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Everything posted by FearlessXIII

  1. I didn't like the last ST movie because it felt... well silly. The Kobayashi Maru scene was literaly painfull to watch. And more than one "humorus" scene was in fact nothing more than slappstick. I wouldn't have minded so much if they would have treated this movie as a sperate franchiese or as a missstep not to be taken seriously. But no, since the movie was aired I have seen serveral attempts to crowbar the whole mess this movie's story left behind into the canon. Up to the point that in STO, they retconned the BS about the blast of a supernova reaching a different star system in mere hours instead of years by sugesting that the supernova somehow traveld through subspace. I wish I just made this up... So, if the upcomming SW movie fallows the same pattern, then I, as a Star Wars fan, do not look forward to it.
  2. Ok, that makes some sense from a game mechanics point of view, but the description is still counterintuitive. Since whether you are interrupted or simply stopped, doesn't change the outcome.
  3. Then what is "interrupt"? For me, anything that stops masterstrike before it is finished, is an interrupt.
  4. Can't immagine a reason for not allowing pepole to chat in whatever tounge they want. just out of curiosity, wat language ware you chatting in?
  5. Oh, don't be so condescending. Yes, downtimes are something we have to live with. But honestly, is it so surprising that some pepole get anoyed if they get hit with them on two consecutive days in what litle free time they have to play under the week? If users complaining about downtimes piss you off, just ignore those threads in the future. Personaly, I was a bit anoyed too. After the servers being down from seven in the morning til late night, I descided to wait with playing til tomorow. SWTOR isn't a game well suited for playing while tired. And what did I see when I woke up and logged on? "Oh jolly, servers going down in 10 minutes." Oh, and, after reading several threads in the customer service aerea, I reccomend to take this: whith a grain of salt. And that: Was just superflous.
  6. In my experience, somoeone is usualy sitting there and waiting for the others to migrate to him from all over the map. Shouldn't be the issue.
  7. Not sure if this idea allready came up. I would like to see a sort of a "quick travel beacon". A player can set this up anywhere outside combat und other players in the same party can then quick travel to this location. This would make assembling the group for a heroic quest less time consuming.
  8. All this information about how many coins you get for free as as subscriber or how many dollars a coin costs is pretty darn useless until somone tells us what we can actualy buy with 500 coins.
  9. That would be even worse than to courent solution. Even with names "only" unique to a server the only ones I seem to be able to get for a new toon look more like strings of random letters than something I would call a name.
  10. I can understand pepole who don't like Taris. The planet is just depressing. Personaly, I dislike Tatooine more. Sand, sand, sand and, oh look, sand. There are a lot of planets with very diferent settings. But with all the sidequests and the "bonus" sections, wich at the time I get to them feel more like punishment, each planet takes about three times as long to complete as it takes me to get bored with it's setting.
  11. I never said an assault rifle would gurantee victory. I just said, they would work as a weapon against them. Higher velocity and rate of fire will multiply the prblem the Jedi is facing when trying to mount a defence. A projectile with a velocity of 900m/s will cover a distance of 30 meters in 0.033 seconds. Thats not much time to react, even vor a force user. And 900rpm means 15 rounds per second. So, the next bullet is only 0.07 seconds behind. With recoil jerking the muzzle around, not even reading the shooters intent will tell the Force user where the next round will be aimed at. Open field of fire, multiple shooters and too much distance for Fore leap, and yea, guess the Jedi is finished. But that's true even with blasters. A faster gun will only reduce the neccessary number of shooters. If it's one on one, no-one will be able to tell how it will end, but if I am the shooter in such a situation, I guess I would prefer a good old SG550 over a blaster any day.
  12. Acutaly, using contemporary firearms could work. 1. A solid projectile can't be deflected back at you with a lightsabre. It will only be desintegrated. 2. Modern aussault rifles habe far higher muzzle velocity and rate of fire than SW blaster rifles were ever shown to have in any work. We all know, Jedi and Sith are not invincible. Fire enogh blaster bolts at them, and their defence will be overwhelmed. With a modern assault rifle blasting projectiles with a velocity of 900m/s at 900rpm, I seriously doubt any Jedi or Sith will be able to mount an effective defence. Fire from more than one point at once and even Luke Skywalker will be finished.
  13. That post was a joke. But you got to wonder why all comonly used weapons in the SW universe are so slow. Of course, it's because of the movie special effects, but lore-wise it doesn't make much sense.
  14. In the early days, shortly after the lightsabre was invented, Jedi and Sith set aside their differences for an unprecedented and never repeated act of cooperation. Using their combined political and military strength, they lobbied, bullied, coerced and bribed the politicians in the galaxy to put a special law into place. This law forever banned all small arms and direct fire infantry support weapons with a muzzle velocity of over 100m/s and a technical rate of fire of more than 180rpm. With this astonnishing success the forceusers ensured, that no weapon they would face would be to fast to deflect with their lightsabres, thus cementing their superiority on the field of battle for all times, regardless of technical advances.
  15. Hmm... if memory serves me right, then the original plague, transmitted trough the Force by the Muur Talisman, only affected humans and a select few other species. That's why Zane's sidekick Gryph didn't turn, despite not being force sensitive. But, if he would have been bitten, he would have turned, right? Ok, looking at it from the other end: If we permit other c-canon sources, then Taris eventualy got resettled at some point during the next 4 millenia. So either the republic got on top of the Rakghouls eventualy, or the problem somehow went away by itself. Any ideas? Since you are so adamant to rule out conventional methods , what unconventional methods come to mind?
