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Will the game survive 2013 ?


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Will the game last? Yes. It will. If you want an example just take a look at a game called City of Heroes it is a horrible game yet it has been around for years on a very similar model to this game to be honest and it is still doing just fine it has a worse population than us but the game is still alive. So will this game survive? Imo my opinion yes it will however just don't expect it to get anymore higher populated.


I mean 30 seconds after logging into the game City of Heroes I was like how is this game still alive? Yet it is. That gamw is a very posdible future of swtor.


City of Heroes is shutting down next month.

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CoX is a bad reference example. CoX did not close because it was not successful. It closed becasue the studio management team got up in the faces of the Korean parent company, and they got slap-smacked for it buy flushing the game. You have an issue with that, write down the names of the management at Paragon Studios and make sure to play one of their products again. They showed extreme arrogance and lack of responsibility by what they tried to do with their parent company. NCsoft made and example of them.


Pardon, but this is not true.


It was shut down because the Korean-Headed Company needed a way to look like they weren't doing jack **** about the fact that NCSoft lost a **** ton of money this year from non-CoX related activities. A bunch of good people lost their jobs, and the COX community lost their game, so that some CEOs in Korea wouldn't get fired.

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City of Heroes is shutting down next month.


I know this but my point is look how long it ran for. It was up and running for over 4 years and this game will eventually be shut down too but not within the next 2 years

Edited by LordVilos
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EA is going to ruin this game. F2P until lv50? What is the point of paying? Take a page from WoW, and give the players items that are actually worth purchasing. WoW might be corny with their pandas, but it was their 4th expansion. WoW killed Everquest. Remember that.


Also, I really liked D&D Online (DDO). Even when the game went to F2P/P2W it was pretty cool. And the store in DDO had items you actually wanted to buy, IE. Classes/Races. Feats/Skills.


I think I remember a certain company getting the DOG POO Award this year....

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I'm thinking of taking bets.


Just reading through this again and we have the same people that said this game will go F2P now saying the game won't last another year.


Those that said this game will never go F2P are saying it will be here for years.


Let's see who wins this one.

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I can relate to the OP; these concerns are exactly why i'm so reluctant to invest more time in TOR, when the game might not last very much longer. Could we get a guarantee, of say at least three years? Then i could make some plans. SWG lasted for seven years (!)


Now, if it was only up to BioWare, i think i could trust them to see this project through, you know, with some dignity. But a company like EA, no, i don't trust them at all. I believe that they won't hesitate to shut this down the moment they feel like it. It's about money, not dignity. EA own BioWare (the company), but they have not created the game, so they don't really feel an ownership towards it, the way BioWare naturally would. However, i don't know if there are anyone from the original BioWare crew left now; so they might not feel much ownership or pride either. So i'm sceptical about the future of this game.


I'm stunned by the negativity on these forums BTW. The Old Repbublic is a very well made game and i think many people enjoy it, but they must be the silent minority. I don't know who will end this game; BioWare, EA or the "community"?


I'm going to try for another character; have a good time, dance in the cantina and travel the galaxy. It is my first MMO and it's only because it has a Star Wars theme. It will probably be my last MMO, so i hope to have some good experiences before i leave.

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I'm not sure how you got to this conclusion. The 1-50 leveling is, quite honestly, very easy. Some boss fights take a few tries but if you have the gear from previous quests, its not hard. Would it kill you to go back and get some gear or ask someone for advice on the boss fights? This game doesn't cater to the elite. It's without a doubt, one of the most beginner friendly mmos I have ever played. If you want to talk about elite then lets talk about final fantasy 11 or the original Everquest. How about eve? Those games cater to elitists.


You need perspective. Bioware has gone out of their way to make sure every player has a home here. The leveling experience from 1-50 was explicitly designed to be solo'd. They even talk about the 4 types of players they are marketing to in their past interviews.


Sorry, with the particular fight that I linked, it's definitely not easy. I was level 50, and fully updated gear and fully trained and buffed. I tried half dozen times and never even got the guy to half his life. I did some googling and it seems that the only way to kill this boss is to take advantage of glitched landscapes or something. I couldn't even get that to work.


But this isn't a one time deal. I ran into this all the time. It seems to be the norm with these class bosses that you have to pull out all the stops; have the right companion out, the right buffs, CC the right guys at the exact right time, dodge AoE, Interrupt, and if you do even ONE thing wrong, you wipe, spend 10k for repairs and try again. There's no reason for these fights to be so much work. It's one thing if it's part of a raid, but it's not. I can't just skip it and move on. I HAVE to complete it or the toon can't progress. If I HAVE to complete it, then it's bat **** stupid to make it so hard that only a small percentage of the people can do it.



Like I said, this is the main reason I quit the game, and it certainly drove others away.

Edited by Glowrod
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Sorry, with the particular fight that I linked, it's definitely not easy. I was level 50, and fully updated gear and fully trained and buffed. I tried half dozen times and never even got the guy to half his life. I did some googling and it seems that the only way to kill this boss is to take advantage of glitched landscapes or something. I couldn't even get that to work.


