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50,000+ ping ?


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last few days i have had my ping rate on "The Shadowlands" server shoot up to 50,000+.. (yes :eek: 50,000) I can watch it increase from 45ms usually to 200 then 500 then 1000 and it keeps climbing and goes into the range i mentioned. It just happened here at about 12:50pm EST . I haven't gone back into the server yet..


but thought i should at least make a thread about it if anyone else has experienced the same on other servers.

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now its getting frustrating.


this is no less then 4 times this afternoon my ping has gone into the stratosphere and over 50,000 before the server kicks me out. Same server as i mentioned in the first post. :mad:


Yes I've been getting the same thing on Prophecy of the Five. I didn't notice the issue start until after 4.1.3. I've had days where I've been logged out 4 times.


What's worse is when half of our 16 man raid dc at once. This has happened to my guild at least 5 times in the last 2 weeks or so.

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I'm also on Shadowlands and was lag-kicked earlier today after a bout of horrific lag spikes. This has been happening sporadically since 1.4 went live; the last patch seemed to amplify it from a couple times a week to at least three times a day (over, say, a span of four hours).


I can't understand the logic behind rolling out 1.5 next week without cleaning up the 1.4 mess:rolleyes:

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Ya a bunch of my guild mates have been getting this issue too. Usually during ops, and several times in the middle of a boss fight (at least 3 times during HM Kephess -_-). Needless to say we've had a few ops where we just get stuck because of server side issues.
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I'm on Shadowlands too and have had this happen numerous times since 1.4. Disconnect when it happens, in HM FP's and Ops. Also happened to others in my Op. Go right to server screen and takes sometimes multiple attempts to get back in.


There is no error code and I'm not on a wireless network.

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Damn, is everyone from Shadowlands here? I pug a lot on that server and in basically every operation there's someone who's getting kicked to desktop when entering the instance. I've had two or so crashes and a few freezes but nothing major (those were the first in months though). One guy I was in a guild with would crash the first time he tried to enter an instance EVERY TIME. Edited by MidichIorian
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Error Code 9000? Been happening since launch. Think it's something to due with wireless internet, not 100% sure though.


Is that the one where it tells you your account was disconnected and a customer service rep probably banned you, but they didn't really?

Edited by Felioats
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I've dealt with intermittent lag spikes for the last few weeks when before I had none. I started looking around for the culprit since there was no changes to my computer or to the game.


My room mate built a new system and bought Civ V a few weeks ago...right around the time the spikes started.


Seems the culprit is Steam. For some ridiculous reason Steam feels the need to access the internet on a periodic basis, even waking a computer from sleep to do it. I shut off Steam because of this waking up issue, but he was leaving it running.


Now that he closes Steam when not in use my lag spikes have disappeared but I can always tell when he turns it on because I start to spike like crazy.

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I've dealt with intermittent lag spikes for the last few weeks when before I had none. I started looking around for the culprit since there was no changes to my computer or to the game.


My room mate built a new system and bought Civ V a few weeks ago...right around the time the spikes started.


Seems the culprit is Steam. For some ridiculous reason Steam feels the need to access the internet on a periodic basis, even waking a computer from sleep to do it. I shut off Steam because of this waking up issue, but he was leaving it running.


Now that he closes Steam when not in use my lag spikes have disappeared but I can always tell when he turns it on because I start to spike like crazy.

Speaking of steam and adware, I heard that razer had added some similar code to their cloud system. Not sure how much their spyware (that's basically what it is) is affecting the bandwidth though. Edited by MidichIorian
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This has been happening on all the servers since the last update. There was actually some tool on another thread trying to tell everybody that all of their internet connections, all over the world, just suck.... kind of a spontaneous worldwide ISP suck-fest. I don't know if that guy thinks that if he kisses their asses BW is going to send a velvet lipped angel to his house to give him a "special reward" or what.


But yeah, the tards, i mean devs, jacked up the game pretty good with the last update, no doubt about that.

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