  16. Not necessarily. Consider, the Rakghouls are based on humans who are not native to Taris. Something that is highly toxic to humans may be completely harmles to, say, Duros. And vice versa. Different biochemistry means vulnerability to different toxins.
  17. The rat analogy doesn't realy fit. Most atempts to erradicate rats or rabits (or other varmin) fail, bacause we do not dare to use the most effective weapons at our diposal for fear of unwanted effect on the rest of the ecosystem. On Taris those constraints do not necessarily exist. We cannot use acetylcholinestrase inhibitors on rats, beacuse it would allso kill other fauna (and any human who would stray into the aera). On Taris, the native critters may use a different neurotransmiter than the human descendent Rakghouls, so use of acetylcholinesterase inhibition based neurotoxins may be faisible.
  18. As I said, purpose-built combat droids, incindiarys and neurotoxins. As for the infecting, so far, I have ben under the impression, that the Rakghoul has to actualy bite you or otherwise penetrate your skin to transmit the desease.
  19. The main problem seems to be the Rakghouls. And while I can see how they might be a problem for repaircrews and settlers, I can't se why they are portraied as a viable threat to trained and fully equiped combat troops. I'm not talking game mechanics, but storywise. I mean, they're just animals with teeth and claws, mkay? Shouldn't be too hard to prune them back. Most of them seem to hang out in the open. Why not just hop into a skimmer, hover four meter above ground and 'happy target practice'? Pay twenty bucks for each Rakghoul and you'll even find volounteers to do the job for you. That way it's cheaper than to send in the republic's troops. I think we'll find enough examples on earth to show that excessive hunting can drive a species to extinction. Or use droids. Again, claws and teeth. Duranium armour and a repulsor in stead of legs. Make weapon arms too bulky for a Rak's jaw to gripp (like a dog who can't pic up a ball bacause of it's diameter), and your droid is all but invulnerable. Strapp a heavy blaster, a flamethrower and some incindiary/thermobaric granades to it, and send it on it's way to clear out the Rak's hideouts. Or use chemical agents. Most Rakghouls are mutated humans, right? Well, break out the sarin gas! If native wildlive's biochemistry differs enough from human's, the local fauna shouldn't even be affected.
  20. Nostalgia may be a factor. But only one among many. Yea, the evocs were pretty anoying and overblown, but so were the gungans, so I call this one even. One of my problems with the PT is, that compared with the OT, it's well, sterile. You don't see characters grow, you don't see their relationships with each other develope. All that happens off screen between the movies. The only character development we see in the entire PT is that of Anakin turning from a whiny, arrogant bratt into an emo ****. And that's not much of an evolution. Instead, the movies celebrate flashy lights, spectacular but sterile CGI backgrounds and overlong, overorchestrated lightsabre duels ad nauseum. The pivotal duel in Return of the Jedi took place on a gloomy starship bridge, was all but a few seconds long and had Luke bash at Vader with all his might. The scene was emotional and tightly focused. The duel between Obi One and Anakin in EPIII took place in a colapsing vulcano-doomfortress filled with garish special effects and seemed to take forever.
  21. Personaly, I consider the prequels far inferior to the original trilogy for the same reason most newer hollywood blockbusters suck: The original movies did it right. They used a moderate amount of special effects and action sequences to tell the story. The prequels did what allmost all newer hollywood movies do: They used an at best mediocre story to loosley string together a series of unnecessaryly overdonne action sequences and CGI. In the makeing off at one point one guy from the team said something along the line of: "There isn't a single shot in the movies, that doesn't have blue box in it." And he said it like it was a point in the movies favor. I waitet about 5 minutes for the punchline, but aparenty he was serious. Part of the problem is, since computers have made special effects so dam cheap, movie makers can't restrain themsevles from using them to the death. That duel between obi-one and vader is just one of the most glaring examples of this.
  22. Seconded. I had to rename a few chars as well. It's anoying, but not actualy a game breaker. What frustrated me a bit was, I moved my charas ahead of the deadline "to be ahead of the rush" and had to rename a few. Then I layd off the game for a month or so for an other game. And when I returned some time after the merging, I had to rename an other chara. Shame is, it was a name I realy liked and I was thrilled to get it in the first place. Well, water over the dam, I guess. But, seriously, DO SOMETHING about the naming issue. The lager serves only made it worse. And from recent experinces (I lately spant the better part of half an hour in search for a name an endet up wih something that looked more like a string of random letters than something I can call a name three times in a row with a straight face) I know, it is getting diffcult to find decent names for new charas.
  23. As a more "casual" player, I never been in high level play and therefor rearly been in a situation like the one described above. So my experience with te customs about loot are limited at best. Why do several posters say player A was wrong? Personaly, I nerver intentionaly roll either need or greed on an class item if a member of this class is in the group. Otherwise it's fair game, but even then I rarely roll greed, for in my opinion, if anyone thinks he/she can use the item, even only for a companion, he/she is welcome to it. Better to put it to use than just turn it into half a hand full of pocket change.
  24. Inane is one word for it. Me, I'd go for "severely contrived". Though probably for the Jedi Knight more so. It's not so much the quests I have an issue with, than the karma meter that doesn't fit in for the agent.
  25. Well, acording to the comments in this board, whatever class you prefer playing got "nerfed" (where does this word come from anyway?) the worst.
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