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BW: This Is What It's Like For A Merc/Commando in PVP


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Wow. Class snobbery
Not really, any decent player will be better on some other class. I'm playing on the same server as Skillex and the imps are IMO way better than the pubs at picking classes for pvp there. Hence, if you go in with a commando, even in a 4-man premade, there's a good chance that two of your pugs will play commandos too. That's game over right there against the imps where basically no one pvp'es on a merc.
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Not really, any decent player will be better on some other class. I'm playing on the same server as Skillex and the imps are IMO way better than the pubs at picking classes for pvp there. Hence, if you go in with a commando, even in a 4-man premade, there's a good chance that two of your pugs will play commandos too. That's game over right there against the imps where basically no one pvp'es on a merc.


Just because you can justify it; doesn't make it not snobbery.


I could be mistaken him with someone else, but I thought I heard Skillex was exceptional at the class as well? Maybe it was someone else; but if true, and I heard it and am not even on the same server, it would just be another point to make on how bad that is.


Outside of that; in non-ranked, how does it hurt for one match?

Edited by Technohic
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Just because you can justify it; doesn't make it not snobbery.


I could be mistaken him with someone else, but I thought I heard Skillex was exceptional at the class as well? Maybe it was someone else; but if true, and I heard it and am not even on the same server, it would just be another point to make on how bad that is.


Outside of that; in non-ranked, how does it hurt for one match?


I am the same Skillex that you have heard of.


www.Youtube.com/DkSharktooth < for reference.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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The worst thing is that commando is just perfect till 49. Yesterday was WZing all day long and met the same trooper each time of lvl 25 or so. He was 250k+ each match and took the first line all the time. What a disappointment is awaiting for him so soon :( Poor, poor thing...
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Man I wish I SS a match I played last week where did 100k more damage than Clinks. In a non rated atmosphere it doesn't mean much but it would have been funny :p.
I disagree on the whole "doesnt mean much". I think pugs or normal warzones are better indications of individual skill. Granted that the opposition might be weaker but if you can't consistently perform well in pugs, even when facing a premade and being on a horrible team, you're not all that.
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Arsenal's my main and yes Iknow Ican go pyro...but I like the the way Arsenal plays. I play what I like not whats better, anyway the OP's image is exactly my experience for rayeds on that toon so I end up being asked to take my jugg...guess either smash or immortal/veng hybrid. To bad not only mercs but all AC's are not viable in ranked. Edited by Philastra
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I am the same Skillex that you have heard of.


www.Youtube.com/DkSharktooth < for reference.


Man that Ops you were dueling was terrible. He didn't save his dodge/vanish for your ravage, and just ate it like a numnut ***. Also saw that you used the fire grenade on him. Kinda cheap in a duel, but I didn't pay attention to whether you two agreed if it was ok to use nades or not.

Edited by Smashbrother
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You think Merc/Commando sucks because you don't know how to play it... Learn to play your class and stop making these useless comments...




first off, ranged dps in general in this game is massively outgunned by melee dps. anything a merc can do, a sniper/sorc can do it better

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This thread makes me sad. But it ain't wrong. :(





You think Merc/Commando sucks because you don't know how to play it... Learn to play your class and stop making these useless comments...



Edited by Jherad
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