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New canon info from lucasarts on lighsaber crystals/colors !


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At the heart of every Jedi lighstaber is a kyber crystal harvested from the icebound caves of Ilum. This crystal is attuned to the Force, and connected to a Jedi Knight on a deeply personal level. In this way, a lightsaber is an extension of a Jedi's Force awareness. Because Jedi let the Force guide their selection of the crystal, the vibration that the crystal creates in the lightsaber blade helps Jedi center themselves and find balance in the Force. In this way, a Jedi can center his or her attention beyond the distractions of combat. A lightsaber crystal is colorless until first attuned and connected to a Jedi -- at which times it glows either blue or green, or in some rare instances, another shade. From that point on, it retains that hue.


Dont get any more canon then this , pretty awesome.So there you have it, Jedi get green or blue

and a very rare case another color.And Sith use red.




Also about Ilum



The most sacred world to the Jedi Order, the ancient planet Ilum is forever encased in ice, and whipped by biting winds. Hidden beneath the frozen surface is a Jedi Temple from the very dawn of the Order. It is here, within the legendary Crystal Caves, that Jedi initiates must undergo The Gathering. The rite of passage, handed down over centuries, requires Jedi younglings to trust their instincts, overcome inner obstacles, and find the unique Ilum crystal that is attuned to their Force presence. Upon retrieving the crystal, a Jedi initiate begins the process of constructing his or her lightsaber, under the guidance of Professor Huyang.
Edited by Lord_Karsk
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This only indicates that the FIRST crystal a youngling/padawan gets when constructing a saber comes from Ilum. There is nothing stating that the kyber crystal cannot be swapped out for another type of another color. It also does not say how long the Order used Ilum. This does not change all canon about lightsabers, it only establishes initial crystal use.


Also, this exactly new. I have known this, as have others, for some time. I think it is even stated in the game that Ilum is where the Order gets most of it's crystals. Still doesn't change the fact that other crystal types can be used in making a saber as weell. A Jedi can put as many as three into his or her saber.

Edited by Kilikaa
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That is pretty definitive as this is what is considered canon by Lucasfilm and Leland Chee. But as many have noted, it does not say "exclusively" or for that matter how Sith come to obtain their crystals. So there is some wiggle room.


As for Disney demanding that they include the Temple on Illum, I'm all for it. Actually, I'm all for Disney buying out EA and taking the game back to Lucas Arts. At least they would have a company that knew how to market an IP.

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I don't really see why we needed to retcon the color thing. From what I remember reading, lightsaber crystals ALWAYS started off being a specific color; I even remember reading somewhere that Ilum itself was where Jedi up until this point got BLUE and GREEN crystals specifically but that other colors had to come from other places. What exactly was the point of changing THAT?
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I don't really see why we needed to retcon the color thing. From what I remember reading, lightsaber crystals ALWAYS started off being a specific color; I even remember reading somewhere that Ilum itself was where Jedi up until this point got BLUE and GREEN crystals specifically but that other colors had to come from other places. What exactly was the point of changing THAT?


This is what was already established. Synthetic crystals were ones that were made artificially, they usually came around red and that's how the Sith got their crystals in Palpie's era, but you could still find red colored crystals in places. Dantooine had it's own Crystal cave, and in the Clone Wars animated shorts, the segment with Bariss Ofee and Luminara Unduli showed that Ilum also had Blue and Green colored Crystals, not the white kind that change color when they bond to the Jedi that are now being retconned in, growing underground. They also showed an ancient Jedi Temple built into the mountains that was attacked and destroyed by Dooku. There really wasn't a reason to change it, at all.

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I don't really see why we needed to retcon the color thing. From what I remember reading, lightsaber crystals ALWAYS started off being a specific color; I even remember reading somewhere that Ilum itself was where Jedi up until this point got BLUE and GREEN crystals specifically but that other colors had to come from other places. What exactly was the point of changing THAT?


Hardly anything has been changed. All they did was add in a tidbit of info about how Ilum's kyber crystals turned blue or green. It doesn't change anything regarding other crystals that could be used to replace the kyber.

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This only indicates that the FIRST crystal a youngling/padawan gets when constructing a saber comes from Ilum. There is nothing stating that the kyber crystal cannot be swapped out for another type of another color. It also does not say how long the Order used Ilum. This does not change all canon about lightsabers, it only establishes initial crystal use.



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Mace Windu used an electrum light saber... no crystal... he could have chosen any color he wanted.


In Shadows of the Empire, Luke created an artificial crystal using a kiln and directions he found in Obi-Wan's house after returning to Tatooine.


Canon, schmanon... just sayin'

Edited by bahdasz
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Mace Windu used an electrum light saber... no crystal... he could have chosen any color he wanted.


In Shadows of the Empire, Luke created an artificial crystal using a kiln and directions he found in Obi-Wan's house after returning to Tatooine.


Canon, schmanon... just sayin'


Electrum sabers still need a crystal.

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Hardly anything has been changed. All they did was add in a tidbit of info about how Ilum's kyber crystals turned blue or green. It doesn't change anything regarding other crystals that could be used to replace the kyber.
Actually, the wording leaves that ambiguous. The article starts off talking about Ilum Kyber crystals, but the wording of the sentence in question simply says "A lightsaber crystal is colorless until first attuned and connected to a Jedi." Nothing specific there about what kind of crystal or from where--just "lightsaber crystal."


Besides, either way it's a retcon. The previous Clone Wars showed Barriss and Luminara in the Ilum caves, with specifically blue and green crystals embedded in the cave walls. Whatever the writers and execs might say about the two series not being mutually exclusive, stuff like this says otherwise.

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it does make sense. Unless we are supposed to beleive that pretty much all sith lords choose red and all jedi choose light colors.


Most Sith use red crystals because they use Synthetic Crystals since they tend to have more powerful properties than the ones that are formed naturally. Synthetic Crystals also have the fortune of mostly coming out with a red hue. Let's also not forget that before the Ruusan Reformation, Jedi used different color crystals than just blue and green, after the reformation the Order restricted the colors to only blue and green.

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This is actually a pretty huge retcon. "Kyber" is just an alternate spelling of "Kaiburr," which was the name of the powerful relic from Splinter of the MInd's Eye. That story, while many specifics were retconned, was still canon.


I am confused, though, and I think this may be an error. There's already a Kyber crystal in The Clone Wars, and it was a memory storage device that contained names of Force sensitive children that could be read only by a holocron.


This may be the result of some writer finding some old, outdated lore (that saber colors are determined by the Force and not specific crystals) with a cool name he heard before (on his own show, and from Splinter)

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