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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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I wouldn't call the depiction of humans being slaughtered en masse not dark. Just because it wasn't gory does not mean that there were not dark tones.


But, it wasn't shot with the blue lenze, you know, like Dark Knight and Underworld, so it can't be dark. /sarc :D

Edited by Urael
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I wouldn't call the depiction of humans being slaughtered en masse not dark. Just because it wasn't gory does not mean that there were not dark tones.

"I don't see how that's a party"..


I seriously, seriously hope that Star Wars turns out to be a lot better than the Avengers, some parts were good, but for an overall movie it was really bland imo. (Star Wars has better campy one-liners anyway, for the most part.)

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I wouldn't call the depiction of humans being slaughtered en masse not dark. Just because it wasn't gory does not mean that there were not dark tones.


How many humans did you see actually dying? Because all I saw where empty pockets of streets and building getting shot at while everyone hid in a corner.


All we got at the end was new coverage and candle lighting. It wasn't even close to dark, and who said it had ot be gory?

Edited by Eillack
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I know I don't want to fight I just wanted to get my opinion out and I mean they could do so much beater than what they have.:o


The thing is, that is what Lucas tried to do with the re-releases and blu ray update. Lesson learned. Don't mess with a classic just because it is old.

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4-6 to old to be any good. I think they should redo all of the movies they should make them more modem


First off, you're spelling and grammar is horrible. Second, no. Just no. There is too much lore already set in place for Star Wars to just "start over". They can't pull what Star Trek did, because the new Star Trek fit. If anything, they need to just leave them alone and start somewhere else in the timeline. The Old Republic era wouldn't be a terrible place to start. I would be happy to see movies based around the earlier years where they can visually depict villains such as Naga Sadow and Maga Ragnos. What I REALLY think they should do, is make movies during the time of Tulak Hord. This would also allow them to tie in Khem Val, which would be awesome. Seeing Khem Val on screen destroying Jedi and devouring them? I'm in.

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In due course, Disney will look over LucasArts and that means this game. They leave no stone unturned with regard to merchandise and such, so I doubt they'll look to have this game either failing epically, nor making EA tons of money. Either way, someday soon, a big mouse is going to arrive at EA asking "where's my da* money?"


I look forward to that moment.


However I ponder the fate of the SWGemu project, fan films, even amature Droid makers, now that Uncle George isn't going to be able to protect them. How hardcore will Disney be towards them? Will they be able to walk the line and keep the open vibe going?

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If anything, they need to just leave them alone and start somewhere else in the timeline. The Old Republic era wouldn't be a terrible place to start. I would be happy to see movies based around the earlier years where they can visually depict villains such as Naga Sadow and Maga Ragnos. What I REALLY think they should do, is make movies during the time of Tulak Hord. This would also allow them to tie in Khem Val, which would be awesome. Seeing Khem Val on screen destroying Jedi and devouring them? I'm in.


None of that is possible if they are calling this episode 7. Simply by saying Episode 7 they are telling you it is continuing the same story from 1-6. So this won't be a prequel or anything outside of a the main timeline.

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Movie 1-3 just not veary good 4-6 to old to be any good. I think they should redo all of the movies they should make them more modem(no tiny monaders with no key bord ect) they should add more of a bada*s feel to it(combat and bounty hunters) and increes the langth of the movies to something similer to LOTR so they can add more content.


why not? now i have 2 conan movies,,but the old is still the best IMO


now we have the technology to get good space scenes,,that should justify a remake,,of ALL movies:)

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None of that is possible if they are calling this episode 7. Simply by saying Episode 7 they are telling you it is continuing the same story from 1-6. So this won't be a prequel or anything outside of a the main timeline.


