it wasn't sent to you, you had to go pick it up from the person's vendor (actually, what the Galaxy-wide system did was tell you where an item was listed for sale, then you had to go there and buy it). That vendor might have been a kind of jukebox, or it might have been a droid or even a hireling.


And of course, once you have travelled all that way, you had a look around, you got to see what other people had, maybe bought stuff that you weren't actually looking for.


In short, shopping felt like shopping, not like eBay. Often vendors would have versions of what they were selling out on display, on tables or on a wall.


Player housing, and a modified crafting/vendor system are just two of the items on my wish list for this game.


Add different sized housing (with different rates of "maintenance"), the option of an appartment in a building or a stand alone in Jundland of Tat (for example), chuck in the costly option of your own private landing pad...


There were somethings that SWG got right, and to just dismiss them is to do yourself a disservice, as well as ToR one.

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The game already has trouble rendering more than 20 characters in your screen at the same time - you think adding houses is a good idea?


And that is not our problem, but the problem of the developer.


Make it happen



Your housing is your ship. SWG is dead. Get over it.


never. It has to return in one way or the other. Re-incarnate in TOR or in another SW MMO

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Don't want housing.


Don't need it, don't want to be bound to one planet, don't want to see resources used on it.


We have a ship. My ship is my home. I wouldn't care if the ship could be decorated but I remember having hundreds of decorative items stored in one of my many, many houses on Tatooine in SWG, houses that were surrounded by hundreds of other players houses and structures that made Tatooine look like one massive urban sprawl.


Sure, they could go with the EQ2 model but as I said before I don't want to be tied to going to one planet to visit a house.


I'd prefer resources be fixed to deal with the lag and other bugs that have plagued players since day one.


Because your opinion is the only one that matters right.

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I am a former swg player, and what i miss the most in this game, is housing.

I used to love to decorate my homes in swg, and iam wondering if it's possible to have some form of housing in this game.

I understand we cannot plant homes with this game-engine,but there should be a possibility to rent an appartment and decorate that one.

Really would love to see that on planets like: Dromund Kaas,Corellia,Nar Shaddaa,Coruscant.

The appartments can be instanced so that other people will not notice any loss of framerate or whatnot.

Just put down a few huge buildings with 1 entrance.

Click on the entrance and a pop-up will show,letting you pick your own appartment, or visit a friends one.

Might be something to think about devs !!

Bioware could even sell furniture,artwork (paintings,posters) on the cartel market!

Maybe add some decorations at the loot-table ,always nice to keep or sell at the GTN!

I dunno, its just a thought....



Yes, this game should have had some form of housing (probably LOTRO-esq - but with SWG/EQ2 decorating).


No, I don't think it will ever happen (just like a proper 3D Space expansion), as they can't "sell" either in gambling boxes. :(

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There will be no houses, I'm pretty sure about it. Ship decorations on the cartel market, on the other hand, possible (And awesome)


Ship decorations will be hard to do, look at the ship interiors there'd very little space for anything, even with fixed 1 place positioning.


Exterior ship colours and ship plasma bolt colours? Maybe, one day, but that's a long way from housing.

Edited by Goretzu
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