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Legacy Wide datacrons


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I'd also like to see legacy wide datacrons, but if they are added as a legacy perk i'd rather see them at a level that seems approachable for people who aren't planning to have 10+ chars.
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I'd also like to see legacy wide datacrons, but if they are added as a legacy perk i'd rather see them at a level that seems approachable for people who aren't planning to have 10+ chars.


Valid point, but actually the cartel cost of purchases of legacy perks tend to be less about the level limit of the perk than paying in game credits for it. So hopefully here we might see something like:


Legacy Datacrons (Empire)

Legacy wide

Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. Legacy level 20 - 5,000,000 credits


Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. 1000 CC


Per Character

Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. Legacy level 10 - 1,000,000 credits


Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. 300 CC


Those figures are pulled out of my *** so not even trying to be balanced, especially without confirming when the perk would apply to the character. Would it be straight out of character creation, after a planet has been left, at the ACT points, or just at elder game.

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Is this judgement made from your experience getting it on the Imperial side or on the Republic side? On the Imperial side, it's just a matter of sneaking through the heroic area. Unfortunately, on the Republic side, the choices you have for even getting to the heroic area are 1) Run the gauntlet of level 55 NPCs to get past Mos Anek, 2) Run the gauntlet of level 55 NPCs to get past Outpost Zaroshe, or 3) Run the gauntlet of the PVP zone. The point I was making was that "working on your jumping skills" doesn't do you a bit of good for a Republic player trying to get this datacron, since the trick isn't being able to make the jumps, but in making it to the area in the first place.


I've done it with both imp and rep. Just this weekend I did it with my Rep Trooper. I ran all the way across the PvP area and through the Heroic area and didn't get into a single fight. After I got the datacron, I used the quick travel to return to the spaceport and drop out of PvP mode.

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Opinion, since there has been reasons stated many times over. Reread the thread if you need those reasons. ;)


And yet you still have yet to give anyone a viable reason beyond laziness to make the datacrons legacy.. Legacy datarcons has no positive benefit to the game.. That is not opinion, that if fact.. As are my words.. :rolleyes:

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Prove it. This should be interesting. :rolleyes:


Prove what? That legacy datacrons will effect everyone?? There is two ways to prove that, but since you admitted to being that stupid.. I will keep it simple for you..


It will most certainly effect you, which is why you want it so bad.. We can call it laziness, elitism, or selfishness, all of which fits your reasons.. But it will effect you.. Since you are no different than any other player.. It is lame to say that something that effects you, won't effect anyone else.. To justify it and hide behind the fallacy that it won't effect anyone is most stupid than lame.. Your claim that it doesn't effect anyone pretty much means you don't need it either.. Since you would be included in that.. But we all know it does effect you, as well as everyone else.. It would be kind like that god button people would never use too.. So yes, it will effect everyone..



Edited by MajikMyst
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Valid point, but actually the cartel cost of purchases of legacy perks tend to be less about the level limit of the perk than paying in game credits for it. So hopefully here we might see something like:


Legacy Datacrons (Empire)

Legacy wide

Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. Legacy level 20 - 5,000,000 credits


Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. 1000 CC


Per Character

Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. Legacy level 10 - 1,000,000 credits


Requirement: Gained all Empire Datacrons on a previous character. 300 CC


Those figures are pulled out of my *** so not even trying to be balanced, especially without confirming when the perk would apply to the character. Would it be straight out of character creation, after a planet has been left, at the ACT points, or just at elder game.


Another person that hasn't heard of pay to win.. Not going to happen.. Like I have said.. No logical reason to make legacy datacrons.. But you all can keep trying.. :rolleyes:

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Prove what? That legacy datacrons will effect everyone?? There is two ways to prove that, but since you admitted to being that stupid.. I will keep it simple for you..


It will most certainly effect you, which is why you want it so bad.. We can call it laziness, elitism, or selfishness, all of which fits your reasons.. But it will effect you.. Since you are no different than any other player.. It is lame to say that something that effects you, won't effect anyone else.. To justify it and hide behind the fallacy that it won't effect anyone is most stupid than lame.. Your claim that it doesn't effect anyone pretty much means you don't need it either.. Since you would be included in that.. But we all know it does effect you, as well as everyone else.. It would be kind like that god button people would never use too.. So yes, it will effect everyone..




Just by the insults alone, it seems I hit a nerve. Also you have only mentioned me and you claim that everything I do effects everyone in the game.


So when I create a character does that effect everyone's gameplay as well? You'll have to prove that.


Further more, you still have yet to provide proof to you're claims instead offer insults, like a child and opinions that are based on lies and hyperbole.


Again, since reading comprehension is not you're forte, where is the proof to you're claims?


You have been debunked, for the...well I have lost count on how many times I have debunked you.


Still waiting for some proof though. :rolleyes:


I expect more insults, since that is all you seem to able to provide. Thanks for proving me right thus far though. ;)

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Another person that hasn't heard of pay to win.. Not going to happen.. Like I have said.. No logical reason to make legacy datacrons.. But you all can keep trying.. :rolleyes:


Another post with no proof. This is becoming a trend.


I on the other hand, have already offered proof and logical reasons that this would work.


Once again, without lack of proof, you have agreed to the idea of accepting legacy wide datacrons. You're own words have stated as such.