Most likely yes, it is a literal Episode VII, but as far as another movie goes that's all we heard. Did they mean an actual Episode VII? Or just a seventh movie and worded it that way for hype? Only time will tell. Regardless, I'm very curious to see what direction Disney takes it. They could continue the kiddy and cartoony tone of the Clone Wars, or take it back into a darker and gritter direction like the originals. A Star Wars film with a tone of the first Pirates of the Caribbean, I'd like to see.

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I agree. I haven't really read any of the EU except from Wookipedia, but from what I have read it's worse than Episodes 1-3. I'd love a large reset button myself.

Same, I think the post ROTJ EU is pretty bad. But if they start messing with anything before the OT, especially SWTOR/KOTOR era, I will be angry.

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We have seen how Disney changes the stories of many books to bee "kid friendly".


One of the books I enjoyed that was ruind was the little mermaid. Have eny of you read "Den lille havfrue" by Hans Christian Andersen?



Then If you have read the Books and novels around the star wars universe, expect Disney to mess them up too.

Edited by Amminius
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Same, I think the post ROTJ EU is pretty bad. But if they start messing with anything before the OT, especially SWTOR/KOTOR era, I will be angry.


I'm in the process of reading the books after ROTJ, and a lot of them are amazing. The entire Heir to the Empire trilogy was awesome, and if they made a literal Episode VII, this would have to be it. The New Jedi Order saga was also really good overall, though some parts are dry. Vector Prime is by far the best post-ROTJ book out there IMO.

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We have seen how Disney changes the stories of many books to bee "kid friendly".


One of the books I enjoyed that was ruind was the little mermaid. Have eny of you read "Den lille havfrue" by Hans Christian Andersen?



Then If you have read the Books and novels around the star wars universe, expect Disney to mess them up too.


Really cause they haven't ruined any of the Marvel Comics/Books.

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Sorry, I just read the comics, watching the old showes, etc. Makeing my favorite marvel character into somewhat weardo, " Dr.Octipus" was not fun to see.


I do not trust Disney, simple as that. I hope they have read the stories in the new republic era, and the new jedi order if they are going to fallow after return of the jedi. As they did in the past pre existed stories, they will mess this one up too. I can see it before me now.

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Sorry, I just read the comics, watching the old showes, etc. Makeing my favorite marvel character into somewhat weardo, " Dr.Octipus" was not fun to see.


I do not trust Disney, simple as that. I hope they have read the stories in the new republic era, and the new jedi order if they are going to fallow after return of the jedi. As they did in the past pre existed stories, they will mess this one up too. I can see it before me now.


The question is how much input did Disney have with those films. Disney may have backed them and distributed them (not sure on all or any of them) but they didn't make them Marvel Studio made them. In this case Disney won't be making Episode 7 LucasFilm will be making it.

Edited by LukeSaberRattler
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Sorry, I just read the comics, watching the old showes, etc. Makeing my favorite marvel character into somewhat weardo, " Dr.Octipus" was not fun to see.


I do not trust Disney, simple as that. I hope they have read the stories in the new republic era, and the new jedi order if they are going to fallow after return of the jedi. As they did in the past pre existed stories, they will mess this one up too. I can see it before me now.


It has been said and shown many times over that the treatments (outlines) for the new movies were written by Lucas. What is it that makes you not trust Disney?

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It has been said and shown many times over that the treatments (outlines) for the new movies were written by Lucas. What is it that makes you not trust Disney?


I have been reading a lot when I was young, not just comics and novels, but of corse books in overall. Simple fairytales has been changed and all. I understand that Disney is aiming for a younger audiance, that is also what is bugging me with SW VII.


Claiming that they are aiming for 2015, I do not think they will read upon the eras after the movies. I'm afraid that they have seen the movies only and not read enything else to explore this grand universe star wars has become.

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Did you forget that Disney ownes LucasFilm, they can do what ever they want with it.


Disney isn't making the movies LucasFilm is and I am pretty sure they know everything there is to know about the Star Wars universe. Big difference between the studio and who owns it. Unless they gut Lucasfilm it won't affect movies they make.

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