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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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So when they finally settle New Alderaan, do we get Leia singing "A Whole New World?"


Star Wars the Musical ? How about ' Herbie goes to korriban' or ' BedKnobs and Sith Lords' ?


Seriously though ' Black Hole' had a few very dark moments in it , especially when maximillion ( not sure of the spelling ) kills that guy through his book :o.It was far darker than Episode 4 IMO. It seems at least for now Disney will leave LucasFilm to it , I guess for the first movie at least. I would like to see steven speilberg do them , seriously I do.





Edited by BadOrb
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With Disney now owning LucasFilm, Ltd., I'm looking forward to seeing these films come out in the next few years:


Princess Leia and the Seven Ewoks

See Threechio


Dumbo: the story of the Gungan who could fly

Peter Han

Lady and the Scruffy-Looking Nerf-Herder

Sleeping Bounty

101 Clone Troopers

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Sith

The Great Womp-Rat Detective

The Bantha King

The Hunchback of Tattooine (starring Bib Fortuna)

The Emperor's New Groove

Chimaera: the Lost Empire


I really wish my Photoshop skills were better, because I can totally picture the poster art for most of these...


A friend of mine posted these on his facebook, I had to share.

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Not sure what people are worried about. Marvel Studios has been under Disney's umbrella for a while now and they continue to make great films. The most recent Star Wars were painfully written and there were no more plans for SW films. I can only see an upside.
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Not sure what people are worried about. Marvel Studios has been under Disney's umbrella for a while now and they continue to make great films. The most recent Star Wars were painfully written and there were no more plans for SW films. I can only see an upside.


And Disney hasn't been "Disney" for close to 30 years. They have numerous non-Disney studios under other names that release everything from G to R rated movies.


Geek trivia note: Disney created Touchstone when people complained that Dragonslayer was too edgy for a Disney movie.

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The problem was never the acting, it was always the writing.


George's dialog and direction made Natalie Portman, Ewan MacGregor, Liam Neeson, etc. look like horrible actors. That's not easy to do.


That's it in a nutshell. The acting was wooden and awful because the script was so bad. Where did he come up with some of that garbage. The actors were practically choking on the words since they were so cheesy.


I don't see anyone could have even read that without laughing.

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Disney isn't going to change anything here, at least not in the next few years. Welcome to real life.


EA/Bioware have sole ownership over product development. They have a full creative license. Lucasfilms (or art, or whatever) simply skim profits off the top for the name. There may have been a loose outline of what Bioware can and cannot do with the story, but that was approved a long time ago.


That's actually not true. Lucasfilm will still have approval over additional content - there is no free reign with a licensed product like this, and now that Disney owns the IP they will likely start casting a weather eye to make sure their new crown jewel is represented properly.


I doubt that will really be a problem for this game - Bioware has been a strong contributor to the back story and history of the Star Wars universe, but there is no "full creative license" in play.

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That's it in a nutshell. The acting was wooden and awful because the script was so bad. Where did he come up with some of that garbage. The actors were practically choking on the words since they were so cheesy.


I don't see anyone could have even read that without laughing.


star wars was written in the concept of the old Buck Rogers they use to run in the 50's theaters. the poor acting and cheesy line are trademarks of it.

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Hi there

With an Episode 7 in 2015, we can expect already in 2014 an increase in interest for the Star Wars world. Every book, toy, or game having the IP will start to gain popularity. Not saying that the IP isnt popular, as it is perhaps among the most popular IP of the world as we speak, but all things Star Wars will be everywhere just like before the release of Episode I. It was unbelievable really.

Anyway, my point is that the release of the new film will most probably bring "new blood" to our game too, as I doubt that another Star Wars mmo will be on the market or in development until then.

Interesting perspective :rolleyes:

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Hi there

With an Episode 7 in 2015, we can expect already in 2014 an increase in interest for the Star Wars world. Every book, toy, or game having the IP will start to gain popularity. Not saying that the IP isnt popular, as it is perhaps among the most popular IP of the world as we speak, but all things Star Wars will be everywhere just like before the release of Episode I. It was unbelievable really.

Anyway, my point is that the release of the new film will most probably bring "new blood" to our game too, as I doubt that another Star Wars mmo will be on the market or in development until then.

Interesting perspective :rolleyes:


it's going to be sooner then that. Disney is creating a trans media empire.

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It seems almost all of you seem to forget that Disney is not all about princesses and Mickey Mouse. Tron mother****ing Legacy was funded by Disney. Now, was it in anyway childish or did it have singing scenes? No. It was an excellent sci-fi flick with perhaps the best movie soundtrack of the 21st century.
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Disney did not buy Lucas Arts.. they bought the Lucas Films.. learn the difference :) Disney buying Lucas Films has no effect on the gaming division which they do not own. George Lucas still has complete control over Lucas Arts.


