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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(Sniper) Does it get better?


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Hey, This isn't some post whining about how "X is overpowered than Y, Nerf Z." or "These people are being too tactical, nerf grouping"


I'm just curious. My sniper hit 50 yesterday, go and is my favorite one yet, However he's also my only toon i really PVP with Grabbed the recruit gear, and i notice that even the tanks seem to hit me for 5000k(+) easily, while i can't even pray to get a 2500.


I'm pretty sure i'm playing my class "Right" Maybe not the optimal rotation. But i know i'm probably not doing anything -wrong-


Example: I see an assassin coming for me, I cover pulse him, hit him with crit snipe >Ambush> FT and he doesn't even lose a quarter of his health. Now all my heavy hitters are on cooldown, He's fine, and then proceeds to hit me for 10k in a 5-second interval. Shield does nothing, Die instantly.


I know recruit gear sucks, But once i get Battlemaster will i finally be able to dish out the hurt? Or will i still get stomped, Just -less- stomped? I can handle getting focused, but when i have the range advantage, I'd like to think the sniper could handle 1v1 very easily.


If the battlemaster gear will -really- help me out, What would be the best upgrade path to take? Field tech or medic? The only BM gear i have is the Enforcer's Sniper Rifle, Everything else is recruit (For pvp)


Edit: Guess i should -probably- post my spec, I run pure marksman with energy tanks and the crit talent from lethality.


Assuming each one is played correctly, are lethality and marksman on equal ground for PVP? Other topics with that argument really seem to lack any data.

Edited by Sideblaze
Forgot a small detial.
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Well you will do less than great damage against darkness/KC players simply because well as you said they are tanks and yes recruit against warhero you will feel the hurt. From what I read (I do not play sniper or GS so this is from the forums and players I know that play the class) assassins seem to be a good counter for snipers but once you start to get more pieces of BM and eventually WH you have amazing damage potential so keep your head up with a few weeks of some effort (I know its a game and people don't want to hear that word) things will get better.
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you want max power, and the FT set bonus is usually pretty helpful.


I get Field Medic belt/bracers/offhand/mainhand


GET WAR HERO MAINHAND FIRST! You will want it! Also, augment all that BM gear up! you will be glad you did! Do your pve credit dailies in between Q times or after your pvp dailies are done (No point in playing on my server since I'm always getting steamed by premades). you'll be able to augment about 2 things per character (I have 4 fifties, for example, so I can afford to full augment 8 pieces and everything each day. That's 1 mil a day, but ofc I don't have that time, so I make about 1/3 of that lol).


TL;DR Yes augment your bm, get WH mainhand, and get money with dailies

Edited by Zunayson
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Well you will do less than great damage against darkness/KC players simply because well as you said they are tanks and yes recruit against warhero you will feel the hurt. From what I read (I do not play sniper or GS so this is from the forums and players I know that play the class) assassins seem to be a good counter for snipers but once you start to get more pieces of BM and eventually WH you have amazing damage potential so keep your head up with a few weeks of some effort (I know its a game and people don't want to hear that word) things will get better.

Will i NEED the Warhero gear or could i live on BM without getting *****?

And from my understanding, i thought Sins countered us because they had stealth, When i cover pulsed one + entrenched i atleast expected him to pop a CD, Nope, Just tanked it. Blah.


Does entrench protect against knockback? No issues with it so far, But i don't want to be suprised.

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Will i NEED the Warhero gear or could i live on BM without getting *****?

And from my understanding, i thought Sins countered us because they had stealth, When i cover pulsed one + entrenched i atleast expected him to pop a CD, Nope, Just tanked it. Blah.


Does entrench protect against knockback? No issues with it so far, But i don't want to be suprised.


entrench protects against all things except for diversion which is mm snipers only


it doesn't work with natural cover, along with ballistic shield.

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entrench protects against all things except for diversion which is mm snipers only


it doesn't work with natural cover, along with ballistic shield.


For a recruit sniper, Would you recommend lethality or Marksman? I like them both, I just leveled as marksman, so i feel more comfort with that, But i can adjust if lethal is needed as a recruit.

