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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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Here's Royals and Elections 101.


The Holy Roman Emperors, going back to Charlemagne, were elected. By a group of 7 nobles. You don't get more "classic" than the guy who basically invented post-Roman Europe.


Anglo-Saxon kings were elected by their thanes. Scandinavian royalty has been elected since the Middle Ages. Democracy is not a new thing. Nor is it incompatible with being ruled by a monarch. The Queen of England lives in a democracy.


Universal sufferage is not a requirement of democracy, either - all democracy means is that someone has voted, not that everyone has. Amidala is a queen because she was voted in, but she's as much a queen as any of the Terran examples above. Leia, as Bail and Breha's daughter, is a princess as much as Beatrice or Eugenie is a princess. Real princesses. I'm sure they could all pee through 20 mattresses, if they had to.


so did i elect the nobles? that would make me a king wouldnt it?


no these "high councils",,,whatever, was simply the only way to prevent civil war and constant trouble


yes there are some democratic elements,,doesnt make it a REAL democracy though


there are 2 ways to be a "real" king,,,killing the old king,,,or be born as his child and heir

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It did occur to me that that guy can do whatever he wants ... pick whatever project he wants ... and it will be given to him after the stunning success of the rather good Avengers movie....


And that's just it. The Avengers worked because they got the right people to be in charge of the creative team, gave them the needed budget and backed the hell off it. Joss Whedon was then able to bring his vision of the movie to life and everything clicked.


That's the formula for successful films. Look at Quentin Tarantino as well. It's the singular person driving the project that allows it to flourish.


If Disney brings in the right people to work on it, gives them the proper budget and doesn't micromanage it then it will work. The greatest SW movie of all time (IMO) is The Empire Strikes Back. GL didn't direct it though he wrote the script. If it's true they are basing Episode 7 on old roughed out scripts he wrote back then it will be fine.


On a side note I'd love to see the Thrawn trilogy though it really doesn't have the type of lightsaber combat action you'd expect from the franchise. Even if it's never made those 3 books are still in my all time favorites list and were the catalyst for turning a 11 year old into a Star Wars nerd for life.

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By buying Lucasfilm they are buying rights to the Star Wars IP, among others. Complete rights. That means they have rights over Star Wars use in ALL products. Including this one.


Here's to hoping for a Star Wars themed section in one of their parks. Now THAT would be awesome :)

Edited by LordArtemis
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I was pretty happy with these news.


New trilogy and a new star wars movie every 2-3 years after that.


Theres many untold star wars stories from the books and video-games that deserve a movie.


the original KOTOR and the Story of Revan would make one awesome movie. They could make a trilogy with KOTOR1, KOTOR 2 and SW:ToR: Revan book. It would be epic... and then another trilogy with the events of SWTOR! xD


That's my vote! A Star Wars The Old Republic Saga would be way better than Carrie 'Jabba' Fisher and creeper Mark Hamill walking around on screen

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By buying Lucasfilm they are buying rights to the Star Wars IP, among others. Complete rights. That means they have rights over Star Wars use in ALL products. Including this one.


Here's to hoping for a Star Wars themed section in one of their parks. Now THAT would be awesome :)


Dunno bout anyone else, but that sounds awesome. I'm excited about this news. I think it can only mean good things for Star Wars. Just look at Marvel and Pixar, both tremendously successful companies after Disney acquired them.

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Only if they drank LOTS and LOTS of water...


(P.S. I think you mean feel a pea through 20 mattresses?)


I meant what I said. It's a Terry Pratchett reference to the beloved old fairy tale, the Princess and the Pee.

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Boy this thread has balooned since I posted my first response. But there is a lot to consider there. Don't get me wrong, I am in FAVOR of the same sex scenario's, I am just curious as to what might be considered TOO FAR in the eyes of the Disney front office, not to mention what the purchase means to our game in general.


I WOULD like to know where people are getting the information that Disney is talking to Timothy Zahn, because the article I read, which came from the AP stated that Lucas has an outline, or a rough draft as to what Episode 7 was about and the woman that takes over as CEO of Lucasfilm was going to roll with that. But I would much rather see Zahn's work.


I am willing to give Disney the benefit of the doubt. But I swear, if I see John Ratzenburger as the voice of the Death Star, I will personally drive all of my SW related items to Lucas' house and jam them in his beard.

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WOW this is amazing i hope Disney does for star wars what it did for marvel movies. The avengers movie was really awesome...... Also some people are forgetting that Lucas art and Lucas Film are 2 different things and from what i Have read they are only buying out the film so swtor and everything else that is not film is still under lucas arts control.
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Well, Disney does make good movies, and we all know that they are a very strong business. Seeing the value of the Star Wars name, you could almost safely make an assumption that they will invest wisely in the movies with high quality writing and good directors/producers.


I am pumped for this! Best news I've heard in a long, long time in terms of Star Wars longevity.


Disney did not buy this IP with the intention of tanking it... One does not simply throw away 4B for the sake of throwing it away...


They will get good folks on it, and make very good products for us to continue to enjoy. Hopefully this means lighting a fire under this game also to bring it where it needs to be.

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Dunno bout anyone else, but that sounds awesome. I'm excited about this news. I think it can only mean good things for Star Wars. Just look at Marvel and Pixar, both tremendously successful companies after Disney acquired them.


