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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play is Coming on November 15th


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You know that isn't that bad a rate, considering it was something lower than that (250?) when they first announced it.


All this information about how many coins you get for free as as subscriber or how many dollars a coin costs is pretty darn useless until somone tells us what we can actualy buy with 500 coins.

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All this information about how many coins you get for free as as subscriber or how many dollars a coin costs is pretty darn useless until somone tells us what we can actualy buy with 500 coins.


Unless prices change, folks have been posting a lot of screenshots from items off PTS that show not only the item but the associated price.

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What I'm interested is the prices of CC in euros. If its just normal rates, thats fine.

I'm worried about a scenario where Europeans get screwed by some system that doesn't care about the rates, like 1$ = 1€ as some other games have used..

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I don't suppose anyone can tell me what will happen to the collector's edition vendor after the game goes free to play?


I only ask because I don't get that much on social security disability, I have a chance to finally afford a CE...and I'd hate to find the CE vendor is being taken out because they game is going free to play.


that...and I want to get the vette customization 6 ^.^;

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I don't suppose anyone can tell me what will happen to the collector's edition vendor after the game goes free to play?


I only ask because I don't get that much on social security disability, I have a chance to finally afford a CE...and I'd hate to find the CE vendor is being taken out because they game is going free to play.


that...and I want to get the vette customization 6 ^.^;


They won't do that.

You can't sell people a 150€ special edition and then take out one of the items you promised them.

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What I'm interested is the prices of CC in euros. If its just normal rates, thats fine.

I'm worried about a scenario where Europeans get screwed by some system that doesn't care about the rates, like 1$ = 1€ as some other games have used..


If you read this post and then compare it to the German version, you'll see that the minimum requirements for preferred status are a minimum purchase of either USD 4.99 or EUR 4.00, so at least in some places they appear to respect currency conversions. There's still hope.

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November 15 has meaning for old SWG players, the NGE. Rather ironic that f2p is coming on this date.


What's ironic is that the people complaining that SWTOR isn't SWG are also complaining that the NGE ruined SWG, but continued to play it for 6 years.;)

Edited by MadBlue
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us subs got screwed out of two months, or at least,, those who have been here long enough, since BW gave a free month to people twice, so that is not included in our "loyalty reward" of CC

2 Free month that you didnt pay = Equal 15$x2= 30$ = 2800 cartel coins?

Could be worse at least they dont make people pay for content patch, SoE style like with DCUO. -_-

Pay for subs + Buying content patch every 4 months.. urg

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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What's ironic is that the people complaining that SWTOR isn't SWG are also complaining that the NGE ruined SWG, but continued to play it for 6 years.;)


NGE did ruin the game and yes i still played it, Why? because there was nothing else compared to it, and believe me i tried to have fun in other mmos but they were just crap.

Another reason is that there wasnt another Star wars mmo, and even now swg imo is still better then tor because of the sandbox environment.


But ill see what this f2p brings us, my coins are reserved for serial awesome super cool mega brilliant rad stuff.

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More player and more trolls, but more people is a good thing.


But what are we talking about price wise with the new shop stuff staying subscribed so mainly interesting in the trinkets.


Also planning on starting a new char the day things go free just to get a feel for the types coming in

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Gratz on the biggest fail in the history of gaming industry. You marked your place there EA.


I don't know if free-to-play is the future of the industry but i know one thing for certain. Your game was so poorly executed it should be taken out of the equation.


Bye, I'm off to play games made by companies who have balls & skills.

Edited by vandana_
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According to DarthHater, they had a conference call and 1.5 will also be released on the 15th. They also said 500 CC is for monthly and more for people who do Tri-Monthly and 6 month subs. The didn't specify amounts though. You should check out the site.


On another note: \o/ Hk-51 can't wait, first thing I am doing is getting him, then going to Hutta on my level 50 to welcome newbies.


"Welcome to Hutta Meatbags, I enjoy the prospect of eliminating you once you pose a challenge." -Hk-51

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If you read this post and then compare it to the German version, you'll see that the minimum requirements for preferred status are a minimum purchase of either USD 4.99 or EUR 4.00, so at least in some places they appear to respect currency conversions. There's still hope.


Thats perfectly adequte pricing, assuming they dont charge hazardous amounts of cartel coins for the stuff.

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Gratz on the biggest fail in the history of gaming industry. You marked your place there EA.


I don't know if free-to-pay is the future of the industry but i know one thing for certain. Your game was so poorly executed it should be taken out of the equation.


Bye, I'm off to play games made by companies who have balls & skills.


Bye Bye don't let the door hit you on the way out. :)

Edited by DarkFireShadow
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Will the Refer a Freind Mount be adaaptive like the rest of the incomming speeder changes or will it stay the same?


I have seen a lot of questions asked in regards to this subject and was wondering if there is any insight about it as I have seen a lot of them go unanswered.


Thanks in advance for any responses.

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