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I love getting post warzone whisper/ignores


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But OP, I think your move was pretty cheap and it was an exploit. While anything you do to win could be categorized as "legit", I would put this next to "If you stand on the console, you don't get targeted and you can cap" exploit (which is also taken from the PVP).

lol I had not heard of this one. what WZ is it? CW? I know it's difficult to see ppl on the console cuz of the red icon/red nameplate, but I can still target them. trying to think of another WZ with a console and trouble targeting though...

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Pulling into safe zone? It is just one skill and it is instant death. No fighting chance. It is nowhere close to being pulled into the fire. This is probably why it was removed from the PVP. If it is still available, probably BW messed up something with the last patch as usual. Nothing surprising when the game developers are incompetent monkeys.


He said he was no longer in the "safe zone"(the zone that tells you to leave before you get kicked), but he was still on the ledge, so I'm guessing he found the sweet spot on the ledge that lets you stand on the ledge but not be considered in the "safe zone" anymore. Not sure though, haven't gotten a Huttball yet on my toon that has an enemy pull to test this LOL Will wonders never cease, I remember a time when Huttball was the only warzone popping:eek:

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I recall a while ago an amusing incident when waiting for a NC match to start. Couple of us talking basic tactics and so on, to which someone said to me (I'm a sorc)


"Ok, you go south and heal that group"


To which I replied, "I'm a DPS sorc, not a healer"


"OMGZ! DPS sorc, you can't last 20 seconds" he blubbed.


A few lolz ensued at my reply of " Yeah, but hen I can floor you in 10, I don't have to"


Didn't hear much from him after that.



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He said he was no longer in the "safe zone"(the zone that tells you to leave before you get kicked), but he was still on the ledge, so I'm guessing he found the sweet spot on the ledge that lets you stand on the ledge but not be considered in the "safe zone" anymore. Not sure though, haven't gotten a Huttball yet on my toon that has an enemy pull to test this LOL Will wonders never cease, I remember a time when Huttball was the only warzone popping:eek:


Class abilities that pull a hostile target (like Grapple, Harpoon, and Force Pull) can no longer be used to pull enemies onto the spawn shelf.


The patch notes when they removed it suggests it was the "shelf" you could not pull anyone onto. What I understand is there is no sweet spot on there, unless they mean the shelf is inside or something.

Edited by Ghostuka
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He said he was no longer in the "safe zone"(the zone that tells you to leave before you get kicked), but he was still on the ledge, so I'm guessing he found the sweet spot on the ledge that lets you stand on the ledge but not be considered in the "safe zone" anymore. Not sure though, haven't gotten a Huttball yet on my toon that has an enemy pull to test this LOL Will wonders never cease, I remember a time when Huttball was the only warzone popping:eek:


Yea, finally got a Huttball, and no matter where I stood, or how far or close the enemy was, I couldn't grapple them, the ability was grayed out and any time I pushed the button I was told I couldn't use it. It lit up only once, but the person got out of range before I could use it. Oh well, guess the OP got lucky with a bug.

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Me and another guildie playing our marauders... we get top DPS and a win.


Him: /say Not good enough to play carnage huh? (He assumes we're playing super smash bros)


Me: /say Yes, we're so good at rage that we put up 100K healing each (Annihilation of course)


Him: /w Noob FOTM


Me: /w LOL? This player is ignoring you.

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Yea, finally got a Huttball, and no matter where I stood, or how far or close the enemy was, I couldn't grapple them, the ability was grayed out and any time I pushed the button I was told I couldn't use it. It lit up only once, but the person got out of range before I could use it. Oh well, guess the OP got lucky with a bug.


Honestly, I did not even know they had made a "change" to it. It wasnt about me trying to find a sweet spot, or knowing where a sweet spot is. I dont know exactly where on the ledge I was standing, probably about center of the spawn gate towards the edge. Heat of the moment and all, I just know that the insta gib still worked and another team mate below near the goal line got the ball.


You can call B.S. all you want, doesnt change the fact that it was done and it was done last night. I'm not going to waste my time trying to replicate it and screen shot it because well that would hinder my team if 1 player just stood on the ledge waiting for someone to score. however, if I am in the same scenario again (behind spawn gate waiting for it to drop while someone is charging the goal line with the ball) Ill be sure to try and ss it.


edit : how many other things in game have they said they "fixed" but really didn't? :cool:

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Honestly, I did not even know they had made a "change" to it. It wasnt about me trying to find a sweet spot, or knowing where a sweet spot is. I dont know exactly where on the ledge I was standing, probably about center of the spawn gate towards the edge. Heat of the moment and all, I just know that the insta gib still worked and another team mate below near the goal line got the ball.


You can call B.S. all you want, doesnt change the fact that it was done and it was done last night. I'm not going to waste my time trying to replicate it and screen shot it because well that would hinder my team if 1 player just stood on the ledge waiting for someone to score. however, if I am in the same scenario again (behind spawn gate waiting for it to drop while someone is charging the goal line with the ball) Ill be sure to try and ss it.


edit : how many other things in game have they said they "fixed" but really didn't? :cool:


Yea, you probably got lucky with a bug, like I said after I tested it to see if it was back in the game because there was one time that the ability lit up like I could use it but I didn't get the chance, reflexes not fast enough:D You really aren't supposed to be able do that anymore. I remember they made a fix to keep leapers from jumping on people on the ledge to score, it would insta-kill them if they try, and then people with grapple/pull figured out it would insta-kill if they pulled people up there so they had to fix that too:eek:

Edited by beattlebilly
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The best Mara in my guild has a lower dps than the other 2 in most WZs, why? Cause he kills his enemies before they get any (or at least more than 1-2) heals. A lower dps often means your enemies aren't escaping.


then he should have a higher kill count per damage density to reflect that.

