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Yes, it's my pc: 3D Mark 11 vs ToR


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SWTOR runs like crap. Anyone who defends SWTOR on this is just blatantly wrong.


In order to get max settings and stay about 60 fps you're going to need an Intel CPU (Turbo boost) and at least a 6870 or higher. AMD CPUs just don't cut it unless you have that thing overclocked 4.0GHz or higher.


My PC can run GW2 in crowded areas at full settings and maintain 50-70 FPS but in SWTOR with Shadows and AA turned down I'm lucky to get 30-50. SWTOR is just optimized very badly. Going to go ahead and blame it on the Hero Engine.

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Blame it on the ********es behind the game ,not the engine.They know about the bugs but still they keep pushing the patches because they don't care( i hope the team will get fired soon because the incompetence behind this game is marvelous)

Some bugs from 1.4:

My game crash with no error in 2-3 hours (4gb ram)

Light sabers still activated when i put it out

Enemies freeze in middle air when they die

Invisible taxi

Laser beams shooting out of my vette asss sometimes

My performance is craptastic ,30-50 fps (high settings)

Sometimes enemies dissapear underground ,they simply vanish

And many more...

This game is half baked ,plain and simple.

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I hope they do some more Performance Enhancing like they are doing with the Lighting in Game Update 1.5, where the Lighting has been improved and to act more realistic to its surrounds by keeping the same Performance or even slighty better then the current Lighting. Now if they did that with alot more of the Game Mechanic's the Game should be running alot better.
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SWTOR runs like crap. Anyone who defends SWTOR on this is just blatantly wrong.


In order to get max settings and stay about 60 fps you're going to need an Intel CPU (Turbo boost) and at least a 6870 or higher. AMD CPUs just don't cut it unless you have that thing overclocked 4.0GHz or higher.


My PC can run GW2 in crowded areas at full settings and maintain 50-70 FPS but in SWTOR with Shadows and AA turned down I'm lucky to get 30-50. SWTOR is just optimized very badly. Going to go ahead and blame it on the Hero Engine.


Well, when you assume it runs like crap for everyone (because it doesn't) then you are just blatantly wrong.

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Well, when you assume it runs like crap for everyone (because it doesn't) then you are just blatantly wrong.


To be completely fair here, while it doesn't run like crap for everyone, imagine how it would be running for those that can get it to work at a respectable framerate with decent settings if it was optimized a bit.

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Well, it seems to me that there is an inherent difference in a benchmark that runs and renders everything client side versus games that require constant communication with a server to determine what is rendered where. Not saying that there aren't issues with the engine in SWTOR (or many other MMOs for that matter), just that it's a two way street and not just "the game's fault."



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CS said it's because I have nameplate scaling with distance on ;_;


So... turn them off or down until they get around to fixing the core issue that causes nameplates to affect graphics performance. ;)


And comparing any game to 3DMark is a failed exercise. Why? because it assumes all graphics in games is predicated on the same simplistic approach that a benchmarking tool like 3DMark makes.


All games are coded differently and MMOs are deliberately coded for different optimizations when compared to single player games. Why? because the dynamics in an MMO are much different then in a single player game.

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And comparing any game to 3DMark is a failed exercise. Why? because it assumes all graphics in games is predicated on the same simplistic approach that a benchmarking tool like 3DMark makes.


All games are coded differently and MMOs are deliberately coded for different optimizations when compared to single player games. Why? because the dynamics in an MMO are much different then in a single player game.


That's basically what I was going to give as input.


However, this is inherently the flaw with PC gaming. There are millions of configurations. At least with consoles, there is only 1, so the game makers have a MUCH easier time with compatibility, especially since they only have to test it on one system.


The same goes with Android phones. Too many different setups, you will inherently have flaws with numerous configurations, and the only thing you can do is work at helping them one at a time, or change minimum requirements.

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Spin. Lots of spin on both ends. I rarely see anyone talk about the likely cause of the games graphics problems.


