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Stun Wars - your stun count per game


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The stun-fest that is ToR PvP is complete and utter garbage and it's been like this for far too long; it's infamous across the gaming world - you've lost boat-loads of players and frankly if my preference were PvP, I'd be completely and utterly out of patience.

As it is I only try an occasional game here & there because it so often is simply an exercise in frustration.


The public face of PvP so far has been Gabe and he seems like a nice enough guy, it'd be a shame if all this negativity had to focus solely on him, on the other hand he is supposedly in charge.


To help the poor, overworked hamsters at BW I propose that people start posting the frequency with which they're stunned each game - BW should be able to produce the stats themselves, whenever they want; The only way I believe we'll see any action on this issue is if we keep talking about it.


If not a count of the number of times your stunned per game, rate ToR PvP on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 incredibly frustrating / bad to 10 being flawless.

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What I would love to see is a video of someone in a WZ match that displays the total time of the match from start to finish (not counting time spent respawning) - something like a stopwatch that starts when the match begins, pauses during respawns, and stops at the conclusion of the match - and a running cumulative time tally of the time they spend CC'd during that match. A match like Voidstar would be ideal, since fights are focused in specific hotspots and there tends to be a lot more CC flying around there, especially for a melee class. At the end of the video we would see the total elapsed time they were active in the fight compared to the total time they were CC'd during that match.


I'm betting we would see some sobering, yet interesting results.

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In rated warzones the stuns tend to be used far more judiciously and almost always with objectives in mind. Experienced and coordinated players tend to save them for the most crucial circumstances. In this circumstance I find the CCs are perfectly balanced, with the possible exception of "Bubble stun" being usable on an entire team. Burst focus fire coordinated with voice chat is so powerful that a lot of the time they don't even need their target to be stunned to kill it, and in fact the stun would be a waste of a global cooldown which could otherwise be a 5k rail shot or something :p


Part of this reason is the knowledge that a white-barred Merc healer is literally an unstoppable god for 15 seconds due to being uninterruptable and un-CCable. So to prevent this case they do not use any stuns when bursting me down, instead leaving my resolve bar empty, and then when I am finally required to pop my shield I get hit immediately with a Force choke and either a) use my CC breaker and get re-stunned immediately, or b) hope the other healers are covering me and are not CC'ed, otherwise die. So in this case saving your stun until the crucial moment was very wise.


However, in normal warzones it's an entirely different story. Oodles of people use their CCs for no logical reason - most of them use it as their opening move when their target is at full health. I've seen stealthed Assassns open from stealth with Electrocute (I guess they don't know about their from-stealth knockdown?) and stealthed Scoundrels open from stealth with Dirty Kick. It's no wonder these same people are complaining about not being able to kill healers - because they stun them right off the bat and when the healer's health is finally low enough to be in danger of dying, they have no CC tools left. When I heal in unranked warzones versus these inexperienced players, my character spends most of his time convulsing helplessly under the effects of stun after stun (which sometimes generate 0 resolve), but still they seem unable to kill me because they have no idea how to do anything other than stun.


Also it's something of a meta-game to chain-CC individual people to make them react emotionally. I do this on my Gunslinger sometimes to annoy people and make them act irrationally and ignore objectives as they tunnel vision and try to kill you the whole match.

Edited by Jenzali
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Thing is, you don't really have to use your stuns tactically, the resolve bar disappears so fast that it doesn't matter. All you have to do is to wait juuuust a little bit to reapply the stun, for the resolve bar to dip enough that it doesn't turn white.
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In rated warzones the stuns tend to be used far more judiciously and almost always with objectives in mind. Experienced and coordinated players tend to save them for the most crucial circumstances. In this circumstance I find the CCs are perfectly balanced, with the possible exception of "Bubble stun" being usable on an entire team. Burst focus fire coordinated with voice chat is so powerful that a lot of the time they don't even need their target to be stunned to kill it, and in fact the stun would be a waste of a global cooldown which could otherwise be a 5k rail shot or something :p


Part of this reason is the knowledge that a white-barred Merc healer is literally an unstoppable god for 15 seconds due to being uninterruptable and un-CCable. So to prevent this case they do not use any stuns when bursting me down, instead leaving my resolve bar empty, and then when I am finally required to pop my shield I get hit immediately with a Force choke and either a) use my CC breaker and get re-stunned immediately, or b) hope the other healers are covering me and are not CC'ed, otherwise die. So in this case saving your stun until the crucial moment was very wise.


