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Legacy Wide datacrons


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I saw a post here once that showed how other classes main stat still benefits you at 25% of its effective number or something like that

Tech stats affect ranged and tech abilities. Force users do not have those. Force stats affect melee and Force abilities. Tech characters do no have those. I believe the "other" main stat within the tech/Force classification does help a bit.

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Perhaps someone at the next Cantina event can toss a question to them about the status of legacy datacrons.


It would be appreciated.


I asked Eric this question here in January 2014 and he said they aren't doing it and since nothing has changed or is changing there's the current status of Legacy Datacrons.

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I asked Eric this question here in January 2014 and he said they aren't doing it and since nothing has changed or is changing there's the current status of Legacy Datacrons.

Some people do not really want the truth, they only want the answer they would like. The CEO of EA could post that there will never be legacy datacrons and that would not be good enough.

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In some cases however, one must either exploit systems (Tatooine Sandcrawler Datacrons) hire help (Belsavis Green Matrix Shard because god knows you aren't going to find all of the drops unless you spend literal Days grinding for them) or go through hours of tedious and overly complicated scenarios to obtain datacrons (I remember the Empire +4 Willpower Datacron on Corellia giving me even more trouble than the Makeb +10 Endurance Datacron, and at least on Makeb I could have a better gauge of where things were at any given time.)


If you're on Harbinger I'll help you with whatever Datacrons you need. I won't charge you. I won't accept anything from you. I just want to help any way I can. If someone is charging you to help you get a Datacron you don't want their help.


Pulling people up to a Datacron is not exploiting, people need to stop calling it that.


The Rakata Energy Cubes on Belsavis are simple if you know where to look and what to do, and I can show you, I can even just GET THEM for you and give them to you if you want. I'm sorry you've spent literal days grinding for them but a little research (which goes for anything, really) and you could have spent literal minutes getting them instead.


Any others I'll jump, climb, wait, crawl and pull you.


Most of the Datacrons are EZPZ to get but then you get people who have trouble with 5 of them and they condemn all Datacrons to hell and that's not fair at all.


Also, check your attitude, if you going into something already in a bad mood then you're going to have a bad time. Try being positive about it, maybe ask in general chat and go with other people, and you'll have a better time, same goes for just about anything in life.


Some tips I can offer to assist you in your own Datacron gathering:

  • Turn off sprint when jumping/pipewalking.
  • Ask others on-planet if they want to join you, it's more enjoyable with other people.
  • Gather the Datacrons while you're leveling instead of waiting until you're 60. The stats are more relevant and you can actually use the XP.
  • Now that all taxi stations are available it takes even less time to gather them if you only level through PvP or Flashpoints.
  • If you want the Datacron Master title, you only need to get them all ONCE, after that you really only need Endurance, Presence, and your Main Stat.

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I saw a post here once that showed how other classes main stat still benefits you at 25% of its effective number or something like that


My main, D'alari'ia, a Sage, has all the Datacrons. Here is how the stats her class doesn't need "help" her:


Strength - 174 (Base: 116 - Bonus: 58)

Melee Damage Bonus: +34.9 (I'm not melee)

Melee Critical Chance: +0.53% (I'm not melee)


Aim - 113 (Base: 58 - Bonus: 55)

Ranged Damage Bonus: +22.7

Ranged Critical: +0.35%


Cunning - 113 (Base: 58 - Bonuse: 55)

Tech Damage Bonus: +22.7 (I don't use Tech)

Tech Critical Chance: +0.35% (I don't use Tech)


As you can see, once you get them all for Datacron Master title, it's very acceptable to skip the ones you don't actually use and have no affect on your abilities.


I'm really astonished at all the fuss over Datacrons, honestly, most of them are stupid-easy to get, SO WHAT if a few of them are difficult?


... and it's always "they are negligible, so who cares if I get them once for all my characters" to "but if they are negligible, why do you want them so badly?". The answer is because they give you a STATISTICAL ADVANTAGE over someone who does NOT have them and isn't that what it's all about? You grind dailies to get credits to buy the best gear to get a STATISTICAL ADVANTAGE over someone else, right? You put in a LOT of effort to get you gear augmented, right? So why can't people just get the few Datacrons they need on their journey instead of all this drama?


Food for Thought: Lore items are Datacrons without statistics, they just have a Codex entry. We have to find them on every character if we want that Codex entry on that character. So why isn't anyone freaking out about Lore items?

Edited by PetFish
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100% support this, Doing this grind once is enough, I don't and should not need to do it 8 - 10 - 12 times.


You don't have to do it 8-10-12 times. The datacrons are OPTIONAL and not required.


Why do you expect to be rewarded 8-10-12 times or more for doing something ONCE on ONE character, though?

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I don't support this. It's already easy enough to get all 67 when you're max level. I did all 67 in about 2 days and it only took me a few hours. Asking for this feature is just being lazy and it's not a quality of life request at all.


Must be a glutton for punishment :p

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I'm really astonished at all the fuss over Datacrons, honestly, most of them are stupid-easy to get, SO WHAT if a few of them are difficult?


I think it's the tedium (and frustration that they are getting at for some of the 'crons). Anyone for the Strength datacron on pubside on Nar Shaddaa or how about a nice relaxing balloon ride on Tat? :)

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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I think it's the tedium (and frustration that they are getting at for some of the 'crons). Anyone for the Strength datacron on pubside on Nar Shaddaa or how about a nice relaxing balloon ride on Tat? :)


Again, so what?