Yea, I believed I would never see another Star Wars set of movies in my lifetime. Now at least there is a chance.


I would LOVE to see the original actors return, current ages, in a new set of movies set long after RotJ, and introducing new characters and a resurgence of the Sith/Absorption of remaining Imperial forces.


I actually wrote a series of books for a new trilogy based on that very idea called Dark Resurrection. Put forth the idea that at one time Jedi and Sith were united as Xonn, and they must return to that balanced dark/light state. Luke is now the leader of the Jedi and the chosen Magi to unite both dark and light together. Leia is president of the Republic.


There is also a sub plot of Palleon meeting with Luke to discuss the absorption of the remaining Imperial forces into the New Republics forces. Of course the Sith are trying to prevent this and take back control of the Empire. Naturally, a single powerful Sith has his own ideas, and believes he is the Magi. He ressurects dead Sith, including the dark spirit of Darth Vader, and Vader and Luke have an extended battle on cloud city. It's one of my favorite parts of the book.


The books are really poorly written, but I have improved them over the years. I read them every once in a while to entertain myself.


Would love to see something like this on the big screen. Imagine Luke playing an Obi Wan type character, beard and all :)

Edited by LordArtemis
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awwww,,but leia escaped,,wouldnt jacen and jaina be roylty too?


Yep. Though arguably both went on to "greater" things than being prince/princess of the Alderaanian refugees on New Alderaan or whatever.


Who cares about being "prince" or "princess" of a planet when you're "Emporer" or "Empress" of a significant intersteller empire?



Though I'm uncertain Darth Caduceus was ever *called* emporer? And we know Jagged was Emporer, and his descendants were hereditary emporers, but I don't believe he was Emporer when he marries Jaina, but presumably he/his family line gets back in power somehow, possibly while Jaina was still married to him? Note: All info gained from wikis, I got tired of star wars books around halfway through the yuzhon vong war... just went On and ON and ONNN... Reading the cliffnotes wikis is about all I can stand.


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To keep things in perspective:


Disney will own Lucasfilm (Not quite sure if this applies to ILM/THX as they are also owned by Lucasfilm).


Lucasfilm was also responsible for I believe ET and Indiana Jones.


Star Wars will now, never, ever, ever, ever go out of copyright. Expect Disney to do silly things like they do with their other film "properties". The entire stupidity with their "let's lock it all away in vaults until their great-grandkids have money to spend" comes to mind.


Disney does not appreciate fan edits, and actively sues people who get creative with anything they "own". What this will mean for things like Star Wars conventions, I don't know.


Joss Whedon is under contract to Disney through 2015.


Disney announces new Star Wars: Episode 7 to be released in 2015.

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To keep things in perspective:


Disney will own Lucasfilm (Not quite sure if this applies to ILM/THX as they are also owned by Lucasfilm).


Lucasfilm was also responsible for I believe ET and Indiana Jones.


Star Wars will now, never, ever, ever, ever go out of copyright. Expect Disney to do silly things like they do with their other film "properties". The entire stupidity with their "let's lock it all away in vaults until their great-grandkids have money to spend" comes to mind.


Disney does not appreciate fan edits, and actively sues people who get creative with anything they "own". What this will mean for things like Star Wars conventions, I don't know.


Joss Whedon is under contract to Disney through 2015.


Disney announces new Star Wars: Episode 7 to be released in 2015.


It definitely includes ILM, THX, ect. According to Disneys press release, the buy is for ALL of Of his stuff...specifically listed those companies by name

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I'm fine with this. Many disliked Episodes 1-3. I grew up on Eps 4-6 but I did like 1-3 minus JarJar. While they could have been better they told a story that was left untold. Thats how I look at them. And to see Jedi in action was nice too. Disney has done a wonderful job with Marvel's movies, and if they leave everyone in place at Lucasfilm it shouldn't be too bad at all. And maybe with Disney heading things maybe this will help with EA???
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Something that I remembered just now, is that the studio runner that was on watching for John Carter and The Avengers, stepped down. The co-chair of Lucasfilm and exec. producer of the new SW movies is, per USA Today, Kathleen Kennedy. She'll also be the studio president. She did Schindler's List and War Horse. Not low rent movies. Might we see Steven Speilberg helm a Star Wars film, with Lucas firmly NOT directing again?


The woman knows quality film. Disney has built chops as a legit place for quality talent to helm major budget films of non-traditional IPs.


Heck, having Lucasfilm reunited with Pixar, which it spawned, seems.....right. The relationship between Lucas and Disney has been warm and close for a long time. They aren't inexperienced in dealing with the IP.


Of coruse, this all comes back to SWTOR. Can we hope Disney asserts more influence over the game? Buy-out or otherwise take the game from EA? Love to see that happen. Of course, revenge a Jedi craves not.

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This is epic! Like I said in one of my last posts. Disney is a empire. And, spends good money for the best quality in movies and entertainment! Good writters, directors etc. Even, down to their 3d movies. You will never see a better 3d quality movie then Disney. Watched the Christmas carol in blueray 3d..snow is falling right infront of you. This is really good news! I cant think of a better company to take the torch then Disney. They have the money and will do it better then anyone else in this galaxy :cool: Edited by Iwar
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