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Legacy Wide datacrons


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You do realize that your posts make you look like a fool.. All this talk about intended.. What do you know about intended.. Wouldn't the datacrons already be legacy if it was intended?? Or are you going to drop the little gem that Bioware just doesn't know it is intended yet??


It is lazy and that is all there is to it.. Bioware spent to much time and effort designing the many ways it takes to get all the datacrons to just toss it away and make them legacy so people that are lazy and QQ a lot about it can have them for free..


It does devalue the effort people made.. That is what you don't understand.. Getting all the datacrons on a character should be a matter of pride and effort.. The additional stats and entries to the codex are the reward..


You want to talk about elitist?? Elitist is demanding that the game be changed because you are unable to play it as it is without complaint.. The fact that people feel they can just demand that something be made legacy because they asked for it is elitist.. If you can't play the game as is.. Then please.. Don't play.. There is no need for the game to be ruined by some elitist people who are to lazy to actually play the game as it was designed.. Get the datacrons on each character..


If someone has got them so many times then it should be easy to pick them as you level on each planet.. Sad that some people are to lazy to even do that..


The only reason you are against it is because YOU feel that everyone HAS to go through the trouble of getting every datacron, on every alt, because YOU did it. I will say it one more time...You will NEVER know who has used the legacy perk to gain a datacron, therefore it will NOT dimish what you did and ruin YOUR game. How will you know who actually collected the datacrons through Legacy or through normal means? You won't. That is what you do not understand.


Bioware has stated before that the datacros will one day be Legacy wide. The fact that it is not yet added is because, surprise, it is not high on their priority list and it should not be. But it is on their list of things they eventually want to do. Asking for this is NOT elitist or lazy. You obviously don't know what BW intends with the Legacy system. Don't presume you know exactly what the system was built for because you have no idea.


For the record, I have collected every datacron, except the +10, on my Marauder. I am in the process of gathering them all on my other six level 50s AND I have 4 more characters under level 30. What is my point, you might ask? I support a Legacy wide datacron, that includes the stat bonuses, because I don't care how other people get them. It DOES NOT diminsh my efforts or ruin my gameplay in the least. I am never going to know who used the Legacy, just like YOU will never know.


Your entire argument is based on nothing but personal opinion. Nobody is asking for the option to buy a datacron on one character and then all their alts have it. It first has to be obtained the normal way by one character. You then have to be Legacy level 60. Then you have to spend ingame credits to buy a single datacron on a single character. Then you have to do the same for each and every alt you have.


Now I am done arguing with you. Your arguments are based solely on personal feelings. The fact that you get so mad about a suggestion in a game really makes you look bad. When Bioware finally gets around to adding the datacrons to the Legacy system you will see that it doesn't hurt your gameplay at all. I know it won't hurt mine. I don't care how people get them, and neither should you. It doesn't affect you in the least.

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Now I am done arguing with you. Your arguments are based solely on personal feelings.


Wow.. Talk about calling the kettle black..


Actually mine are based on facts.. Your's are based on personal feelings.. The sad part is, it is based on your feelings alone.. Talk about elitist.. ;)

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One thing I've been wondering lately...


People have said that the stats gain from getting Datacrons is minimal and has almost no impact on anything so what's the big deal if they are Legacy and everyone just gets them?


Ok, so if the stats gain *really* doesn't mean anything then why the shouting-from-the-rooftops to make them Legacy?




Also, the term 'elitist' has been thrown around a lot as a derogatory or bad thing and I'm wondering why.


If two people do the same job and one puts in more time, effort, works harder, better, stronger, and faster than the other person then don't they *deserve* more accolades and rewards and a bigger paycheque? Why should the other guy who just "shows up" for eight hours get the same things as I do? He shouldn't and nobody would question it cuz everyone knows he's just skating by.


Seems like this is a similar situation. If I put in more time and effort than another player then why *shouldn't* I get more accolades and rewards than someone who doesn't and just wants everything handed to them through Legacy? If that makes me "elitist" then I'm proud to wear that badge.

