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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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This is epic! Like I said in one of my last posts. Disney is a empire. And, spends good money for the best quality in movies and entertainment! Good writters, directors etc. Even, down to their 3d movies. You will never see a better 3d quality movie then Disney. Watched the Chrsistmas carol in blueray 3d..snow is falling right infront of you. This is really good news! And not to knock Lucas at all. Lucas is great. But I cant think of a better company to take the torch then Disney. They have the money and will do it better then anyone else in this galaxy :cool:


I totally agree, GL made a good business decision. One that will keep the Star Wars franchise expanding.

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Are we absolutely sure that Disney gained the rights to the Gaming industry of Lucas Arts. It didn't say that in this little snippet from the NBC.com article.


The deal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise.


Even if it does the money from Disney could be a huge financial windfall for Bioware/EA.

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Are we absolutely sure that Disney gained the rights to the Gaming industry of Lucas Arts. It didn't say that in this little snippet from the NBC.com article.


The deal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise.


Even if it does the money from Disney could be a huge financial windfall for Bioware/EA.


"In addition to "Star Wars," Disney's purchase of San Francisco-based Lucasfilm will give it ownership of special-effects company Industrial Light & Magic, sound company Skywalker Sound and video game publisher LucasArts."



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Are we absolutely sure that Disney gained the rights to the Gaming industry of Lucas Arts. It didn't say that in this little snippet from the NBC.com article.


The deal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise.


Even if it does the money from Disney could be a huge financial windfall for Bioware/EA.


LucasArts was part of that deal. The official press release said it bought everything as a whole. You can expect for everything from a business sense that was under ownership of George Lucas now belongs to Disney.

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"In addition to "Star Wars," Disney's purchase of San Francisco-based Lucasfilm will give it ownership of special-effects company Industrial Light & Magic, sound company Skywalker Sound and video game publisher LucasArts."




Thanks for the link, NBC.com conveniently left out that part.

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This news broke after the EA quarterly call, which had only two mentions of SWTOR. The first was in the prepared statement where they lumped it into "digital revenue" including subscriptions, advertising, and F2P. Zero mention of subscriber numbers, etc. Only one question was presented by a research group, and that was on the progress of F2P. That was answered simply by saying it was coming in November, and more details on how it went will come in future calls. And as far as Wall Street would have been concerned before the call, SWTOR as a subscription game is dead, and it is entirely about gross revenue from the title. We'll never know how low it went now, and really it is beyond the point.


Now that this news is blasting into the open, I wish we could see that call repeated. I would be curious what they would say to the Disney take-over of the IP. With Disney openly stating it plans to use Star Wars as a profit machine, no property would be left untouched.


We've seen SWTOR basically go into hiding most of this past year, amazingly. I am curious if Disney will want a bigger involvement in convention and event promotion. The way Disney does real-world promotion......wow. Time to research their gaming operations.

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Are we absolutely sure that Disney gained the rights to the Gaming industry of Lucas Arts. It didn't say that in this little snippet from the NBC.com article.


The deal includes Lucasfilm's prized high-tech production companies, Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, as well as rights to the "Indiana Jones" franchise.


Even if it does the money from Disney could be a huge financial windfall for Bioware/EA.


All Lucas owned (previously as it is now) is owned by Lucasfilm

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Late to the thread so I won't look back 56 pages, but I wouldn't expect to see any major impact on this game for at least 2-3 years, if ever.


The developers are bioware. They were given a creative license. Unless Disney suddenly thinks that the story needs to change, don't expect any major happenings here. While Lucasfilm may hold the rights to the name and control creative licensing, they have given bioware the room to make their own game.

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This news broke after the EA quarterly call, which had only two mentions of SWTOR. The first was in the prepared statement where they lumped it into "digital revenue" including subscriptions, advertising, and F2P. Zero mention of subscriber numbers, etc. Only one question was presented by a research group, and that was on the progress of F2P. That was answered simply by saying it was coming in November, and more details on how it went will come in future calls. And as far as Wall Street would have been concerned before the call, SWTOR as a subscription game is dead, and it is entirely about gross revenue from the title. We'll never know how low it went now, and really it is beyond the point.


