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Reported for "griefing" your thoughts please.


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If you don't want to be flagged for PvP, don't do things that will get you flagged, like attacking enemies who are PvP flagged or healing friends who are PvP flagged.


Or buffing up when grouped while missing that one of your group mates was flagged?


Poor logic there my friend. :)

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IMO flagged for pvp = I want to pvp.

if you can't waste 5 minutes in cantina, then I'm sorry (for the record, I don't do much of open world pvp unless it's killing people who try to gank my guild on NMP - but even then, only attack flagged ones, not provoking flag bug). if you got flagged by accident, go cantina.

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I was there for the debacle of CSR talking to people about "greifing" on a PVP server. It was my server before mergers. After 2 days, multiple threads on these forums and tons of support from their players Imp and Rep side, It was the CSR that wound up in trouble, and EVERY one of the people effected got phonecalls from Bioware, even one Rep player who got banned for supporting them on the forums got the same call. If you are flagged on a pve server I suppose the situation would be the same.
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Or buffing up when grouped while missing that one of your group mates was flagged?


Poor logic there my friend. :)


Not at all.


Don't group buff when someone's PvP flagged if you don't want to be flagged. You didn't notice? That's your fault.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Ganking and greifing are despisable ona pve or pvp server, only epople having fun with it are people to frustated in real pvp that need to faceroll undergeared..in less numbers...questing..oblivious poeple.


These same people are th eones that usualy complain about premades...because they are so terribad that they cant get into teams...


TLDR:dont do it, its retarded and pointless


Someone's mad.

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I didnt assume. Not when you have to give consent for pvp. Flagging system is there for a reason. Who or what deems things to be "appropriate" for a pve server? Again, if you dont want to pvp then you don't flag yourself. It's that simple.


I think you'll be ok. They should have unflagged themselves before going out to the heroic.

So technically, you did nothing wrong. But I think it was clear the base battle was over for them and they ressumed their normal pve stuff, minding their business. The pvp fun was over for them. So you saw them outside and killed them. One was getting to get out there and you killed them again. Lovely.

Yes, technically nothing wrong. But there's more to it. IMO, you were wrong.


I play on a pve server as well, and once I got flagged when I was healing with my sorc End of Torvix heroic, which is an instance, wth. Since I hadn't finished the other quests I went outside instead of the usual sucide to the outpost. As soon as I got out, a group of 4 republic players, probably waiting around, jumped immediately on me and I got nuked in 2 seconds. Did they have fun ? Most certainly. Did I ? None at all.

I didn't report them of course, my fault for not unflagging myself first. All I did was taking a screenshot with their names, to add them to my trooper's and knight's list. Friends list, that is, since you can't add comments to the ignored ones and I still want give them the benefit of the doubt if I come accross them in future. But I definitely want to know who they are.

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People threaten to report for rediculus things.

Like when datacron hunting on my 50 van i go to the balloon pickup site to find a sorc a Sin and a jugg all lowbies there. I tell them I just want those datcrons and Im not going to gank them. they say sure. After we bord the balloon and it has gotten away from the loading crawler both the sorc and Sin try to knock me off (they fail of course). Irritated I proptly kill the offending sorc. (his friends both jumped ship after I started in on the sorc). I go get to the datacron crawler at which point a 50 jugg and the lowbie one from before both jump to me. The lowbie beelines for the datacron while I beat the stuffing out of the 50. The sorc was also there and shot his ineffective lightning at me everytime i was near the edge of the crawler. I kill him to but left the jugg to go. I get mail from the sorc later saying he is reporting me for griefing (im on the RP-PvP server). I reply back with an LoL He sent one mail back saying I should expect to find myself banned by the end of the week. nothing of course happened but stil its dumb

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Speaking of griefing, I had loads of fun today on my level 33 Operative around a bunch of 6 - 7 republics, most of which overlevelled, and two of them at level 50 in Alderaan.


That steatlh. That sleep. Took them about 10 minutes to find me, only to discover that I can use Cloaking Screen. Hilarious!

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Just wanted some outside opinions. I felt i did nothing wrong but if you guys can remember, there was a big problem with this before. A few guys did this same exact thing on a pvp server. Thats right, a PVP SERVER. The exact same thing happend, and they got reported. A CSR actually told those people if they were to do it again, they were going to be banned or some other type of consequence.