Edited by PetFish
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Wow.. Talk about calling the kettle black..


Actually mine are based on facts.. Your's are based on personal feelings.. The sad part is, it is based on your feelings alone.. Talk about elitist.. ;)


What facts? You have presented nothing but personal opinion. YOUR opinion. I don't see you railing against other Legacy ideas, just this one. And you still have never answered how it affects your gameplay or how you will even know how anyone acquired the datacrons. I don't expect you to answer, though. As I said, I am done arguing. Your opinion is noted. See you when the devs finally do add datacrons to the Legacy system in the future.

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What facts? You have presented nothing but personal opinion. YOUR opinion. I don't see you railing against other Legacy ideas, just this one. And you still have never answered how it affects your gameplay or how you will even know how anyone acquired the datacrons. I don't expect you to answer, though. As I said, I am done arguing. Your opinion is noted. See you when the devs finally do add datacrons to the Legacy system in the future.


Try reading the forums more..


Myself and others have submitted a number of facts that you just ignore in favor of your own views.. That is certainly your right to do of course...


I don't have to answer your question because it is completely irrelevant to the topic.. Besides that, any one who is desperate enough to attempt that strategy to win the debate is surely not qualified to have the debate in the first place.. Why you may ask?? It has nothing to do with how it will effect my game play.. This topic isn't about me.. Strange that you seem convinced it is about you though.. This topic is about the game.. How it will effect the game and over all game play for everyone.. Something you either don't care about or don't understand..


MMO's are all about wasting time.. The more time it wastes, the better.. If it doesn't waste our time enough then we get bored.. So any suggestion that decreases the amount of time spent on something is a bad suggestion.. Period.. This isn't about 1 topic.. This is about the game as a whole.. This is just one aspect of a growing problem for this game.. Not enough to do... One of the ways an MMO wastes our time is repetition.. The game makes us do the same thing over and over again.. Dailies, leveling, Ops, Warzones, Datacrons, and the list goes on.. If the lazy folks had their way, there would be legacy everything and no game to play.. I have already seen a thread asking for legacy leveling.. Where does it end??


They will never add datacrons to legacy.. They put to much time and effort in getting them to just throw that a way because a few people are lazy and don't want play the game..


If you are to lazy to gather them up on your alt, then don't get them or don't make another alt.. It is simple as that.. The rules of the game do not need to be changed to accommodate you.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I can't believe people are still whining about having to play the game... makes me feel the same way about them, as i feel for those who say Bieber and Nicki Minajv have great talent... :rolleyes:


the level of creativity in ur comment is = 0,00000 :eek:

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I and everyone in my Guild have been wanting Legacy Datacrons for ages. We talk about it often. Some of these Datacrons are a flat out ridiculous PAIN to get, and having to keep getting them over and over makes no sense. Yes, they are a challenge to get....but what exactly is the point in having to keep getting them over and over? Would it not make sense to have a Legacy Perk for the ones you already unlocked on your main toon? I think it would. As long as you took the time and effort to have gotten it once, let us unlock it for our alts. Please.


And for those of you against this, don't use the perk then and get them again. Trying to force others to play the game the way YOU want to play it is childish. This isn't a contest. It's a game, for fun, and having to get all these Datacrons every single time is NOT fun. Again, isn't the game supposed to be fun? Waiting on a balloon for 20 min, when you have already done it on your main toon once....not fun. And, frankly boring.


Bioware. Please seriously think about a Datacron Legacy Perk. ALOT of people would really appreciate it. ;)





They will never add datacrons to legacy.. They put to much time and effort in getting them to just throw that a way because a few people are lazy and don't want play the game..


If you are to lazy to gather them up on your alt, then don't get them or don't make another alt.. It is simple as that.. The rules of the game do not need to be changed to accommodate you.. :rolleyes:


What exactly does "lazy" have to do with it? I swear you elitist types enjoy ruining gaming.


