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PVP Shout outs!


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Shout out to the Wook ranked team for the fun matches last night. Undercon recently merged with Wrath, so we're finally getting enough regular PvPers to do more ranked. Gonna be fun getting into the swing of the real deal.


And big thanks to K'rath for stepping up and helping us all get better. Looking forward to raising the bar for our resident UC PvPers.


Good matches. We will be queuing up again next week (possibly even this weekend if we can get enough people together).

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Not saying your team didn't fail you. But maybe you failed yourself by not hitting the 'M' key occasionally and looking at where people are and adjusting your strategy accordingly.


Good teams know when they are going to lose a node long before they are going to lose it.


Olol, I check the map often and pay attention to the mini map. I also tend to keep an eye on the other node we have and try to avoid lemming mentality. Fact is, there's only so much one person can do especially if the other team is more focused.


Also, I'll mark the enemy team's healer, tell people in ops chat I did, then go attack the healer, get jumped then when I dies and respawn, I'll find my team fighting far away from the node. -.-

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Cool to see some teams in the ranked q last night. Not cool to see them all going on a monday night.

If anyone wants to organize some games for this thurs/fri/sat that'd be great. Shout out I guess to rotj for finally doing ranked and leaving west open for like 15 minutes straight.

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We want to play against ID more, but we usually tend to queue ranked on Sun / Mon & sometimes Tuesday. Our team has difficulty coordinating times later in the week, though. It may not be this week, but we can try to coordinate at some point.


Is there a Pub alternate that trolls the fleet we can talk to on these days to try to get something going?


These double xp weekends have made most people assume ranked pvp is off the table on Sundays, so we haven't even tried the last 2 weekends.


Good to know when you guys queue, though.

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We want to play against ID more, but we usually tend to queue ranked on Sun / Mon & sometimes Tuesday. Our team has difficulty coordinating times later in the week, though. It may not be this week, but we can try to coordinate at some point.


Is there a Pub alternate that trolls the fleet we can talk to on these days to try to get something going?


These double xp weekends have made most people assume ranked pvp is off the table on Sundays, so we haven't even tried the last 2 weekends.


Good to know when you guys queue, though.

Pretty much everyone in ID has a pub 50, and I'm currently leveling my guardian. Maybe we'll even try to do some pub-side ranked for fun. We're still predominantly on the imperial side but you'd see most of us in the guild Arrogance.

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Pretty much everyone in ID has a pub 50, and I'm currently leveling my guardian. Maybe we'll even try to do some pub-side ranked for fun. We're still predominantly on the imperial side but you'd see most of us in the guild Arrogance.


Sounds good. I've seen Somnax (sp?) and Oil in <Arrogance>. I learned who Ohe's alt in <Epic Failz> is on the ID team, so we'll be on the lookout for them to coordinate when/if they're on when we're assembling a team.



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Cool to see some teams in the ranked q last night. Not cool to see them all going on a monday night.

If anyone wants to organize some games for this thurs/fri/sat that'd be great. Shout out I guess to rotj for finally doing ranked and leaving west open for like 15 minutes straight.


Sithit used to do Friday nights, but with double xp and scheduling issues we haven't been able to get a full team of dedicated pvp'ers together. Last night was just a rag tag group of half pvp'ers and half pve'ers still in recruit. We got facerolled, but still fun. :D

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Cool to see some teams in the ranked q last night. Not cool to see them all going on a monday night.

If anyone wants to organize some games for this thurs/fri/sat that'd be great. Shout out I guess to rotj for finally doing ranked and leaving west open for like 15 minutes straight.


In our defense you guys only made one half hearted attempt at it, and I'd say we left it empty for 5 minutes straight 3 seperate times =P

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They really need to implement cross server PVP for ranked. It just really sucks when the ranked teams flood regular WZs due to lack of WZ pops. Of course, it would also be nice if they'd set up solo ranked already.


Also, shout out to everyone who queues solo for WZs. I know what a headache It can be especially being frequently stuck against good premades without one on your own team. And for the people that stick it out every time, extra big shout out. Although, I fully understand leaving a WZ when you reach the point of wanting to smash your face against the desk or just going berserk. One can't tolerate getting the **** end of the stick forever.


Oh and another shout out to people that frequently focus healers, d up when we have two nodes and don't prematurely give up on one to try and take the one we don't have, and try to get the team organized and focused.

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Would people be interested in using a Shadowlands Ranked calendar in order to coordinate playtimes? Seems like the "you guys don't q ranked" statement doesn't take into account a variety of unknown factors. Edited by Logan-won
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Would people be interested in setting up a Shadowlands Ranked calendar in order to coordinate playtimes? Seems like the "you guys don't q ranked" statement is often influenced by unknown factors.

That sounds like a pretty cool idea. As stated previously the most concrete times that ID can usually make a team are on friday and saturday nights. Obviously we try to q as much as possible throughout the week but it's less consistent.


I also know that Omnipresent has said several times that their q days are tuesday, wednesday, and thursday(hopefully subject to change).

Edited by Wookieenator
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Shout out to Legend for inviting me to his guild (and for being very friendly, same for his guildmates) and for the fun matches that we had these days. I'd also like to give a shout out to Jediy, Miiccro, Gravity, Captivate and everyone else who grouped with me on the imp side these days, it's always good to play with good people. Edited by JeffSantos
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Obscure , Nothingsafe , Unprohibited , Tamoshia. All same person loves Competing aginst all. Its a great sever and good pvpers come and go from launch. /salute Shadowlands. Special shout outs to all Devious guildies. Unconquered players and many others. Edited by DunkelEngel
forgot something
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Obscure's worst enemies. Mancrit , and The Trooper Mancrit. I have a bit of respect for him though.

Since launch ive been targeting him and he still presses on. /salute

Wook team work in Hutball is usaully the winners. God i hate how they do the game right.

Devious - Great guys and gals that i joined when my guild left. Always j/k and having a good time.

Unconquered has some really nice ppl that are fun to PVP with. TY for the invites to rated PVP.

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