Yes, there are a few that are tedious and frustrating, but don't all of the others that are easy have any bearing on this? It doesn't matter if 95 are easy and 5 are not, it's the 5 that are not easy that everyone always points to as a reason to not get (even just the relevant ones) Datacrons, and I think that's a totally unfair and ridiculously skewed viewpoint to make an argument.


Some flashpoints are easy, some are hard. Some operations are easy, some are hard. Some FP/Ops bosses in the same run are easy, some are hard. Some planets are easy, some are hard.


People say the stats are negligible so they should be Legacy, but if they *are* negligible why do they want them so badly? Lore objects are Datacrons without stats and also must be found per-character, so why aren't people marching for those to be Legacy?


Here's why:


It's cuz lore objects don't have stats and nobody cares about them which means they *do* care about stats and want them cuz they *do* mean something (they give that character an advantage, however slight, over another character who doesn't have them) and therefore they need to remain per-character.


... which they are and will continue to be, but people just don't want to believe that so they keep necro'ing this thread whenever the current "flavor of the month" gripe winds down.

Edited by PetFish
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The majority of the datacrons are not-factions specific. Get them all on your main and you've gotten more than 50/67 (technically 66 since 1 entry = Assembly).


It would be so nice to only have to get another 20 on my Pub rather than all 66.




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You don't have to do it 8-10-12 times. The datacrons are OPTIONAL and not required.


If you raid on multiple characters, you actually need to get them. The stat bonuses are almost equal to 1 augment (55 points for datacrons, 52 points for 1 augment at Rating 186). It's useful for all roles. Tanks to help with threat and absorb bubbles, dps with damage and crit chance, and healers for heals and crit chance.

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If you raid on multiple characters, you actually need to get them. The stat bonuses are almost equal to 1 augment (55 points for datacrons, 52 points for 1 augment at Rating 186). It's useful for all roles. Tanks to help with threat and absorb bubbles, dps with damage and crit chance, and healers for heals and crit chance.


If the stat bonuses are so important that "you actually need to get them", then you should have to put forth the minimal time and effort to actually find the datacrons on each character you wish to have those bonuses.



Would you demand that EACH AND EVERY CHARACTER you have PRESENT AND FUTURE receive an equivalent, class appropriate augment simply because you chose to add an augment to ONE character?

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All for this. Import all the codex entries from all characters across your legacy and grant all stat bonuses from datacrons available to your faction (or all of them for KotFE).


CODEX ENTRIES being made legacy wide, I support.


The STAT BONUSES should remain in the "have to be earned PER CHARACTER" category, IMO.



It would seem that BW has the same opinion. Feel free to go back through this thread to find links I, and others, have provided that support this statement.


Of course, I cannot stop you from pestering the devs like a petulant child who's Mommy has told him he cannot have that cookie he wants. Who knows? Maybe your whines will be the ones which convince the devs to COMPLETELY REDESIGN THE DATACRON SYSTEM, so that they can once more cater to the "lazy, entitled, instant gratification, have to have it now and for as little effort or cost as possible" crowd.

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I agree with you too, codex entries being legacy wide, but the stat gain being earned per character.

Thanks to guild ship shuttles it's already made getting certain datacrons like makeb's +10 endurance datacron that much easier.

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If you raid on multiple characters, you actually need to get them.

Then actually go get them.


I imagine raid-level gear is needed to raid, too. Perhaps every character in a player's legacy should be granted raid-level gear once one character "unlocks" it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I agree with you too, codex entries being legacy wide, but the stat gain being earned per character.


THIS would be worst thing ever. How would you know which datacrons you already have on one char if you could not use codex for it, you could miss one and had to run through all of them to find out which one it was?

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THIS would be worst thing ever. How would you know which datacrons you already have on one char if you could not use codex for it, you could miss one and had to run through all of them to find out which one it was?


I would hope that legacy datacron entries would be set up so that you can either select a character and see which datacrons that character has found or select a datacron entry and see which characters have found that datacron.


I do not know how difficult that would be, though.

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2012 post and any reasons/bioware dev post on why this isn't a thing yet? i mean seriously lmao.


THIS would be worst thing ever. How would you know which datacrons you already have on one char if you could not use codex for it, you could miss one and had to run through all of them to find out which one it was?




Edit: actually i think that quote didn't work so well, it was supposed to have quotted also the part that says "make the codex legacy wide, not the stats". But the codex you can get from google or your main character that has all datacrons, same goes for achievement; the stats tho, thats why people do it on more than one character.

Edited by James_Mcturney
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Im totally agree with this post. That would be awesome, especially for the worst datacrons. I don't wanna do the damn jawa balloon again, such the hoth one in the star of coruscant. Edited by jrjulio
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Then go get them.


I did Nar Shaddaa Str (Rep) datacron today. Do you want to guess how many times I had to try to get it right? Let's put it this way: I was really close to pressing alt+f4. But I got it!

Edited by Halinalle
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Then actually go get them.


I imagine raid-level gear is needed to raid, too. Perhaps every character in a player's legacy should be granted raid-level gear once one character "unlocks" it.


Well, in a way this does happen. Every time the game expands, the old gear is supplanted by new gear and made extremely easy to obtain by comparison. Honestly, datacrons are a nice challenge once and a pain in the neck after multiple times. I agree with this. It doesn't have to take away from your need to collect them everytime if you wish, but with legacy unlocks and various costs can create a way out for others.

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