Did the person not get the datacron once already? So, how was that being lazy? They took the time to put them in the game, and we got them. So, what exactly would be the point in having to get them over and over? To be bored? To get frustrated? Again, what does "lazy" have anything to do with this? Grow up man. Maybe they should remove ALL legacy perks heh? So you can childishly gloating about how YOU did everything on all your alts...when no one is impressed. It's a game, not a ego boost contest.


And, the "rules" of the game were not written by YOU. So, if they add it, then just don't use it. Problem solved. Quit being condescending and acting like YOUR way of playing is the only thing right. People like you are ruining this game sir.


Also, the term 'elitist' has been thrown around a lot as a derogatory or bad thing and I'm wondering why.


If two people do the same job and one puts in more time, effort, works harder, better, stronger, and faster than the other person then don't they *deserve* more accolades and rewards and a bigger paycheque? Why should the other guy who just "shows up" for eight hours get the same things as I do? He shouldn't and nobody would question it cuz everyone knows he's just skating by.


Seems like this is a similar situation. If I put in more time and effort than another player then why *shouldn't* I get more accolades and rewards than someone who doesn't and just wants everything handed to them through Legacy? If that makes me "elitist" then I'm proud to wear that badge.


And your post is half of whats wrong with gaming now days. Its a GAME. If you want to do things your way, do them. Go right on ahead. Why would you care if some guy got the same thing you got another way? I certainly don't care at all. It doesn't make you better than someone or worth more, its a GAME. It; doesn't effect your life. What would be the sin in allowing people to unlock things they already got on your main for alts? It frankly makes alot of sense to have Legacy Datacrons. It doesn't effect YOU or YOUR game at all, only theirs. So, why care? You shouldn't.


Elitist? People who think only THEIR way of playing and earning things is right. Thats what an elitist is. People who think a video game is an extension of their ego and try to demean others and glot like 2yr olds. That's an elitist....and I am sick of them.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Sigh...now this would have been an EXELENT option...I have 7 lvl 50's and yes I grinded out each and every datacron on every one of them...am I an elitiest....Hells no...I would have taken this option in a heart beat...




and to all those that think thier way of playing is the ONLY RIGHT way....ummm...tell you what. The day you start paying my monthly sub, you can start telling me how to play, until then....shut your pie hole.

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Sigh...now this would have been an EXELENT option...I have 7 lvl 50's and yes I grinded out each and every datacron on every one of them...am I an elitiest....Hells no...I would have taken this option in a heart beat...




and to all those that think thier way of playing is the ONLY RIGHT way....ummm...tell you what. The day you start paying my monthly sub, you can start telling me how to play, until then....shut your pie hole.


It has been stated several times last year that one of the things they want to do with the Legacy system is add the datacrons to it. It is not a high priority project so it will not happen for some time. They'll get around to it, though. We just have to be patient. In the meantime, enjoy everything else in the game, including the new content patch and mini-expansion about to be added. :D

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It has been stated several times last year that one of the things they want to do with the Legacy system is add the datacrons to it. It is not a high priority project so it will not happen for some time. They'll get around to it, though. We just have to be patient. In the meantime, enjoy everything else in the game, including the new content patch and mini-expansion about to be added. :D


Ya, and the new +10 Endurance Datacron on Makeb.....enjoy getting that sucker, even just once will be one HECK of a chore. It's a 40 min job just to get it...if your LUCKY enough not to fall or die, which then you have to start all over again. So, say you died after 35 min because you slid down a d hill or jumped wrong (because the jumping and character control in this game is VERY sloppy) YOU DIE. I think you get the point. I fail to see the point in making these Datacrons THAT hard to get. It's supposed to be something fun after all. Even some of the devs were against the ridiculousness of this new one actually. Alot of good that did.


This new datacron alone is reason enough for Legacy Datacrons. As if I would ever be masochistic enough to even try it more than once.

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Trying to force others to play the game the way YOU want to play it is childish. This isn't a contest. It's a game, for fun, and having to get all these Datacrons every single time is NOT fun.


