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[MVP] Has Lost It's Meaning In [PVP]


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People complain about teammates not paying attention to objectives already. Make MVP automatic and make the reward something actually worth getting and the problem will multiply.


The only change I would like to see to the current system are more metrics added to the score board at the end. e.g. scored in HB, planted a bomb, disabled a bomb, etc. The current Attacker/Defender is vague. That said, it still doesn't matter and rightfully so.

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So OP you're telling me that MVP vote had a meaning in the past? Heh.

I usually don't remember who planted the bomb, scored or soloed the turret(sometimes I make a mental note and the person receives the vote, but I'm usually too busy playing the game then remembering who did what) so my vote gets the person in the end of the board, the inc caller, guild member or person with biggest heals.


The nickname of the person getting the node, planting the bomb or scoring in huttball needs to start flashing on the screen so the people will start notice who does the actual work. Until then MVP has little to no meaning.

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I give pitty votes when I can. To the player that came in right at the end and didn't get to do anything or the player in a losing situation who lemminged on when it was hopeless; just for their determination. Sub-50 I gave it to a level 11 that was catching crap for queuing at such a low level.


It is meaningless and always has been.


I've always said that we should have to vote for a player on the opposite team before we are able to leave and vote for the person who was the biggest pain in the ***. That's probably the real MVP.

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So OP you're telling me that MVP vote had a meaning in the past? Heh.

I usually don't remember who planted the bomb, scored or soloed the turret(sometimes I make a mental note and the person receives the vote, but I'm usually too busy playing the game then remembering who did what) so my vote gets the person in the end of the board, the inc caller, guild member or person with biggest heals.


The nickname of the person getting the node, planting the bomb or scoring in huttball needs to start flashing on the screen so the people will start notice who does the actual work. Until then MVP has little to no meaning.


So you want to encourage solo play and ruin teamplay in random groups? You want MVP vote for waiting in stealth at scoreline or the fact that when I m on my juggernaut I never cap/plant if I got an allyaround because I feel I can hold off inc enemies better by leaping in aoe mez, push away, aoe snare besides the common single target stun we all have, so who actually does the work in this case? I already met morons that died with the ball and had at the very least 1 teammate next to him if name would be shown on goal random pugs are gonna get worse, we don t want to see 8 ppl trying to cap at once

Edited by iDraxter
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So you want to encourage solo play and ruin teamplay in random groups?


I would call it encourage people to go for objective, win games and get addional recognition. Something like YOU ARE INVINCIBLE, but for objectives. Flashing name would be additional award for people. I don't see any harm in it.


The rest you said is very institutional . On my guardian I rarely have an occasion to plant a bomb too as I believe it's a stealther and ranged dps role as they have a look on the whole battleground and can time it right, while I sit where is the biggest fire and get attention of the opponents. However I sometimes score in huttball 3 times and assist much more.


we don t want to see 8 ppl trying to cap at once


People already race for cap to get medals, but usually stop as they see someone else started to cap earlier(in 50 bracket... I don't talk about disastrous 10-49) . Beside sometimes 2 cappers wins the game(VS, CW) as not every class has ranged fast aoe. Like I said everything is different in every match.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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... or the fact that when I m on my juggernaut I never cap/plant if I got an allyaround because I feel I can hold off inc enemies better by leaping in aoe mez, push away, aoe snare besides the common single target stun we all have, so who actually does the work in this case?


^^^^^this, I think, is why MVP really can never mean much. I've seen lots of posts on these boards about "I planted on 2 doors, opened a bridge and got the computer and NO MVP votes - not fair!" I always think, did you not see the rest of your team behind you Ccing like crazy to let you do all that? Same thing with HB and the "I scored all 5 of our goals, and not a single MVP! Boo Hoo." The person that crosses the goal in HB is usually not the person that started with the ball, and is instead at the end of a chain of people fighting through stuns, knockbacks, pulls and focused damage to get the ball to them. As the post I quoted pointed out, who helped the most on planting those doors, or making that score?


Heck, even that person at the bottom of the rankings at the end - maybe they became the punching bag for the enemy team, who focused on the easy-kill so much that the rest of the team were able to easily take the objectives. Maybe instead of quitting they toughed it out , "took one for the team" so to speak. Do they deserve a "sacrificed themselves to serve as a distraction" MVP? Maybe (ok, that's sort of a joke - but still).

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1) +1 WZ Comms For MVP? Why Am I Even Trying?

2) MVP Lost it's meaning in PVP. It should either be renamed +1 for my friend or changed to actually give the player who received the most MVP votes a decent bonus of more than 1-2 wz comms. There is nothing more frustrating than insufficient rewards in this game.

3) If you don't like those 2 ideas, the MVP system still needs a lookover. Maybe even automated MVP Votes based on certain criteria.


For those who did not know:

MVP = Most Valuable Player




I agree. I am really dissapointed cause when you think about it, If a lvl 10 gets 3rd place and some lvl 40+ gets 2nd or 1st then ppl always vote the guys on the very top 2. In reality if somebody can get 3rd place in dps when they are 30 lvles lower they are prob the MVP. Or when I heal I am the only healer in most warzones but that lvl 49 always gets MVP. Peaple choose mvp just by pure dmg. Its really funny actually. Usually if im doing another role besides Dps then I vote for the healer if they did good.

Plus that lvl 10 who is right behind a lvl 40 I wll vote too,

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If you make the MVP rewards acutally worth something, you'd have to make it an automatic system where you get a rating based on certain metrics. Maybe the game would reward the top three. It would take into account a lot of things.


1. Damage done compared to other damage dealers

2. Protection done

3. Healing in relation to other healers

4. Objective points


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