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I play an Operative healer as a main and I am CONSTANTLY harassed after VS games ONLY. Apparently I am a super hacker/glitcher/cheater as it seems that I receive a whisper 75% of the time after a VS. Their question to me is, "how did you cap the door while stealthed?"....that's if they are being nice.


I usually get "our whole group is reporting you for cheating" blah. I've posted this many times as a complaint and swear till I'm blue in the face that I have no idea what they are talking about. However, I will say I have been testing out my position on capping the door there does seem to be a pattern forming that maybe I do know how to stealth cap, even if unintentional because people always seem to leave me alone. Every time I cap in a particular way, I get the door and am bombarded with hate whispers after or in game /say while the door blows up. I've held 20 minute conversations with opposing players defending myself after a game because it's so common that it makes me laugh.


Do I stealth cap? No...but do I cap the door a specific way?...yes I do and it rarely fails that I get the door. I was even thinking about submitting a ticket on myself to have a dev test what it is that I do, but last night for the first time in months someone stopped me making me believe once again I'm being bugged by players with a huge case of tunnel vision and I'm not the problem. For once, a jugg or marauder that did not leap away from the door, leaving it unprotected, caught me and helped me realize that things were working as intended.


TL;DR I get hate messages all the time, thought there may be some legitimacy behind the accusations but I am interrupted every now and again leading me to believe players just love to cry when they get embarrassed and have little objective/situational awareness at times. The ones that do will catch any and all caps if possible.

Edited by Master_Nate
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I play an Operative healer as a main and I am CONSTANTLY harassed after VS games ONLY. Apparently I am a super hacker/glitcher/cheater as it seems that I receive a whisper 75% of the time after a VS. Their question to me is, "how did you cap the door while stealthed?"....that's if they are being nice.


I usually get "our whole group is reporting you for cheating" blah. I've posted this many times as a complaint and swear till I'm blue in the face that I have no idea what they are talking about. However, I will say I have been testing out my position on capping the door there does seem to be a pattern forming that maybe I do know how to stealth cap, even if unintentional because people always seem to leave me alone. Every time I cap in a particular way, I get the door and am bombarded with hate whispers after or in game /say while the door blows up. I've held 20 minute conversations with opposing players defending myself after a game because it's so common that it makes me laugh.


Do I stealth cap? No...but do I cap the door a specific way?...yes I do and it rarely fails that I get the door. I was even thinking about submitting a ticket on myself to have a dev test what it is that I do, but last night for the first time in months someone stopped me making me believe once again I'm being bugged by players with a huge case of tunnel vision and I'm not the problem. For once, a jugg or marauder that did not leap away from the door, leaving it unprotected, caught me and helped me realize that things were working as intended.


TL;DR I get hate messages all the time, thought there may be some legitimacy behind the accusations but I am interrupted every now and again leading me to believe players just love to cry when they get embarrassed and have little objective/situational awareness at times. The ones that do will catch any and all caps if possible.


I'd like to hear more about this "specific way" that you cap the door.

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so what is that particular way?


Personally, If I don't share tactics on the forums. If I were him, I wouldn't share either. Why should he give away something that he's learned/taught himself to the masses to be used against him. :D

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Best moment? I know they might be hard to believe, but this is the company we keep in this MMO journey.....



Player: Why did you quit?

Me: It was my fourth game of hutball in a row and the game hadn't even started yet, do I need to explain further?

Player: /ignore





The better ones are in open world though:

Player: Nice ninja you *****..

Me: Oh my bad, I thought you were busy fighting those NPC's about 20m away. Is this the only tower available?

Player: I'm going to report you.

Me: For a perceived ninja? Good luck with that. Stop being a baby...

Player: I am a woman and more of a woman than you can ever hope to have in your life.

Me: So you're a fat-*** nerd?

Player: /ignore

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I have had a voidstar door get capped when I was literally looking right at it before and there weren't any indications. I also just capped a door yesterday out of stealth that makes me think people couldn't see me because I was literally in the middle of 4 guys. When I got that door I really suspected I might have been invisible.


Having said that I've only heard rumors and never seen conclusive evidence of a bug so it may be just oversight. However consider the following bugs everyone knows about:


1. Marauder/ jug leaps and falls off the map temporarily and can hit you while "invisible"

2. Marauder/jug uses his temporary cloak and doesn't destealth when hitting you

3. The other day my character became completely invisible only showing a name and a lightsaber. I had to ask a guildie on mumble to verify it wasn't just me.


Given these bugs being not too uncommon I'm fairly certain it's possible to inadvertently "stealth cap" in a vs without giving any indications to people actively watching the door

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i played a deception assassin, full BM pre 1.2, and had a pocket healer. i'd say i probably scored 5000 HB goals...


we'd get the score to 4-0 or 5-0, then farm for #'s. you can imagine the /whispers i got :p


even more funny, i got invited to a new guild after server merges, and got into Vent...


as i was entering, under my BH's name, my assassin's name was mentioned in Vent. i heard, "o, i hated that guy." and "he used to kill me all the time!!"


also, made a guy quit playing his Smuggler, pre 1.2...he was server 1st 50, and killed me quite a bit in smuggler's den, when i was farming comms...me and a healer friend got to 50 and i would kill him over and over until he would leave the WZ, AFTER we secured the victory.


he got on his imp toon and swore me up and down...i ain't $%$^ without my pocket healer, etc. etc. and said he was quitting anyway, this game sucked at 50. never seen him again...


oh...and a Powertech challenging me to a duel on Ilum...only to have me kill him w/ 89% HP left...claiming i was hacking, until i explained to him what darkswell and force shroud do.


LOL...the memories :p

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