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Legacy Wide datacrons


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My objection isn't that you'll have stats that you didn't earn, it's that you want to take devs off important stuff to take care of this issue that doesn't matter in the least.


Holy crap someone actually came up with a valid counterargument. Only took more than 70 pages of posts. i can actually respect the argument of "I don't want it so I don't want the devs wasting time on it." Fair enough.

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Why exactly are we referring to parts of a game, a recreational activity, as work anyway?


You should ask yourself that question cuz the only people (aka the "we" you are talking about) who think getting Datacrons is "work" are the people who want this perk so they don't have to do the "work" cuz getting Datacrons absolutely *not* "work".


Getting Datacrons are simple little optional side missions that add a little permanent bonus for taking a minute to walk slightly off your mission path and pick them up.

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  • 1 month later...
This was suggested a while back, but I really like the idea of Legacy wide datacrons.


It could work 1 of 2 ways:

A) Cartel Shop sells the ability to make datacrons legacy wide (500 CC, 1000 CC whatever)

B) Legacy Perk


Example: If you were a level 16 Republic and had gotten all the Ord Mantel, Tython and Coruscant datacrons on other characters, you would gain access to the datacron codex entries and stat benefit as soon as you reached the max level of the planet. So hitting 50 would give you all the Illum ones, 49 all the Corellia ones and so on and so forth.


Obviously faction specific datacrons would have to be taken into consideration as otherwise someone could have more than the correct amount of datacrons.


I really think this would be a huge benefit as I have gotten 60 datacrons on my main and am working on getting the remaining 7, and really really really really don't want to do this for a 2nd character, and third character and so on.


Please take this into consideration,

yours truly,



P.S: My fellow forum goers, please keep this bumped so BW can see how interested we are in this feature.



Does bioware want my money?

Do i want to give my money to bioware?

Would bioware make money from me by making this?

Would I throw money at bioware for this?


The answer to all those questions listed above is yes.


So please take more of my money and make this happen thank you!

Edited by Strixs
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Does bioware want my money?

Do i want to give my money to bioware?

Would bioware make money from me by making this?

Would I throw money at bioware for this?


The answer to all those questions listed above is yes.


So please take more of my money and make this happen thank you!



If you want the datacron bonuses, go find the datacrons.

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Does bioware want my money?

Do i want to give my money to bioware?

Would bioware make money from me by making this?

Would I throw money at bioware for this?


The answer to all those questions listed above is yes.


So please take more of my money and make this happen thank you!


Some of us actually want to play the game instead of give Bioware money so we don't have to.. If you don't want to play the game.. That is your choice.. But you are not entitled to the stats the datacrons provide no matter how much money you spend..


If you want the bonuses from the datacrons then go get them.. And save your money..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Well, we made it an entire month this time before someone necro'd this, I think that's a new record or something. Everything was peaceful and quiet for a while at least.


I'm just happy that in that time I think I've only seen one new thread regarding this that died pretty quickly and that's a good thing.


But just in case, here are some tips:

  • Get them as you level, not once you hit 55 and go back for them, it's overwhelming this way.
  • Learn to mousewalk while balancing on narrow pipes and cables.
  • Nearly every planet/class mission takes you near a Datacron that you just spend 30s to go and pick up, so again, get them as you level.
  • Turn off sprint when jumping on boxes.
  • Getting them while you level also makes more sense since you a) get XP that you can actually use and b) get stats that are more beneficial to you at lower levels than once you hit 55.


And, just to reiterate, Datacrons provide a permanent stat boost to whichever individual character activates it and therefore every individual character needs to activate their own Datacron to get their own stat boost. The Codex is fine for Legacy but the boosts themselves should never be Legacy.


Finally, as I mentioned but can't stress this enough: GET THEM AS YOU LEVEL.



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Which only proves how wanted this feature is. Get off your high horse.


Because one person necro'd the thread?? Seriously?? How about you get off your high horse.. People have good reason not to want this.. What reasons do you have?? Besides someone bumped a dead horse after a month?? :rolleyes:

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Some of us actually want to play the game instead of give Bioware money so we don't have to.. If you don't want to play the game.. That is your choice.. But you are not entitled to the stats the datacrons provide no matter how much money you spend..


If you want the bonuses from the datacrons then go get them.. And save your money..


I think this is a very good point. You all are trying to impliment a system where you pay to not have to play. If you don't want to play, then don't, but don't screw it up for those of us that want to play.

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I think this is a very good point. You all are trying to impliment a system where you pay to not have to play. If you don't want to play, then don't, but don't screw it up for those of us that want to play.