Absolutely False.


LucasArts, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of LucasFilms and thus was acquired by Disney (Didney Worl!) when it purchased the parent company.

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Absolutely False.


Lucas Arts, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lucas Films and thus was acquired by Disney (Disney World!) when it purchased the parent company.


Wow, how about reading the entire thread before replying to a post. In the article I read they said they only acquired Lucas Film I wasn't aware from that article that they had purchased then entire company to include Lucas Arts. I came back in another thread and admitted I was wrong and that NBCnews.com conveniently left out a bunch of information.

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Wow, how about reading the entire thread before replying to a post. In the article I read they said they only acquired Lucas Film I wasn't aware from that article that they had purchased then entire company to include Lucas Arts. I came back in another thread and admitted I was wrong and that NBCnews.com conveniently left out a bunch of information.


Just think about it this way. Disney owns everything Star Wars now.



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star wars was written in the concept of the old Buck Rogers they use to run in the 50's theaters. the poor acting and cheesy line are trademarks of it.


I don't think you understand the point.


The NEW star wars films are written POORLY and script is very wooden and unemotional, as if someone was forcing the emotion.


The old star wars films, while using a traditional dialogue (note its not "cheesy") succeeded because the characters gave the film emotion, instead of the script trying to force it. The script in the first star wars was very loose and open ended.


In the new ones, Lucas tried to jam horrible dialogue down everyone's throat while he sat on a coach eating hotdogs and doritos. Guess what? Lucas's scripts were never used in the original films. They were edited multiple times because someone had to pull him back. Left unchecked, the original films would have been a disaster.


I'm not even going to get into this. Red Letter Media says it better than anyone else. Its been said 1000 times before and there is no need to get into it again.

Edited by Arkerus
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Disney isn't going to change anything here, at least not in the next few years. Welcome to real life.


EA/Bioware have sole ownership over product development. They have a full creative license. Lucasfilms (or art, or whatever) simply skim profits off the top for the name. There may have been a loose outline of what Bioware can and cannot do with the story, but that was approved a long time ago.


"Full Creative License" means they have the RIGHT to create whatever they want, to PUBLISH that content though, they still have to go through LA. It also doesn't mean that the company that controls the license can't make a few "creative changes" Why don't you ask SOE. NGE wasn't SOE's idea it was the brainchild of that idiot Julio Torres, who works for LA (and still does).


Let's not forget KOTOR II either. Obsidian had "full creative license." Obsidian, to their credit, really DID have a decent story, before THAT got torpedoed by LA because they wanted it on shelves in time for Christmas, so the story h as some huge holes in it.


Just because Disney "OWNS" Lucasarts now, doesn't mean that LA still won't have THEIR hands in the cookie jar, even if Disney doesn't take an active role. But you can bet LA would make changes that they think will please their new masters, and ultimately feed that down to EA.



Some other folks are taking our friendly jibes at Disney a little too seriously I think. Yeah we k now they own other companies, yeah they have made edgier movies, but it doesn't matter if Disney decided to go into the pr0n business, the FACE of Disney is always going to be:


and edited to A New Hope, where the Jawa's sing "Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's snatching droids we go...."

that sketch in Robot Chicken where Obi-wan sings "a Certain point of view" will become reality.

Star Destroyers with Cars faces.

R2-D2 replaced by Goofy.

A section in the movies where a group of teenagers lives in a huge loft without parents, or jobs, but yet can somehow afford to live there.

Darth Sparrow "Interesting"

Emperor Hook "Bring me Luke Skywalker!"


It doesn't matter how well Disney's "outside" projects do, it doesn't matter if there was a lot of shooting and killing in Avengers (Coulson's not dead BTW!), because that is not the FACE of Disney, and we are always going to riff on that.

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Just think about it this way. Disney owns everything Star Wars now.




They also own everything MARVEL as well, and everything Pixar (which was originally owned by Lucas before being bought by Steve Jobs and then sold to Disney)


So, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars.


Frankly, considering how well the new Marvel movies have been handled I'm looking forward to a Joss Whedon directed gritty new trilogy...

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Frankly, considering how well the new Marvel movies have been handled I'm looking forward to a Joss Whedon directed gritty new trilogy...


That wouldn't be so bad, but could we forgo the standard Whedon camera angles? They give me a h eadache on TV, can you imagine in Imax or 3D?

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one can only hope that they will be smart about it, considering the backfire lucas got after episode 1 and all the 'contradictions' towards the old movies that had to somehow be explained in episode 2-3 - without creating more contraditions.


I remember a while back on this forum (could have been back in beta, I only remember it was several moons ago) there was a topic about the supposedly contradicting infos this game gives in regards to the established lore.

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