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The sky isn't falling. A numbers based view.


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And "whole industries" being based upon something makes them a "science" is what exactly? :)


You took it out of context... it's context was to demonstrate statistics is broadly accepted as science and it's an invalidation to your claim that statistics is not science... which I see you finally walked back. Good boy. ;)


You dug the hole.. I just helped you shovel the dirt back into it so we can move on.

Edited by Andryah
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Entire industries are based on homopathy and losing weight. Also statistical risk analysis didn't do much for the frankly insane invesement behaviour that resutled in the credit crunch. I rest my case. :)



And regulations and rules resulted in zero prison terms for trillion$ in fraud and theft for those stealing and defrauding people because what they did was within the rules.

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You took it out of context... it's context was to demonstrate statistics is broadly accepted as science and it's an invalidation to your claim that statistics is not science... which I see you finally walked back. Good boy. ;)


You dug the hole.. I just helped you shovel the dirt back into it so we can move on.


So therefore you must think homopathy is also a science, using your same defination. That's up to you, of couse, but I disagree. :)


But anyway what ever "statistics" are or are not, has little to do with what is being presented here. :rak_03:

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You took it out of context... it's context was to demonstrate statistics is broadly accepted as science and it's an invalidation to your claim that statistics is not science... which I see you finally walked back. Good boy. ;)


You dug the hole.. I just helped you shovel the dirt back into it so we can move on.


Statistics is certainly a science when reviewing scientifically obtained and verifiable data.


Statistically analyzing press released statements from the companies you are studying is just playing with numbers.

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Aye I do that too, it *ahem* helps productivity. :jawa_angel::D


My company certainly thinks so. They claim higher productivity from WAH employees than people in the office as a justification to approve the positions and they only approve the top performers for WAH in the first place. The thing that sucks is today the local office is flooded with a few inches of water in the basement level so they shut it down for the day. Of course I still have to work- and make sure our project doesn't fall behind. The only good news is that we had warning this might happen so we didn't lose any equipment.


That pic of my set up is from 2011, in July. And for full disclosure the WoW icon on there is because my wife occasionally plays wow in a wives guild with the other people I work with I think that's kinda neat in itself. She has her own gaming PC but likes to steal mine when she can so I put it on there for her. WoW has never held my interest :(

Edited by Tim-ONeil
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I'm starting this thread as a place to discuss the state of the game while keeping things in perspective without employing excessive hyperbole to make my point. I hope it can generate a good discussion.


The Truth in Numbers


The Electronic Arts Q2 FY2013 earnings report just came out. The information EA provided about about Star Wars: The Old Republic is sparse. No subscription numbers.


Documents at http://investor.ea.com/ .


  • "Subscriptions, advertising, and other digital revenue grew 48%, driven by Star Wars: The Old Republic. As we mentioned on the last call, a free-to-play option for this game will be available this quarter, and we will provide more insight regarding the results of this change in future calls."
  • "Non-GAAP revenue for the quarter is expected to be between $1.25 and $1.35 billion, a decline in comparison from last year's $1.65 billion, which included the launches of Battlefield 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Both titles drove packaged goods and full-game digital download revenue."

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Well...this discussion didn't go in the direction I expected it would.


There is no need to call into question the honesty or qualification of the person presenting a view. Some of the posters here are well known to work in certain fields and are privy to certain viewpoints...that does not mean they are conclusive opinions or not open to scrutiny, but to question someones direct qualifications or ethics to serve in some way to invalidate their opinion....silly IMO.


You can tear apart the opinion, but I really feel there is no need to tear apart the person no matter how much you might dislike or disagree with their opinions.

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I am so SURPRISED !!!!! .... not :D


I actually think that was a wise move. I expect the subs are much lower now, around the 300k range (with no basis other than my feelings on the matter and the loss rate prior to this point) but they are not as relevant since they are moving to a new business model.


The important numbers will be in the next call, to see how many have picked up the game once it goes free to play.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Well...this discussion didn't go in the direction I expected it would.


There is no need to call into question the honesty or qualification of the person presenting a view. Some of the posters here are well known to work in certain fields and are privy to certain viewpoints...that does not mean they are conclusive opinions or not open to scrutiny, but to question someones direct qualifications or ethics to serve in some way to invalidate their opinion....silly IMO.


You can tear apart the opinion, but I really feel there is no need to tear apart the person no matter how much you might dislike or disagree with their opinions.


This is why I respect you. We may disagree but it's going to be about an idea, not personal or mean spirited. I'd still go out for a drink with you even though we don't agree on SWTOR.


There are a few others in this thread that aren't able to handle that type of discussion and would disagree with anything said just to do so and are continuing to do so now. It's personal to them. I'm not offended by it, I expected it much sooner than this to be honest.

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This is why I respect you. We may disagree but it's going to be about an idea, not personal or mean spirited. I'd still go out for a drink with you even though we don't agree on SWTOR.


There are a few others in this thread that aren't able to handle that type of discussion and would disagree with anything said just to do so and are continuing to do so now. It's personal to them. I'm not offended by it, I expected it much sooner than this to be honest.


Thank you Tim.


We do rarely agree, but I enjoy our discussions none the less.


Opposing opinions are what the game boards are all about. :)

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I actually think that was a wise move. I expect the subs are much lower now, around the 300k range (with no basis other than my feelings on the matter and the loss rate prior to this point)(my thoughts are its higher, around 600k, seems some folks came back to get the Cartel coinage.. just a WAG like yours :) ) but they are not as relevant since they are moving to a new business model.


The important numbers will be in the next call, to see how many have picked up the game once it goes free to play.


Dunno a bout the orange quote.. most FTP numbers are suspicious, once a free-to-player always always a FTP and counted always since you can't quit.. so any numbers from here out are really... well .. just dam SILLY. :eek:

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Keep in mind that speculation in the absence of evidence is just that. With F2P set to launch in the next 2 weeks (my guess) holding back the numbers makes sense. Let the marking team hype the game for F2P launch


Any guess at this point is just a guess even if you try to base it on your in game experience it's not going to be accurate. With that limitation there's nothing to debate since nothing is based on facts since we have none from this call. Since they didn't change the data I would believe the old estimate is still valid.


The thread has run it's course for now.

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The thread has run it's course for now.


Hehe.. I think the thread is still good for a few random "drive bys" and probably a couple people still have a horse or two they are not sure is dead yet. :p


That said, I applaud the time and effort you took on this thread and for the generally good theme and tone of debate and discussion (with a few exceptions of course, the world imperfect and all, and people being projections of the imperfections in the world...or perhaps embodiments of imperfection expressed). :D

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