However, in normal warzones it's an entirely different story. Oodles of people use their CCs for no logical reason - most of them use it as their opening move when their target is at full health. I've seen stealthed Assassns open from stealth with Electrocute (I guess they don't know about their from-stealth knockdown?) and stealthed Scoundrels open from stealth with Dirty Kick. It's no wonder these same people are complaining about not being able to kill healers - because they stun them right off the bat and when the healer's health is finally low enough to be in danger of dying, they have no CC tools left. When I heal in unranked warzones versus these inexperienced players, my character spends most of his time convulsing helplessly under the effects of stun after stun (which sometimes generate 0 resolve), but still they seem unable to kill me because they have no idea how to do anything other than stun.


Also it's something of a meta-game to chain-CC individual people to make them react emotionally. I do this on my Gunslinger sometimes to annoy people and make them act irrationally and ignore objectives as they tunnel vision and try to kill you the whole match.


^^^ I agree with you completely. Ranked matches seem to go much smoother and are more enjoyable due good players not just spamming their stuns constantly. But the fact is, ranked is almost non existent. There's only 1-2 teams running at a time if none at all. If there's three, you spend 20 mins on fleet waiting for the que to pop, if your team is getting beat, you loose players left and right and spend anther 20 mins replacing him with a decent player. Allot of the time it's just not worth the hassle to do ranked unless you have many hours to waste.

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I personally thing that stun-like mechanics (hard CC during which the player can be burnt down without a chance to retaliate) is an outdated mechanic.


Mezes are fine (they break on damage), so are slows and roots, but stuns need to be replaced by "disables", which basically lock *all* of your offensive skills, and root you, but enable you to use your defenses.


Completely losing control of your character on a regular basis, even for short amounts of time, is not fun, period.

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The stun-fest that is ToR PvP is complete and utter garbage and it's been like this for far too long; it's infamous across the gaming world - you've lost boat-loads of players and frankly if my preference were PvP, I'd be completely and utterly out of patience.

As it is I only try an occasional game here & there because it so often is simply an exercise in frustration.


The public face of PvP so far has been Gabe and he seems like a nice enough guy, it'd be a shame if all this negativity had to focus solely on him, on the other hand he is supposedly in charge.


To help the poor, overworked hamsters at BW I propose that people start posting the frequency with which they're stunned each game - BW should be able to produce the stats themselves, whenever they want; The only way I believe we'll see any action on this issue is if we keep talking about it.


If not a count of the number of times your stunned per game, rate ToR PvP on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 incredibly frustrating / bad to 10 being flawless.


I actually like thes idea of showing how many times you were cced in the game at the end of the match, Personally i really didnt mind the CC's that much pre 1.4, but right now they are just out of control. Sad thing is, BW spent money making it this way and they will likely never work on fixing the cc's in this game. CC'c in my opinion should be used for two things, 1. capping a node, and 2. getting away. as it stands right now people uses cc's so casually, that it has no repercusions for doing so. people should be like it was pre 1.4, punished for spamming cc's. not the other way around, rewarded for spamming cc's.

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I personally thing that stun-like mechanics (hard CC during which the player can be burnt down without a chance to retaliate) is an outdated mechanic.


Mezes are fine (they break on damage), so are slows and roots, but stuns need to be replaced by "disables", which basically lock *all* of your offensive skills, and root you, but enable you to use your defenses.


Completely losing control of your character on a regular basis, even for short amounts of time, is not fun, period.


I really like the idea of disables, I think it would require quite a bit of work for BW to implement and make no difference for Sages, but it would rock for classes that actually have defensive CDs.


Honestly though, the ones I find the most annoying are the mezzes. 6-8 seconds of doing nothing and not being hit is much more annoying than 3-4 seconds of getting focused. Especially the stealth mezz when I'm trying to run somewhere. I watched a single Operative (nerf Ops!) solo hold a bridge console in VS against 3 Knight ACs for ~25 seconds thanks to smart Sleep Dart usage. I don't think I've also ever died in the time I've been stunned, come close sure, but never actually died.