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it gets better....but you should be getting better than 2.5 on aim shot / ambush with recruit gear on vs. most of your enemies.

Try hunting those sages/inquistors and sent/maras.

Also try a different spec ....engineer/sab is a great pvp class. You get some nice burst, slows, and an extra stun....also switches up much of your kinetic damage for elemental which is useful vs players. Granted it is not a spec to duel folks with, but know your role slow, stun and aoe the masses around the objective points and you can be very effective.

Or go hybrid sab/df (engineer/lethality) you can get some amazing burst with that. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbIbbRoZG0rkrMhd.2

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it gets better....but you should be getting better than 2.5 on aim shot / ambush with recruit gear on vs. most of your enemies.

Try hunting those sages/inquistors and sent/maras.

Also try a different spec ....engineer/sab is a great pvp class. You get some nice burst, slows, and an extra stun....also switches up much of your kinetic damage for elemental which is useful vs players. Granted it is not a spec to duel folks with, but know your role slow, stun and aoe the masses around the objective points and you can be very effective.

Or go hybrid sab/df (engineer/lethality) you can get some amazing burst with that. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbIbbRoZG0rkrMhd.2


So, Engineering has basically been the one i really don't like much, I mean, yes, it has really good uses, but it doesn't "Feel" right to me. But i can adjust i suppose.


So basically, i should be an engy atleast until i get some decent gear?

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For a recruit sniper, Would you recommend lethality or Marksman? I like them both, I just leveled as marksman, so i feel more comfort with that, But i can adjust if lethal is needed as a recruit.


Engineering. Don't worry about killing people. Just use your Plasma probe and whatever else you can to prevent caps. Also get a little more defense.


Advice I got myself.

Edited by Technohic
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For a recruit sniper, Would you recommend lethality or Marksman? I like them both, I just leveled as marksman, so i feel more comfort with that, But i can adjust if lethal is needed as a recruit.


Nah I hear lethality is gear-based moreso than MM. Also MM is more bursty


Not like damage matters that much; Eng has the most survivability

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it gets better....but you should be getting better than 2.5 on aim shot / ambush with recruit gear on vs. most of your enemies.

Try hunting those sages/inquistors and sent/maras.

Also try a different spec ....engineer/sab is a great pvp class. You get some nice burst, slows, and an extra stun....also switches up much of your kinetic damage for elemental which is useful vs players. Granted it is not a spec to duel folks with, but know your role slow, stun and aoe the masses around the objective points and you can be very effective.

Or go hybrid sab/df (engineer/lethality) you can get some amazing burst with that. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbIbbRoZG0rkrMhd.2



Lol do you want him to die? Hunt a Mara or sent, you better hope he's a fotm reroller. ;)

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Yeah I would definitely start with engineering. Tank sins can kill snipers easily if they are decent, and you are under geared.


You should focus on rooting melee, tossing AOEs and focusing down healers. Only so much a sniper can do against a tank sin especially if they are smart about when they resilience.

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Just live through it, man. If you want to get best in slot gear then I implore you to:


Ignore BM belt/bracer

Ignore BM implants/earpieces

Ignore BM relics

Ignore BM mainhand/offhand


The belt and bracers will be orange slots that have PvE grade 63 (or 61 if you're cheap like I am :D ) and PvP mods w/ expertise. This way, you get max mainstat at the expense of very little power. I recommend that once you get your WH mainhand that you strip the mod out of the BM sniper rifle and put it in an orange belt/bracer then use moneh to buy some pve armorings. .

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Right, So i went lethality and now i can -hurt- people, But not really kill if they even look at me. Blah. How many pieces do i need of BM gear? Currently have BM enforcer Sniper rifle and FT boots.


stick with lethality and try to improve ur targeting swap

u are not going to kill them 1v1 with ur gear but u are gonna hurt them enough so ur team can finish them

ur stuns, and knockback are pretty strong. use them all

sniper gets better and better when u are over 850 TECH damage(u get this from ur weapoms, cunning and power) or so buffed

full BM augmented is pretty solid

once u start scaling with ur gear u will notice the diference

each spec has different roles so try them all untill u find the one that suits u

good luck

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Lol do you want him to die? Hunt a Mara or sent, you better hope he's a fotm reroller. ;)


There are plenty of those fotm sents/maras out there to hunt...and gs/sniper has plenty of roots, slows and stuns to deal with them.