Doesn't have to be pay to play, this ideas been around since Legacy system was included before F2P existed. I don't think people should be able to buy the datacron bonus if they have never received the cron, but I think there should be options that if you've gotten a datacron on one character you can apply it to others via the legacy system. How would that screw your gameplay if someone get's a ridiculously small amount of stats on an alternate character? You can still get it on as many characters as you like if you enjoy platforming, but if you don't there's other options. I love how everyone feels that giving people options somehow ruins their gameplay. :rolleyes:

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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Doesn't have to be pay to play, this ideas been around since Legacy system was included before F2P existed. I don't think people should be able to buy the datacron bonus if they have never received the cron, but I think there should be options that if you've gotten a datacron on one character you can apply it to others via the legacy system. How would that screw your gameplay if someone get's a ridiculously small amount of stats on an alternate character? You can still get it on as many characters as you like if you enjoy platforming, but if you don't there's other options. I love how everyone feels that giving people options somehow ruins their gameplay. :rolleyes:


There was a time in video games that if you didn't do something, you had to live with not having the rewards.. The idea of working for your upgrades was common sense..


I find it absurd and offensive that people have reached a point where they will demand a game change to allow them to get something without effort.. If people want the bonuses that the datacrons provide, then they need to go get them.. There should be no other option... You either go get the datacrons or live without the bonuses.. It is that simple!! No video game should be asked to change to accommodate someone who does not wish to make the effort to upgrade their character, to be given something for free.. If you don't want to play the game, then live with that decision.. Don't make others live with it as well..


Datacrons are part of the leveling experience.. Again.. Nobody says you have to collect them.. But you are in no way entitled to the bonuses unless you make the effort and collect them..


Legacy was never intended to be a means to allow people to NOT play the game.. Or to be used as a work around for something that is to hard.. Or as a means to enable someone's laziness.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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I don't support this. It's already easy enough to get all 67 when you're max level. I did all 67 in about 2 days and it only took me a few hours. Asking for this feature is just being lazy and it's not a quality of life request at all.


NO it is not, I am extremely frustrated by trying to get Datacrons, even ones in areas waaay below my level. I am not very good at all the jumps and I would almost rather put my fist through my computer than waste time trying to get those damn things. It really has nothing to do with level. :mad::(


Frankly I could care less about those thins, but to assume that everyone can get them if there level is high enough is absurd.

Edited by zejaie
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NO it is not, I am extremely frustrated by trying to get Datacrons, even ones in areas waaay below my level. I am not very good at all the jumps and I would almost rather put my fist through my computer than waste time trying to get those damn things. It really has nothing to do with level. :mad::(


Frankly I could care less about those thins, but to assume that everyone can get them if there level is high enough is absurd.


Doesn't have to be pay to play, this ideas been around since Legacy system was included before F2P existed. I don't think people should be able to buy the datacron bonus if they have never received the cron, but I think there should be options that if you've gotten a datacron on one character you can apply it to others via the legacy system. How would that screw your gameplay if someone get's a ridiculously small amount of stats on an alternate character? You can still get it on as many characters as you like if you enjoy platforming, but if you don't there's other options. I love how everyone feels that giving people options somehow ruins their gameplay. :rolleyes:


As I've said before, the wonderful thing about datacrons if that they are OPTIONAL. You do NOT have to find them if you do not want to do so. If you want that ridiculously small amount of stats, then you DO have to find them on the character you want to receive that ridiculously small amount of stats.


If it is such a ridiculously small amount of stats, then there should be no problem if you don't have that ridiculously small amount of stats on every character.


If, on the other hand, it is not such a ridiculously small amount of stats, then players should have to find the datacrons and not be handed those stat bonuses for characters that did not earn them.

Edited by Ratajack
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If the stats are so minimal, why can't we get them for free?



If the stats are so minimal, why do you want them for free?



Since they are optional, go get the ones you want and leave the ones you don't want. The only that requires you get all of them is the Datacron Master Legacy title.

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not only legacy datacrons but legacy money (for subs) legacy valor and legacy social


Legacy gear, Legacy coms, Legacy tier gear, Legacy game..


Did we miss anything?? :p


Legacy max level characters, legacy companion affection, legacy companion unlocks, legacy event rewards?


EDIT: I did not realize that xAZUREx was apparently actually serious.

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Legacy max level characters, legacy companion affection, legacy companion unlocks, legacy event rewards?


EDIT: I did not realize that xAZUREx was apparently actually serious.


You forgot some obvious ones. How about legacy dailies? You do them once, so you don't need to do them again but still get the rewards every day. Legacy ops, as above. Legacy flashpoints.


Could we have a legacy perk where I don't need to play the game and my character plays itself please?

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Legacy max level characters, legacy companion affection, legacy companion unlocks, legacy event rewards?