Thanks for finally getting with the program. ;)

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i need legacy wide datacron i have 16 character and it s really boring to do again datacrons for each characters


I guess I don't get this attitude. You don't NEED datacrons. Not getting them won't break the game. In fact, most of the stats don't apply to your toon anyways so most of them are a complete waste of time. The only ones that matter are the ones that give you a boost in your toons primary stat. There may be ONE on each world worth getting. So if you hate getting them that much, then either get the relitavely few that matter, or don't waste your time.


Datacron's are like the bonus quest lines. They help a little, but are not necessary. If you hate them, then skip them.

Edited by Glowrod
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Datacron's are like the bonus quest lines. They help a little, but are not necessary. If you hate them, then skip them.


I skip them and do warzones instead and am able to get the same xp. Can I also do warzones to get the datacron stats?

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/signed .... Datacron hunts are annoying but would actually spend the time to do them If they where legacy wide.


I think an option where it was placed within the legacy system at later legacy levels with option to purchase from STORE to UNLOCK it would be fbest way. Legacy 40ish to unlock with in game credits.

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i need legacy wide datacron i have 16 character and it s really boring to do again datacrons for each characters


So without legacy wide datacrons, you'd need to sit in a balloon for 8 hours just to get one of the Tatooine datacrons on all your chars.

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So without legacy wide datacrons, you'd need to sit in a balloon for 8 hours just to get one of the Tatooine datacrons on all your chars.


Unlikely. Unless all his toons are warrior types that have Strength as a primary stat. You only need to take the baloon if your primry attribute is strength. All others are wasting their time.

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Leveling is annoying too.. As is doing ops and gathering valor.. Sounds to me you are saying that the game is annoying and you don't have time to play.. Time to move on for you I guess..


Dearie, you are saying that leveling, ops and warzones is boring, and you are the only one saying so.

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i need legacy wide datacron i have 16 character and it s really boring to do again datacrons for each characters


I only have 12 but I still feel your pain.


I'm sure people with 22 toons are clawing their eyes out at getting them all over again.

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Unlikely. Unless all his toons are warrior types that have Strength as a primary stat. You only need to take the baloon if your primry attribute is strength. All others are wasting their time.


Not true.

On a shadow, the strength is quite useful.

Just like on troopers, finding the cunning is rather useful.

Or on Smugglers, finding the aim.

People miss that, with certain exceptions, collecting the other datacrons is very useful.

Exceptions: Strength or Willpower for Tech users. Aim or Cunning for Force Users. Strength on Sage/Sorc.

Seriously, just mouse over the stat.


On a different note, I can totally agree with this. I only collected all of them on my main toon, but am not gonna want to do it again on the other 12 I have. Or the others I might make, later on.

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Not true.

On a shadow, the strength is quite useful.

Just like on troopers, finding the cunning is rather useful.

Or on Smugglers, finding the aim.

People miss that, with certain exceptions, collecting the other datacrons is very useful.

Exceptions: Strength or Willpower for Tech users. Aim or Cunning for Force Users. Strength on Sage/Sorc.

Seriously, just mouse over the stat.


On a different note, I can totally agree with this. I only collected all of them on my main toon, but am not gonna want to do it again on the other 12 I have. Or the others I might make, later on.


I'm sorry but this is just incorrect. The only stats that help you at all are presence, endurance, and your primary stat. All others do nothing for your performance.

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Their degree of usefullness are like the datacrons.

Strengh boost shadow's double attack (which procs a lot of thing in tank spec) likewise, Willpower boost the knight's Force Stasis.All in all, if you want to round up some stats, you better look at the overall boost of these. And you will see that adding the non-primary ones and all those little buffs can make you do 15k Dmg on a Force Sweep instead of 14800.

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I'm sorry but this is just incorrect. The only stats that help you at all are presence, endurance, and your primary stat. All others do nothing for your performance.



Then you need to go mouse over Willpower on a Jedi Knight (it enhances force ability damage and crit like force sweep's damage), or Strength on a shadow (It enhances your saber strikes crit and damage).

On a trooper, cunning adds to crit and damage for tech abilities.

On a smuggler, aim adds to primary weapon damage.

Granted, it's not as useful as main stat, but it is still useful enough to pick up the datacrons.

If you don't believe me, go mouse over the stat, on a particular class. You will see what I am saying.

FYI, collecting the +40 cunning on a trooper boosts you from 0.80% tech crit (for the non-collected cunning) to a bit over 1.00% tech crit.

Same with willpower (for JKs), strength (for Consulars), and aim (for smugglers).

It's not much, but it does affect it enough to consider that secondary stat as a viable alternative, once you reach the "soft cap" for main stat. Don't know what it is for 55, but at 50 it was set between 2k and 2100.

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This would be awesome :) running on a lower spec laptop means I suffer with lagged motion on the jumping datacrons and its led to me just not bothering. If it was legacy wide I'd put the effort in to unlock them all as I could do it across several characters as their leveling. I really hope we get this :)
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I think people should just learn to play the game and stop begging for free stuff because they are lazy..


If you want an upgrade or something then your need to put out the effort and go get it.. If you are to lazy to get the datacrons then you are to lazy for the stats they give you..


Don't even think about saying that you have a million alts and tired of getting them.. That is the lamest excuse ever.. Are you tired of leveling said alts as well?? Sound to me like you are just tired of playing the game..


No to legacy datacrons and no to anything that enables people to sit and be lazy.. I pay to play this game.. Not sit around and demand that everything be given to me.. Perhaps some of you are playing the wrong game?? :rolleyes:

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