I prefer to hunt out the other dps'rs that can destroy me...kinda offense is the best defense. I would much rather get in some big hits on those sents/maras and force them to use their defensive cool downs so I can root/stun them. Much better to be the first punch in a fight imho.....if you wait for one of those classes to get on top of you before you switch to them...you are already dead.


That hybrid build I posted...is a pretty nasty opening rotation that can kill all but the beastliest pvp'rs out there if you can hit them with ...shock charge, vital, shrap, sab charge, wounding shots...that will typically take them to <30% hp and you can then hit them with your Quickdraw/Takedown?(not sure what the finisher is called for sniper)....then switch targets because your bleeds will finish off whatever hp they have left.


Sounds like a long rotation, but all but wounding shots is instant cast so it really happens in a few seconds.

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Hey, This isn't some post whining about how "X is overpowered than Y, Nerf Z." or "These people are being too tactical, nerf grouping"


I'm just curious. My sniper hit 50 yesterday, go and is my favorite one yet, However he's also my only toon i really PVP with Grabbed the recruit gear, and i notice that even the tanks seem to hit me for 5000k(+) easily, while i can't even pray to get a 2500.


I'm pretty sure i'm playing my class "Right" Maybe not the optimal rotation. But i know i'm probably not doing anything -wrong-


Example: I see an assassin coming for me, I cover pulse him, hit him with crit snipe >Ambush> FT and he doesn't even lose a quarter of his health. Now all my heavy hitters are on cooldown, He's fine, and then proceeds to hit me for 10k in a 5-second interval. Shield does nothing, Die instantly.


I know recruit gear sucks, But once i get Battlemaster will i finally be able to dish out the hurt? Or will i still get stomped, Just -less- stomped? I can handle getting focused, but when i have the range advantage, I'd like to think the sniper could handle 1v1 very easily.


If the battlemaster gear will -really- help me out, What would be the best upgrade path to take? Field tech or medic? The only BM gear i have is the Enforcer's Sniper Rifle, Everything else is recruit (For pvp)


Edit: Guess i should -probably- post my spec, I run pure marksman with energy tanks and the crit talent from lethality.


Assuming each one is played correctly, are lethality and marksman on equal ground for PVP? Other topics with that argument really seem to lack any data.


It does get better but it is going to be painful. Snipers are fairly weak in recruit gear (which is a pretty huge shock, coming from the lowbie bracket where snipers can rip though the competition).


Stealth classes are the sniper's hard counter and assassins in particular have great defensive cooldowns to negate what snipers are trying to do.


My suggestion is going a 10/31/0 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400rkrZrIMbRRbors.2 with points in marksmen for knockback on ambush, balastic dampeners for improved damage reduction and armor pen on ambush. This makes you more "tanky" and able to take some hits. the slows you have will allow you to move yourself into better position while avoiding most melees.


If you are only going to get battlemaster, you will still probably need to augment it. The extra health and main stats make a huge difference but it can be a bit costly (prob around 1.3-1.5m credits for all your items)


Play objectively. Engineers are probably the best node denial/utility advance class in the game with all their AoEs and help focus down other teammates targets and you will be fine. once you get out of recruit you will realize its alot better. Just try to avoid those smash jugs/maras. Even fully geared they hit majorly hard.

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The Agent/Smuggler class dominate in pre-50 PvP because they scale very well. Once you hit 50, though. Well, you'll figure it out.


You've gone from being the big fish in a little pond to little more than a targeting dummy.

Edited by TheronFett
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There are plenty of those fotm sents/maras out there to hunt...and gs/sniper has plenty of roots, slows and stuns to deal with them.

