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Things SWTOR forgot to copy from WoW


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1. dungeon finder : no never no tx... i dont wanna sit in my main fleet doing nothing for hours waiting qq, or finding a good group ill never see once more ever again cuz i used dungeon finder and stuck up people that whine quit dungeon instant or some being i foass cuz they are bla bla via dungeon finder.. NEVER!!!


If you don't want to just sit around waiting, then you do want dungeon finder.


You can be looking for group in dungeon finder while questing. You have to be in a main chat zone, probably a city, just waiting and spamming chat, without dungeon finder.

Edited by kalarro
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A lot of this will come in time. Nice post though.


I do think they left some rather simple things out though like:


- a /random system for rolling while master looting (to avoid any errors made)

- a moveable UI, extra bars at the bottom etc

- a summon ability for your team mates

- a more realistic search system on the auction

- Seeing how much things sell for before going to vendor/auction

- hotkey for target's target (much easier for healing)

- functional raid frames in PvP (always seems to bug)


Probably some other stuff.. Most of what you detailed are more major projects that we'll prob see rolled out but the above seems like very easily achievable things that weren't added for some unknown reason.


RE: The dungeon finder. This mentality that it causes people to act like jerks is comical. It doesn't exist. People who are jerks are gonna act like jerks regardless - a dungeon finder or cross-server dungeon finder isn't going to stop that. The days of having 500 people on a server where everyone knew each other are over so people do not take this into account when acting like a horse's butt.


I think the levels dev put it best: they want to encourage people to explore the world and get out there right now. When they feel the exploring has been done and people just want to pop in for a quick 5 minute queue and 30 minute dungeon; they will be able to as they add the functionality eventually.

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Comparing SW:TOR to release-day WoW is stupid. WoW is 7 years old, now, and there's been a lot of innovation in the MMORPG genre since 2004.


None of what wow has now, was impossible i 2004, nothing but the new graphics engine. Not even the LFG cross-server was impossible then, you already had it for Battlegrounds. Comparing those two is not stupid at all, and if it was stupid, this thread should not be up at all.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.



Excuse me but this is one of the MOSt important reasons wow died. Srsly think about what you are saying because it would turn this game into the same easy mode fkfest wow has become.

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.



Excuse me but this is one of the MOSt important reasons wow died. Srsly think about what you are saying because it would turn this game into the same easy mode fkfest wow has become.


Word, without the faul ones.

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Emphasis by me.




You said it yourself...in a few months. So why the need to beg for it already?


Well, sometimes I wonder how I could have ever played without it..or lived without a mobile phone, not to mention over 100 channels on TV to choose from.


As Apwolff here has put it so eloquently:


Patience young padawan.:)


Um. I'd imagine that such a feature would take at least a few months to develop. We're letting BioWare know now that it's a feature we want so that they can start development soon.


Don't be silly!

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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.



Excuse me but this is one of the MOSt important reasons wow died. Srsly think about what you are saying because it would turn this game into the same easy mode fkfest wow has become.


I fail to see how teleporting back to the fleet station with a scroll and running up a lift to my instance is somehow a challenge. Strange view to be against it really, this in no way makes the game any harder. I'd rather just queue from in the world instead of spending 10 minutes of my life warping back somewhere and running around a friendly environment.


Also, wow died?

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None of what wow has now, was impossible i 2004, nothing but the new graphics engine. Not even the LFG cross-server was impossible then, you already had it for Battlegrounds. Comparing those two is not stupid at all, and if it was stupid, this thread should not be up at all.


I'm not sure what your argument is. Do you know what the word innovation means?

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I'm not sure what your argument is. Do you know what the word innovation means?


Blame blizzard for releasing a game that was not done.


I stopped taking this thread seriously sorry. So much trolling going around, even the title is hard to take seriously.

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Blame blizzard for releasing a game that was not done.


I stopped taking this thread seriously sorry. So much trolling going around, even the title is hard to take seriously.


I guess you don't know what innovation means!


Look, a lot of what Blizzard has implemented over the last seven years didn't exist before they did it. The developers took a lot of feedback, acted on it, and invented new things. Your argument that it was all possible in 2004 is ridiculous. You know what? Microchips were possible in 1250 BC, but we didn't have them. Nobody had invented them, yet.


EDIT: Speaking of microchips, your argument is flawed for another reason. Computing power has increased drastically in seven years. It's very likely that some of the things WoW does today weren't at all possible to do in 2004 with the hardware available at the time. There was no such thing as a dual-core processor in 2004. Memory was much more expensive, much slower, and much more limited in quantity. Etc.

Edited by Seifz
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1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.



Excuse me but this is one of the MOSt important reasons wow died. Srsly think about what you are saying because it would turn this game into the same easy mode fkfest wow has become.


LOL @ saying a game with 10 million+ subscribers is dead. I laughed.

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Um. I'd imagine that such a feature would take at least a few months to develop. We're letting BioWare know now that it's a feature we want so that they can start development soon.


Don't be silly!


I'm not silly. I try to understand, although I admit I don't make myself clear from time to time. But I'm in good company I guess. :)


Letting BW know what would be nice to have later on is fine, however often it seems like BW gets the shaft because they didnt launch with the feature.


And according to some here it must be easy to develop such features (I'm not referring to you, mind you).