The thing is, we're playing the game as it's meant to be played. YOU people are the ones trying to CHANGE (force) it to the way YOU want it to be. We're not trying to change the Datacron mechanic, we're trying to keep it the way it is, so who's really being childish here? We aren't the ones trying to force others to play how we want, we are playing the game as it is, you guys are the ones trying to force the game to change to how you want it. Can you not see that?


Also, getting all the Datacrons *is* fun.


Elitist? People who think only THEIR way of playing and earning things is right. Thats what an elitist is. People who think a video game is an extension of their ego and try to demean others and glot like 2yr olds. That's an elitist....and I am sick of them.


How can you guys not see that you're the ones trying to think that YOUR way of playing and earning things is right? You guys need to look in the mirror and call yourselves 'elitist' cuz what you're trying to do is make the game how YOU want it. Instead of adjusting to the game and playing it how it is you want the game to adjust to you.

Edited by PetFish
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If you ever played WOW, you would know that doing something on your main doesn't effect your alts.. That is one of the largest issues with this game.. Not enough content.. It is the difference as to why WOW has millions of subscribers and this game is struggling.. In WOW, you still have to do everything on your alt as well.. Again, if don't want to play your alt, then don't make one.. Don't sit here and demand legacy this or that because you just don't want to do the content.


I don't know if you never played WoW or stopped at some point or what, but when leveling an alt now, you get these items called "heirlooms" that are purchased with currency you get from PvP/Dungeons/Raids on your main character. These heirlooms are extremely overpowered items that scale with your lower-level alts as you level, as well as increasing the experience gained. This effectively means that you do not have to get gear as you level alts. A key example of something that a main does that greatly effects your alts. Additionally, as of recent they added account-wide achievements. This means that something I did on my main character counts for my alt. Oh, and don't forget account wide mounts, account wide pets, etc. etc. WoW has many features that you access on your main that affect all of your alts, and the reason that it stayed in power when this game came out is largely just because it is in power. It is the MMO titan of now and the only thing that is going to put it out of business is itself, probably.

On a note to the rest of the thread, I fully support this concept.

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The thing is, we're playing the game as it's meant to be played. YOU people are the ones trying to CHANGE (force) it to the way YOU want it to be. We're not trying to change the Datacron mechanic, we're trying to keep it the way it is, so who's really being childish here? We aren't the ones trying to force others to play how we want, we are playing the game as it is, you guys are the ones trying to force the game to change to how you want it. Can you not see that?


Also, getting all the Datacrons *is* fun.


How can you guys not see that you're the ones trying to think that YOUR way of playing and earning things is right? You guys need to look in the mirror and call yourselves 'elitist' cuz what you're trying to do is make the game how YOU want it. Instead of adjusting to the game and playing it how it is you want the game to adjust to you.


We're not advocating the change of anything, merely an additional, optional feature. Through your views, an MMO should never add or change things because that changes the game "as it is". Classes are unbalanced when the game comes out and one class can take on 5 others no problem? Don't fix it, that's just how the game is. Also, we never said our way was the right way. In fact, we suggested that you keep playing the game how you want. We want you to enjoy the game, however you might wish to do so. If other people playing an easier version of the game makes this difficult for you, perhaps you should keep yourself ignorant of it? (Though I'm not sure how you would even be able to tell who has this option enabled.) Or perhaps you should go play a single player game, because an MMO is crafted to cater to a wide audience, including many skill levels, many levels of play-time, and many levels of dedication.

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The thing is, we're playing the game as it's meant to be played. YOU people are the ones trying to CHANGE (force) it to the way YOU want it to be. We're not trying to change the Datacron mechanic, we're trying to keep it the way it is, so who's really being childish here? We aren't the ones trying to force others to play how we want, we are playing the game as it is, you guys are the ones trying to force the game to change to how you want it. Can you not see that?


Also, getting all the Datacrons *is* fun.




How can you guys not see that you're the ones trying to think that YOUR way of playing and earning things is right? You guys need to look in the mirror and call yourselves 'elitist' cuz what you're trying to do is make the game how YOU want it. Instead of adjusting to the game and playing it how it is you want the game to adjust to you.