I prefer to hunt out the other dps'rs that can destroy me...kinda offense is the best defense. I would much rather get in some big hits on those sents/maras and force them to use their defensive cool downs so I can root/stun them. Much better to be the first punch in a fight imho.....if you wait for one of those classes to get on top of you before you switch to them...you are already dead.


That hybrid build I posted...is a pretty nasty opening rotation that can kill all but the beastliest pvp'rs out there if you can hit them with ...shock charge, vital, shrap, sab charge, wounding shots...that will typically take them to <30% hp and you can then hit them with your Quickdraw/Takedown?(not sure what the finisher is called for sniper)....then switch targets because your bleeds will finish off whatever hp they have left.


Sounds like a long rotation, but all but wounding shots is instant cast so it really happens in a few seconds.


Using a modified version of your build, (Cooldown on stun instead of flashbang thing, Got endurance over cover pulse) how does it handle healers?

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It does get better but it is going to be painful. Snipers are fairly weak in recruit gear (which is a pretty huge shock, coming from the lowbie bracket where snipers can rip though the competition).


Stealth classes are the sniper's hard counter and assassins in particular have great defensive cooldowns to negate what snipers are trying to do.


Assassins in particular? Nah. They're a tough fight,-- the second hardest -- but as an engineer I win a good proportion of my matches against them. (I want to say "half my matches," but that may be my ego / confirmation bias talking :p) DPS scoundels/ operatives are the snipers' true bane. You can't ever get them at a distance and they have better opening burst that you can't recover from. I win maybe 10% of my duels against comparably geared DPS scoundrels/operatives. (And frankly, those victories may have been the DPS op feeling sorry for me:()


The ones who are real jerks will flashbang you in a duel once entrench wears off and then heal up.


But yeah, the TLDR on snipers is that there is a very hard gearcheck on hitting 50. It takes some misery to gear up and be useful again.

Edited by stringcat
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Hey, This isn't some post whining about how "X is overpowered than Y, Nerf Z." or "These people are being too tactical, nerf grouping"


I'm just curious. My sniper hit 50 yesterday, go and is my favorite one yet, However he's also my only toon i really PVP with Grabbed the recruit gear, and i notice that even the tanks seem to hit me for 5000k(+) easily, while i can't even pray to get a 2500.


I'm pretty sure i'm playing my class "Right" Maybe not the optimal rotation. But i know i'm probably not doing anything -wrong-


Example: I see an assassin coming for me, I cover pulse him, hit him with crit snipe >Ambush> FT and he doesn't even lose a quarter of his health. Now all my heavy hitters are on cooldown, He's fine, and then proceeds to hit me for 10k in a 5-second interval. Shield does nothing, Die instantly.


I know recruit gear sucks, But once i get Battlemaster will i finally be able to dish out the hurt? Or will i still get stomped, Just -less- stomped? I can handle getting focused, but when i have the range advantage, I'd like to think the sniper could handle 1v1 very easily.


If the battlemaster gear will -really- help me out, What would be the best upgrade path to take? Field tech or medic? The only BM gear i have is the Enforcer's Sniper Rifle, Everything else is recruit (For pvp)


Edit: Guess i should -probably- post my spec, I run pure marksman with energy tanks and the crit talent from lethality.


Assuming each one is played correctly, are lethality and marksman on equal ground for PVP? Other topics with that argument really seem to lack any data.

I've gone against a WH/EWH sniper that 3v1 on a node in Civil war and won. Cover pulse, flash bang, knock back on the heavy hitter, the defensive skills etc. My then mostly battlemaster assassin was destroyed before even getting close. Stealth and positioning didn't help at all. My other 2 battlemaster melee comrades were sent to the respawn quickly too. He picked us off one by one. Keep working on it and I'm sure you'll become better at it.

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I've gone against a WH/EWH sniper that 3v1 on a node in Civil war and won. Cover pulse, flash bang, knock back on the heavy hitter, the defensive skills etc. My then mostly battlemaster assassin was destroyed before even getting close. Stealth and positioning didn't help at all. My other 2 battlemaster melee comrades were sent to the respawn quickly too. He picked us off one by one. Keep working on it and I'm sure you'll become better at it.


Was he a marksman? or engy?

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