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Please see my responses below.


1) Dungeon finder.

Finding a group and getting them all to the flashpoint takes too long, it's not fun so hardly anyone is playing flashpoints.

I'm level 24 and have had no issues finding a group of people to run flashpoints so far. Heck, I'll just randomly run into a few people and we all group up and quest for hours. No finder creates a sense of community and encouragement to interact with others.


2) UI customisation.

Especially UI scaling. I play on a high-res monitor and the current UI is awful.

Game just "officially" launched today, I'm sure the mods and scaling are on the way, definately not a priority in the grand scheme of things.


3) Group loot rules.

Don't let classes that can't use gear roll on it. It only causes grief, whether it was intentional or deliberate. WoW's 2-hour grace period for trading bound items with those eligible for them would have been nice, too.

In the multitude of random groups I've been in, there hasn't been a single ninja. People have been courteous and greed/pass on loot that they wouldn't use.


4) Selecting PvP warzones.

Lots of people hate huttball. I know it helps reduce PvP queues, but melee classes hate it. I'd be much more likely to queue for PvP if I could knock it off the list.

Bioware is probably generating popularity and having everyone give each PVP match a try. I remember going into my first Huttball with a bunch of people and everyone was uneasy. After a couple games, we all fell in love with it.


5) Skills that level as you level.

Returning to a trainer every time you level up is not fun. It's a timesink.

Not sure why we should be entitled to this. it's part of the ingame economy and most of us are used to "heading to town to sell/train"


6) Addons.

Especially DPS meters, or at least a combat log. I have no idea which of my skills/rotations are most effective which makes learning my class really hard. It's also very hard to analyse fights to work out what to avoid, which mob to kill first, what to interupt etc...

See #2.


7) Guild storage.

Sharing materials and items with guildies is a big part of a successful guild. Currently this is reduced to asking/offering in guild chat, which is pretty tedious.

At launch, they probably just wanted the Guild feature in for now. Now that the game is launched, Bioware can delegate resources to focus on more specific projects such as guildbanks/guildships.


8) Achievements.

They were fun, quirky and added longevity to the game. A great way to spice up repetitive encounters and great personal goals for PvP.

Not this early in the game, no. Also - the Codex can be seen as a source of achievements/collections.


9) Fishing.

Great way to pass the ti.. nevermind, maybe SWTOR is doing some things right.

Space Combat > Fishing

Edited by StaticImpulse
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OP: I want...


1) Dungeon finder.

2) UI customisation.

3) Group loot rules.

4) Selecting PvP warzones.

5) Skills that level as you level.

6) Addons.

7) Guild storage.

8) Achievements.

9) Fishing.




1) No. Interact with the community, play an active role in a guild, develop your friends lists, problem solved. This is an MMO, not XBOX live.

2) Yes. Agreed.

3) Yes. Agreed.

4) No. You want to PvP, you gotta be good at them all. I hate the turrets game, but I play it because there is a role for everyone in all of the war zones. Besides, PvP won't properly balance until level max, so be patient.

5) Yes. Agreed.

6) No. Learn your class. Learn the fights. Learn to pay attention to fight cues. Why rely on a robot to do all the work for you? Where is the challenge?

7) Yes. Agreed.

8) It is called a CODEX. Look at it from time to time.

9) It is called Space Combat.

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I'd love to see one thing copied actually not from WoW, but from Rift: Wardrobe sets

So you can get bonus from the ugly hooded robe you are using, but wear a nice looking, green lev 3 robe.

Also ability to sit on chairs would be higly needed ;)


As for the wardrobe, I believe you want to look towards LOTRO before peeking over to Rift. Lotro has that for years, nothing new by Rift.


Chairs, yes, definitely needed. So many chairs in a cantina and I have to sit on that smelly, dirty floor.


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If memory serves correct, I believe 3, 4, 7, and 9 were launch features.


Battlegrounds werent there at launch. You actually had to run to Mor'shan ramparts in the begining when WSG came out. same with AV.


The loot rule thing came way later, in WOTLK


Guild bank were introduced in patch 2.3.


Only thing that you thought where there on release date was fishing :p


Edit: 2, 6, 9 where there at launch day. Addons were even there in beta :)

Edited by lorithlor
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You people are funy.


Ofcourse some features will be avaliable sooner or later, but arguments what is from WoW what is from Rift and so on are pointles.


Think about them like that : what car manufacturer used seat belts first ? Now ask yourself , when you think bout cars, YOU DONT CARE WHAT MODEL HAD SEAT BELTS FIRST. You just expect every MORDERN car to have seat belts and thats it.


So stop pointless comments on who-what-first.


PS> No Dungeon Finder, takes joy of meeting people and building long term relations.

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1. Dungeon finder is a way to address shrinking populations on all realms, was a clever way to increase game longevity.


2. Not a big deal maybe they will do something later.


3.Only players with a pixel fetish are bothered about loot.


4.Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want, learn to deal with it.


5.Not exactly game breaking and isn’t the whole game just a time sink ?


6. I like whack a mole and sometimes use a skill because of the cool animation.

What you really want is to exclude players who are not as good as you.

Addons just make the game more elitist

Also devs need to tune fights to be more difficult because they help too much.


7.Makes you think about what you should keep or sell.


8.Little things.


9.Fishing is boring glad its not here




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