Giving people an OPTION to have a Legacy Perk for datacrons is FORCING you to play YOUR game a certain way? No, it's not. Just don't get the perk. End of story. Nothing elitist about that. However, denying the Legacy Perk because YOU don't want it IS Elitist.


If you call the utterly sloppy jumping mechanics in this game making you "slide off" things and inaccurate movement, or waiting for 20 min on a balloon "fun" then we have a VERY different definition of fun.


Maybe the new Endurance +10 Datacron on Makeb will be "fun" too when you get close to it after 25 min of jumping and sliding down hills...only to die and start ALL over again. Ya, that's "fun". :rolleyes: I'm really going to want to do that on alts.....sure.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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I don't know if you never played WoW or stopped at some point or what, but when leveling an alt now, you get these items called "heirlooms"




Now tell everyone what heirloom pieces actually do and how long they last.. Go ahead.. Make a fool of yourself.. Heirloom loot is not legacy and nothing like legacy..

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We're not advocating the change of anything, merely an additional, optional feature.




Hmmm.. You are saying that an additional feature is not changing anything?? Never mind.. No need to worry about making a fool of yourself.. :p

Edited by MajikMyst
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It has been stated several times last year that one of the things they want to do with the Legacy system is add the datacrons to it. It is not a high priority project so it will not happen for some time. They'll get around to it, though. We just have to be patient. In the meantime, enjoy everything else in the game, including the new content patch and mini-expansion about to be added. :D

"Stated several times"? Keep dreaming.

1 developer mentioned considering it, that's all. And just last month, a developer clearly stated "not gonna happen".


If you don't want to go through the trial of getting some dataron, then DON'T DO IT! It's as simple as that. You can really do without that extremely marginal bonus anyway.

If you're a completionist and "need" those datacrons because of that: then put in that little effort, or learn not to be a completionist.

If you're a min/max-er, then put in that little bit of effort, or don't bother min/max-ing. Just getting one specific enhancement from a pair of modable gloves will probably take you ten times longer than getting ALL datacrons in game anyway. No, you don't just enter the Operation and get those gloves. You enter, and it won't drop. You go again a week later, and someone else wins the roll, next week, again no drop. 4th week, no drop. 5th week, lost the roll. 6th week, no drop, 7th week, no drop. 8th week, you finally won the roll, and in a fantastic mindfart decide to RE it hoping to learn the blueprint. Failure, so byebye drop. 9th week the tank calls sick. 10th week, no drop. Etc.

Edited by AsheraII
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While it would be nice (from my PoV) to have a legacy perk that allows you to collect Datacrons on one char and then have it apply to all other characters on that Legacy, there is one thing I'd like to see more...


The Legacy completion tracker for Datacrons NOT show across all characters.


To explain: My highest level character is 31. I have a couple Datacrons left on Nar Shadda to get with him, but otherwise have gotten the rest there and all others on all of the lower/previous planets. It does not matter which character I log in with (even a lvl 1 just rolled), I go into the Legacy window and look at the Datacron progress meter and it shows that I've collected all of those Datacrons! If Datacron collection (stat wise) is not to count Legacy wide, then the tracker should not, either. This way I can actually keep track of what characters have gotten what Datacrons so far. :rolleyes:

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If you call the utterly sloppy jumping mechanics in this game making you "slide off" things and inaccurate movement, or waiting for 20 min on a balloon "fun" then we have a VERY different definition of fun.


Dude?? You are still waiting for the balloon?? I have those two datacrons on all my characters and never used the balloon.. You really should google some times.. Seriously.. :(

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Then don't.. Just don't force others to have to live with your displeasure and laziness..


Just wanted to comment on this...


An unlockable Legacy Perk does not "force" anything on you. Just as you are saying to everyone else about if they don't want to have to go through the trouble of getting a Datacron multiple times "then don't"... if you don't want to only have to hit it once and then see it affect all of your chars, "then don't" buy the perk.

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