Now that this news is blasting into the open, I wish we could see that call repeated. I would be curious what they would say to the Disney take-over of the IP. With Disney openly stating it plans to use Star Wars as a profit machine, no property would be left untouched.


We've seen SWTOR basically go into hiding most of this past year, amazingly. I am curious if Disney will want a bigger involvement in convention and event promotion. The way Disney does real-world promotion......wow. Time to research their gaming operations.

Wow, this game really failed then.





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I can't wait till Disney gets their hands on this game!!!!


I want my Mickey Mouse ears NOA!!!:eek:


jawas are NOT allowed to wear them,,dark side jedis cant use light side items either


in fact , jawas should be permabanned from ANYTHING,,,including their BIRTHDAYS:rak_03:

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An Indiana Jones MMORPG.........themed anyway. Supernatural, aliens, nazis, romance.......as long as it is hetro ;), that could be interesting.


Could they leverage LucasArts as the non-Disney branded games engine? Would seem logical. Their existing games branding focuses on Disney Channel. They bought Marvel looking to amp-up the appeal to tweener boys and obviously the elder Geek crowd. They are already looking at Marvel Heros, now they have this game over with EA.


Disney seems able and willing to drive several brands. ABC, Disney, Pixar, ESPN, Marvel, Muppets, now LucasFilm/Arts.

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If there is one lesson about Star Wars that we can all agree on it's that you can't please everyone.

After the release of TPM you had people crying bloody murder that Lucas was too old and should have passed the torch on to a younger director with fresh ideas, (and maybe that's true) but today against all odds that is exactly what has happened.

I'm a big Star Wars and comic book fan and I admit that I was nervous when Disney bought Marvel, but despite my initial skepticism Disney has done a fantastic job.

Would people have been more comfortable if Lucas had sold to 20th Century Fox, Columbia, Warner Bros. Universal or Paramount.

I don't think so.

I have to admit though I never saw this one coming I thought Lucas would maintain control over the Star Wars franchise till death do them part.

Good Luck to Disney with bringing Star Wars to a whole new generation.

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"SWTOR the Ride". Coming to a Disneyland near you in 2015


It's called Star Tours, and it's been a ride at Disneyland for decades.


Besides...Everyone was giving George Lucas hell that he wasn't doing it right. All of a sudden it's all "Noooo, George don't leave ussss!!"




At least Disney can make some sort of attempt at quality.

Edited by Listerman
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I wonder if this will prompt re-negotiation of the IP license. EA's contract is with LucasArts (and therefore Lucasfilm Ltd) and not Disney Corp. Could Disney make the renewal cost so prohibitive, with EA already concerned about SWTOR's performance, that the license is not renewed?
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I wonder if this will prompt re-negotiation of the IP license. EA's contract is with LucasArts (and therefore Lucasfilm Ltd) and not Disney Corp. Could Disney make the renewal cost so prohibitive, with EA already concerned about SWTOR's performance, that the license is not renewed?


Effectively doing what? And why?

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If there is one lesson about Star Wars that we can all agree on it's that you can't please everyone.

After the release of TPM you had people crying bloody murder that Lucas was too old and should have passed the torch on to a younger director with fresh ideas, (and maybe that's true) but today against all odds that is exactly what has happened.

I'm a big Star Wars and comic book fan and I admit that I was nervous when Disney bought Marvel, but despite my initial skepticism Disney has done a fantastic job.

Would people have been more comfortable if Lucas had sold to 20th Century Fox, Columbia, Warner Bros. Universal or Paramount.

I don't think so.

I have to admit though I never saw this one coming I thought Lucas would maintain control over the Star Wars franchise till death do them part.

Good Luck to Disney with bringing Star Wars to a whole new generation.


Ya man i say the same, best of luck to em.

To the dude who was sayin Thrawn fans are gonna be disappointed, not necessarily man, its a solid story a huge bestseller n in the era disney wants to use (disney specifically mentioned wanting the 7th film to continue the story of Leia Han n Luke) so Zahns Thrawn trilogy hasnt been ruled out as an option yet.

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