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Gear we would like to see on the Cartel shop


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Now that we know what's available, I say we discuss what we would like to see going forward--


Personally I would love just a basic hooded black robe for my Sith. It's an iconic look that has been missing from this game.


I'd also like to see some imperial trooper gear for Bounty Hunters (like Pierce's first set) and SiS gear for smugglers.


What else do we want?

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I would gladly pay $100 real life money for a Star Trek uniform or a borg outfit!


The black and white suit and tie that Jules Winfield and Vincent Vega wear in Pulp Fiction would be cool!


How about the Droog outfit from A Clockwork Orange?

Edited by FlippinFlapJack
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I would totally pay for title sets. For instance, say they put up for purchase a set of titles that includes all the ranks of the (respective) Republic/Imperial military. It would add to RP in a good way for me. I would love to have a First Sergeant or Staff/Gunnery Sergeant title for my Commando.
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They told us that a lot of the armors the NPCs are wearing would be in the catel store....


It looks like that was a blatant lie


So yeah, I'd like to see the cool looking armors the NPCs are wearing, so that I can take off my clown costume....seriously, aren't I the one saving the galaxy? Why can't I look as cool as the nameless guard walking around the fleet?

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Jedi and Sith robes, ones which could potentially be worn by either faction and all armor types (adaptive). For example, a black robe that isn't necessarily "Sith."


Personally, I think these would look best at the mid-level progression of gear, i.e. in the 30s, before the shoulder pads start to take over, but more intricate than the lower-level orange sets.


I haven't played both factions enough to know for sure, but I think this may be even be accomplished by making already-available armor sets adaptive, though recoloring them somewhat.


There is also NPC armor that many folks would like to see in the shop, especially Jedi robes with their hoods down.


There are plenty of subscribers lined up to buy armor in addition to their subscriptions. F2P players may as well. I hope this is something BW is working on.

Edited by arunav
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This was my suggestion put in the PTS forum.


Suggestions to add certain types of armor


Since you already have the proper jacket for the smuggler, I would suggest you add the following items..all available at level 1


Pilot's Overcoat - medium armor - orange gear - for knights

This provides a plain white robe. I would recommend you add a plain black version for the Imperial side (on the Imperial side it is an open coat style robe with red accents...)


Would also be nice to add this as an adaptive item with white, black and grey versions, maybe even dark red. Doing so would probably be wildly popular, as many seem to ask for this type of plain robe quite often.


RD-13A Raider helmet - heavy armor - orange gear - for troopers

Riveted Chestguard - heavy armor - orange gear - for troopers

A helmet and armored chestpiece early on would be preferred, and this provides that look.

Blast guard helmet - heavy armor - orange gear - for BH

Assault Chestguard - heavy armor - orange gear - for BH

A helmet and armored chestpiece early on would be preferred, and this provides that look.


Adding the helmet as an adaptive item would be great for Sith as well.


I might also recommend you consider converting all current offered armor sets to an Orange Armor/Adaptive Armor combination, available for use at level 1 with minimal mods installed.

A few pluses to approaching it this way..


1) You can use the gear on anyone, getting a true unique look

2) You still have to outfit the armor with proper mods, so it's not P2W since the mods are lousy for all but the lowest level characters

3) To my knowledge there is no orange armor in the game that is also adaptive. So it would be a unique set of items, and therefore highly prized...and with a 2 day unlock would be available to those that do not wish to purchase it in the store.


So in my opinion this would have been a win for everyone.

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They told us that a lot of the armors the NPCs are wearing would be in the catel store....


It looks like that was a blatant lie


So yeah, I'd like to see the cool looking armors the NPCs are wearing, so that I can take off my clown costume....seriously, aren't I the one saving the galaxy? Why can't I look as cool as the nameless guard walking around the fleet?


The store hasn't even launched yet. Obviously, items will be added to it in the coming months and year, and perhaps even for the launch itself.

Edited by arunav
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I would gladly pay $100 real life money for a Star Trek uniform or a borg outfit!


The black and white suit and tie that Jules Winfield and Vincent Vega wear in Pulp Fiction would be cool!


How about the Droog outfit from A Clockwork Orange?


None of this. Nothing from anything outside of Star Wars. And I say that as an avid fan of all Trek, as well as Stanley Kubrick.

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An original Mandalorian Neo-Crusador armor would be cool. Also, the original Sith Trooper armor from the KOTOR games in different colors like red, silver, white, etc.


Also, all the Sith Trooper armor sets NPCs wear like the white, green, and red variants.


Or how about the armor set worn in all the CGI trailers by the Sith other than Malgus?


Those are just the ideas I can come up with.

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I'd also like to see some imperial trooper gear for Bounty Hunters (like Pierce's first set) and SiS gear for smugglers.


Imperial Trooper gear is available off the Collector's Edition Vendor.




Green Jedi Robes

Stormguard Armor

Easier to Obtain Robe of Deception (or just a nice looking white robe in general)

White Version of Battlelord's Gear

Battlelord's Gear w/ Dark Green Robe

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I would love to see some more iconic gear. We already have the orange flight suit. How about Han's outfit? That would be great to get on my smuggler. I believe somebody also mentioned a plain black robe. That would be great too. Luke had one in Jedi. No reason we can't have some on the pub side.
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I would gladly pay $100 real life money for a Star Trek uniform or a borg outfit!


The black and white suit and tie that Jules Winfield and Vincent Vega wear in Pulp Fiction would be cool!


How about the Droog outfit from A Clockwork Orange?


While I certainly like your enthusiasm and creativity, they've already made it very clear that this game is staying within the Star Wars universe and they aren't going to introduce pop-culture stuff into the game. So I wouldn't hold your breath on any of this.

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I really want a light force-user robe for my LS inquisitor. Something white and gold. It's basically impossible to find something in this vein on empire side right now. I know there's a white and black hooded robe on the Cartel shop now, but it's of a totally different kind of look. I want something that's noble and expensive, but light - not noble like the Alderaan superhero social armor.


I want something sorta like this: http://img5.mmo.mmo4arab.com/feature/swtor/120320patch_1_2_armors/patch12_new_armors30.jpg (consular's exalted).

Especially because my character's male and I don't even have the formal robe option for colormatching that females get.

Edited by Stenrik
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