This was posted on the forums with screenshots and all. A CSR on the forums after seeing the screenshots and proof that this happened, made sure the right action was taken. The CSR that contacted those guys most likely got a talking to or sometihng lol. This kind of action was taken on a pvp server, i wondering what will happen since i'm on a pve server.


Also, i never really get whispers or tells like that. Most of the time I only que for warzones but im really bored of the warzones and need world pvp. I didnt stop doing it either. We kept going back and still running in the base. If i could switch to a pvp server i would, but until paid transfers come im stuck waiting on someone to flag.


Getting the story wrong.


A bunch of guys were wailing on a, iirc, tattoine base on a pvp server. An in-game CSR started threatening them. They took screenshots of that and put the exchange on the forums asking if this CSR was acting properly. Bioware's devs saw the thread, apologized and said the CSR was way out of bounds.

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So a friend and I on the shadowlands(pve server) decided to raid the imp base on Ilum together. Ive noticed almost everyday since the merge that people are flagging more often. Hes a shadow so he went stealth pasted the turrets in the base and I leaped to him(I'm a guardian). From there we killed trash mobs in the base trying to get some attention and sure enough it did. Several imps 1 by 1 were flagging themselves. We survived quite a long time but eventually 20 imps(literally) all flagged at once and jumped us.


So we headed back and i knew that after so many people flagged that some of them had to be running to do their heroic(a 2 minute speeder right from their base.) Sure enough, 4 were there on the hill attacking some mobs, still flagged. We killed them then started to head back. One of the guys we killed was heading back on his speeder so we jumped him. From there we head back to the imp base and play around some more and got overwhelmed again. After i spawned back to the base, i get a whisper that I'm getting reported for "griefing." I asked the person. "How is it griefing? Care to explain this?" He said i was tricking people into flagging and that's harassment and I'm being reported.


I not once attacked the same mob(the flag bug) as he or any of the other imps did. In fact, besides a few little creatures outside their base, its impossible considering the mobs are either reb or imp. Then i told him this and put him on ignore. Then a friend of his chimed in: "you can ignore all you want idiot, your griefing and your going to be banned!."


I wont put any names because obviously these guys were confused and I wouldn't want them to be shunned upon for acting like this, but I feel i did nothing wrong. We had a blast and i know the imps did too.




What are your thoughts on raiding the opposite faction's base on a pve server? If they flag and attack you then attack mobs in a heroic still flagged that's not my fault right? Takes 5 minutes to unflag...


So one thing REALLY stands out in this post and the reason I beleive its full of ca ca!


*besides the poster thinking hes a PVP god that is so good it takes 20 to take him and his buddy down (that would be to easy to point out)*


If you read this you will notice hes claiming the imps whispered him on a PVE server


Think about it for a second


Let it sink in.


Or is he claiming that his fellow Reps reported him

According to his story only him and his buddy were around as reps

so why would fellow reps report something they wouldnt be present to see?


No matter how you spin it, it comes down to OP is NOT giving the full story and has carefully editted out parts


its just a giant plea for attention on the forums


Its funny that OP says he didnt break any rules (or exploits) but knew instantly what he was being reported for (if you beleive he was reported even, which im certainly not sold on).


Sorry all but think you just got trolled by someone looking for attention as the OPs story has way to many holes in it to be the whole story (if any of it even happened at all).


PS: Ive attacked Imps bases myself with no drama and none of the nonsense the OP claims to be happening to him.


Course I also didnt get whisper from the Imps afterwards and only rep whisper I received was "where are they attacking?" (person obviously thinking imps were in our dailies areas).


And it didnt take 20 to take down myself and my buddy and our egos were just fine admitting that.

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Several imps 1 by 1 were flagging themselves. We survived quite a long time but eventually 20 imps(literally) all flagged at once and jumped us.


The people who complained were obviously too dumb to figure out that either not flagging, or flagging and then zerging you instantly solves the problem. Put them on ignore (preemptively, imo), and gank the snot out of them if they're dumb enough to flag.


Chalk it up to natural selection.




imps whispered him on a PVE server


They had Pub alts, obviously.


And it didnt take 20 to take down myself and my buddy


If any 2 of the top players who used to play SWTOR (most of whom have moved on to other games) came back, I have no doubt that they would murder 20 randoms in whichever base they'd invaded. The level of skill in the game now is a complete disaster, and the fact that the op can turn on his computer by himself already makes him orders of magnitude more intelligent than the average SWTOR PvPer.

Edited by Eggsalicious
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