I also think the actual time spent CCed is a lot lower than people think, but the effect of being CCed is very noticeable and if you die while CCed you have to run all the way back to the action. The negative really sticks in your mind while the positive (or normal) is largely ignored. Or maybe my experience is just skewed because I have Unremitting and leap all over the place.

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It is the main reason why i am canceling my accounts.....the stun spam is out of fking control and the devs are too idiotic to give a $%^&*!


I die 80% of the time in WZs while under a stun i cant get out of. I will go from 100 to dead during that stun....whats the fking point. The game is dead anyway, they will lose their license and hopefully retool and never make another MMO ever again.

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It is the main reason why i am canceling my accounts.....the stun spam is out of fking control and the devs are too idiotic to give a $%^&*!


I die 80% of the time in WZs while under a stun i cant get out of. I will go from 100 to dead during that stun....whats the fking point. The game is dead anyway, they will lose their license and hopefully retool and never make another MMO ever again.


You must be getting something out of it other wise why play a game where you have so much trouble with The mechanics involved

the cc in this game is nowhere near as bad as others even wow has worse cc Effects.

lets not dumb the game down to the point where only the stats on your armour matter and we just stand there attacking each other

Edited by denpic
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You'll find that you get stunned more in normal Warzones, as they are made up of the little kiddies who like the flashiness of the stuns, so they throw them ASAP.


However you will sometimes find people who use stuns tactically, and it's generally these people whom get called bad alot by their little-kid teammates.

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You must be getting something out of it other wise why play a game where you have so much trouble with The mechanics involved

the cc in this game is nowhere near as bad as others even wow has worse cc Effects.

lets not dumb the game down to the point where only the stats on your armour matter and we just stand there attacking each other


Actually WoW has had diminishing returns on ccs for a while. You should probably go read up before posting such misinformed information.

Edited by MorgothQuick
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I decided I'm stoping pvp until they lower cc or completly redesign it. I have no intention being target dummy for 5 people who each cc + dps me. I'm sorry but I dont find it fun being stuned to death. Killed by 5, no problem. Killed in way I'm being stuned not able to use anything - not my kind of fun.


Epic moment of the day? 3 maras on me each using force choke. I know, it is same as 1, but it was just fun to see :D

Edited by TheRampage
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Actually WoW has had diminishing returns on ccs for a while. You should probably go read up before posting such misinformed information.


I haven't played WoW in years, but I still remember chain sheeping/chain fearing people for much much longer than in SWTOR. Unless they've changed this recently, the DR in WOW works like this: 10s, 5s, 2.5s, immune. Thing is, in WoW, CCs have different catagories so once you were immune to chain sheep, someone can stun you for full duration, or use another CC from a different category.


In SWTOR, ALL CC add to the resolve, and you can only be stunned a max 8s, or incapacitated for 16s.

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I haven't played WoW in years, but I still remember chain sheeping/chain fearing people for much much longer than in SWTOR. Unless they've changed this recently, the DR in WOW works like this: 10s, 5s, 2.5s, immune. Thing is, in WoW, CCs have different catagories so once you were immune to chain sheep, someone can stun you for full duration, or use another CC from a different category.


In SWTOR, ALL CC add to the resolve, and you can only be stunned a max 8s, or incapacitated for 16s.


That's enough to die though while stunned when cc breaker is on cd. In WoW damage breaks stuns earlier than they would normally. That's why Mages could chain sheep, because if anyone did damage it would break instantly.

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I have a commando, and my cyro grenade is hardly a stun anymore, the distance is pathetic, but then i will stand there taking a stun for a good 30 sec it seems


Cryo grenade is a joke now.


If I didn't go 99% CM I would have been killed by the 70% stun locks I've seen in WZ's all the time....takes some effort to kill me now (unless complete stuns or interupts by the other team)...but still, most of the time I'm stunned.

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Oh, FFS if only we could do that! "lets not dumb the game down to the point where only the stats on your armour matter and we just stand there attacking each other ". *** do you have armor? Not really clear why it is needed? Oh, I forget - to be used by the ****tard tanks in PvE!
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