It is MOST likely, IMO, a COMBINATION of poor computer builds and glitchy graphics drivers combined with poor engine optimization. SWTOR is not the only major MMO to have these kind of graphics problems, nor the only game overall. Many games have had poor performance, and most were chalked up to a combination of these two problems.


Many MANY folks build their own systems. It seems problems are common on these kind of builds. Also graphics drivers are notorious for running badly on certain games depending on how they are coded.


Combined with the OBVIOUS bad engine design and optimization (come on guys, the evidence is overwhelming and plain to see) it is painfully clear, at least to me, that it is a perfect storm.


Some people with the exact same build seem to have no problems, though this seems to be rare. Also some folks that have really powerful builds sometimes indicate problems. Certain types of glitches (speeders disappearing, stuttering during environment rendering, lightsaber problems, clone bugs in FPs, etc.) speak to bad coding outside of obvious FPS issues.


I have some of the same issues. I also have a medium strength build that is home built.


BIOSTAR TA990FXE motherboard

AMD Phenom II X2 560 Black Edition 3.3GHz processor

G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB DDR3 SDRAM

XFX HD-685X-ZNFC Radeon HD 6850 1GB 256-bit DDR5

Ultra LSP650 650-Watt Power Supply

Windows XP SP3 32 bit


...so in my case obviously my stats are middle of the road...not terrible, not great.


Sure, most games I can run at max settings with few problems. This game I have more problems. But if I turn the graphics all the way down to minimum most of the problems vanish.


I strongly feel it is a combination of problems with personal builds and drivers combined with poor engine design and optimization. So really it would be everyones fault if I am correct.

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So... turn them off or down until they get around to fixing the core issue that causes nameplates to affect graphics performance. ;)


And comparing any game to 3DMark is a failed exercise. Why? because it assumes all graphics in games is predicated on the same simplistic approach that a benchmarking tool like 3DMark makes.


All games are coded differently and MMOs are deliberately coded for different optimizations when compared to single player games. Why? because the dynamics in an MMO are much different then in a single player game.


If you havn't figured that on your own - turning the scaling off does nothing.


Comparing to 3DMark isn't a failed exercise - benchmarks are designed to stress your pc, games are not


Ok, MMOs are coded differently, what a surprise. Still, there's no excuse for why it's running so bad compared to other games (and benchmarks lol)

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I wonder what I did right with my computer, because I fall on the opposite side of the fence when it comes to people's game experience and SWTOR.


I've rarely had bugs, I've rarely lost frames after patches and I've never crashed to been stuck on a load screen ever. If you go check the customer support forum I've never had any other the problems th ose guys are having. I run most of the game between 45-60 fps and I haven't had much to complain about since launch.


Now, this isn't a brag post, I'm just curious... everytime I hear someone respond "Who cares about that feature! They need to fix the bugs and make the game playable!" I think... 'what bugs? since when is the game unplayable?'. I know some people have game breaking bugs, don't get me wrong...


I would say I have the average 'high end' computer and I am the average computer owner who knows how to basically take care of a computer. What is it that I'm doing right? I wish I could know so that I could show you and everyone could enjoy the game at it's potential.

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The issues are very individual to people's system and game. I can run TOR at max and get 100+ fps, even on the fleet in most cases. There are some days where there seems to be server lag spikes - which I think is likely server issues rather than graphical ones. On the other hand, while when I first got GW2 it was initially really smooth, something happened where now I often have to turn my graphics down to the very lowest or else I get 12 fps. I couldn't even play on the Halloween event it felt so laggy. It was fine before, what happened? Not sure yet but I don't necessarily blame the game.


When I see people post picture of really weird graphical problems like Gault's granny and tearing icons, that's usually a video card driver incompatibility, though I have heard having power supply not pumping out enough power consistently can affect it too. I had weird crazy LSD trip graphics in WoW once because of a driver, had constant crashing due to a stealthy memory stick issue.


TL;DR Yes TOR runs like a ***** for a lot of people but it's more of a combination of your various PC hardware, software, and the game, it's not necessarily one or the other.

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