EDIT: I did not realize that xAZUREx was apparently actually serious.


Legacy fast travel, legacy HP/crit/stat bonuses, legacy HK, legacy presence, legacy class buffs...


Oh wait, we already have those and hyperbole hasn't destroyed the game!


Upthread someone said there are good reasons not to want this. If so, could someone please list them? I've only seen hyperbole about max level characters and entitled whining about laziness.


The sheer fact of the matter is, if this is implemented, it will have a cost. If someone spends four hours gathering datacrons on an alt while another player spends four hours doing dailies, then uses the credits to buy a datacron unlock for their alt, then what is the real difference. Remember, as a legacy unlock this would only benefit characters who have already earned the datacrons at least once. The only thing the legacy unlock is saving them is time, and maybe not even that if it's expensive enough. HK costs a million to share to an alt, so I could easily see this unlock being reasonable at 5 million or so.


The opponents to this idea(there may actually be 5 people against it now) also don't seem to realize that their counterarguments can be applied to every convenience feature in the game. Try playing a character without using speeders or quick travel. Every moment you delay getting to 55 is a moment you could have playing at 55 getting high end gear and comms...therefore fast travel and speeders help you gain end game stats and gear faster. OMG the sky is falling! It's all over now!


The sheer fact of the matter is that this would be a minor convenience for players with many alts, and would be appreciated and enjoyed by the vast majority of players. The only valid counterargument I've seen is that a player with no use for this feature would rather the devs spend their time working on something they find useful, which is fair enough.

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Legacy fast travel, legacy HP/crit/stat bonuses, legacy HK, legacy presence, legacy class buffs...


Oh wait, we already have those and hyperbole hasn't destroyed the game!


Upthread someone said there are good reasons not to want this. If so, could someone please list them? I've only seen hyperbole about max level characters and entitled whining about laziness.


The sheer fact of the matter is, if this is implemented, it will have a cost. If someone spends four hours gathering datacrons on an alt while another player spends four hours doing dailies, then uses the credits to buy a datacron unlock for their alt, then what is the real difference. Remember, as a legacy unlock this would only benefit characters who have already earned the datacrons at least once. The only thing the legacy unlock is saving them is time, and maybe not even that if it's expensive enough. HK costs a million to share to an alt, so I could easily see this unlock being reasonable at 5 million or so.


The opponents to this idea(there may actually be 5 people against it now) also don't seem to realize that their counterarguments can be applied to every convenience feature in the game. Try playing a character without using speeders or quick travel. Every moment you delay getting to 55 is a moment you could have playing at 55 getting high end gear and comms...therefore fast travel and speeders help you gain end game stats and gear faster. OMG the sky is falling! It's all over now!


The sheer fact of the matter is that this would be a minor convenience for players with many alts, and would be appreciated and enjoyed by the vast majority of players. The only valid counterargument I've seen is that a player with no use for this feature would rather the devs spend their time working on something they find useful, which is fair enough.


best comment yet, all other seem to be trolls.


there acting like i said you could just buy it without unlocking it first for free

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Legacy fast travel, legacy HP/crit/stat bonuses, legacy HK, legacy presence, legacy class buffs...


Oh wait, we already have those and hyperbole hasn't destroyed the game!.


Really?? HK is a companion and offers no stats to your character.. So HK is irrelevant..


The stat bonuses you refer to come from your comanions, after they are max affection and you have completed all their conversations.. So you do earn them.. Again irrelevant


Class buffs?? Again level a character to complete chapter 2.. You earn it.. Yup.. You guessed it.. Irrelevant..


The only hyperbole is the idea that you actually had a point.. The fact is, nothing you mentioned even applies..


The fact of the matter here is simple.. If you want the stats then you have to collect the datacrons.. There is no other option.. If you don't want the stats then you don't have to collect them.. There is no getting the stats for free without collecting them.. It doesn't get any simpler than that.. Sorry.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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best comment yet, all other seem to be trolls.


there acting like i said you could just buy it without unlocking it first for free


Best comment?? Really?? Nothing he said even applied.. Sorry.. As for the trolls??


Just because you do something on your main is not a reason to unlock something on your alt.. That isn't how legacy works nor is it how it was intended..


There is absolutely no reason to allow legacy datacrons.. None.. There never will be a reason.. If you want the stats they provide then you are going to have to earn them by collecting the datacrons.. It is that simple.. There is no other option... If you don't want the stats the datacrons provide then don't collect them.. That is your choice..


But nobody is entitled to free stats without effort.. NO!!! Doing them on your main does not count.. That would be like claiming I did this op on my main why does my alt have to do it to?? As has been said, if you don't want to play the game then don't.. But legacy was never intended to be a tool to help people not play the game and be lazy.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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