But this isn't a one time deal. I ran into this all the time. It seems to be the norm with these class bosses that you have to pull out all the stops; have the right companion out, the right buffs, CC the right guys at the exact right time, dodge AoE, Interrupt, and if you do even ONE thing wrong, you wipe, spend 10k for repairs and try again. There's no reason for these fights to be so much work. It's one thing if it's part of a raid, but it's not. I can't just skip it and move on. I HAVE to complete it or the toon can't progress. If I HAVE to complete it, then it's bat **** stupid to make it so hard that only a small percentage of the people can do it.



Like I said, this is the main reason I quit the game, and it certainly drove others away.


Maybe you should have grouped up, this is still technically an mmo. Just a suggestion, ask around maybe others are having difficulties or find a guild that is to your liking and can help you out. Now you already left from what your saying, but I think you forgot to use the mutli player aspect of things. Each time I had a story fight and I just wanted it to go easy I would get more people.

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The game might survive. They need to focus on making MMO elements "best stuff" instead of focusing on alts via Legacy, because repeating the same world content 4 times per side is not fun.


If they focus on expanding the existing story, repeatable content, alternative advancement for alts, and a robust end-game experience for both PvE and PvP players, I think they will survive. If they don't start doing some of this, I don't think that even f2p will give this game a long future.

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Simple part would be for EA just to sell out to perfectworld and take there offer and let them run the game and have at least 5 years set. At least we would get a road map and more community involvement and more updates and a bigger game community. down fall is a ton of micro transactions.
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Simple part would be for EA just to sell out to perfectworld and take there offer and let them run the game and have at least 5 years set. At least we would get a road map and more community involvement and more updates and a bigger game community. down fall is a ton of micro transactions.


EA might not be perfect, but at least they understand some of the basic demands of a Western audience. If they let a Korean publisher run this game then it would be doomed within a few months. I can't even think of a single Korean mmo which has a healthy subscriber base in Europe and the US.

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EA might not be perfect, but at least they understand some of the basic demands of a Western audience. If they let a Korean publisher run this game then it would be doomed within a few months. I can't even think of a single Korean mmo which has a healthy subscriber base in Europe and the US.


Hey! Something we agree on! :)

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A direct question - what is EA's roadmap for this game ?


I really want to enjoy the class stories and invest the majority of my game time into Swtor. But EA does so little to make me trust in the future of this game. There is no real communication with the playerbase, the Q&A panels only focus on silly stuff like "Can we marry Wookies ?" while I am more concerned if I will still get to enjoy Swtor next year.


I don't want to pour money for Cartel Points and the little game time I have into a game which might already be doomed. The weird f2p decisions (paying for an extra hotbar), the fresh bugs introduced with every patch and the dwindling subscriber numbers often make me wonder if sometime next year they will just close it down because it does not create enough cash to pay for the Star Wars license and the running costs.


While i dont share the catastrofic view, i do agree that a roadmap is something every MMO should share with their players. That is something WoW has always done right. We know that with every expnasion we would have 3 more raid dungeons to look forward to until the next expansion hits.


At the moment we have no idea whats in store for SWTOR. We know that makeb is coming, a warzone and that another new raid is already beeing worked on but we know nothing about.

I would like to know that for next year we have X raids coming out X warzone, X dungeons, X story chapters and when we can expect a full fledged expansion to come out.


At the moment were playing blind wich is always bad and difficult to commit to.

Edited by Nemmar
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EA might not be perfect, but at least they understand some of the basic demands of a Western audience. If they let a Korean publisher run this game then it would be doomed within a few months. I can't even think of a single Korean mmo which has a healthy subscriber base in Europe and the US.


They bought out star trek and that game got better. They even added voice acting. Fixed it so that more pc can run the game. and fixed it a ton. I would never say they suck they got some the best western devs over at perfectworld now that they been paying them a ton. Just sucks that years ago they seen something we did not in the states. There taking the money there making and put it to the gamers plus can go any 7-11 and get game cards. If look at guild wars 2 that not theres but they fixed a lot of the issues with perfectworlds mmos in last few yrs because of perfectworld games. competion brings out the best in people.

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This game to me feels like final fantasy 11, will last for awhile but no consoles fall back, keep the hardcore for awhile. lame communications untilled they fired there boss in final fantasy 11, only thing i see on this game is it a cpu game and people will leave faster then hell in the year and kotor, do not got a console to fall back on to. Game will be dead in a year or two they need to get the game on a console and play to there liking to save the game imo. final fantasy 11 still going after 10 yrs 13$ with 200k active accounts 60% on consoles.


The New mmos coming out are going destroy this game, guild wars 2 amazing, got two japanes games that will surprise alot of people. and a few others and perfectworld games free to play just growing. i even think wow time as king will get cut in half in next 2 years.

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This game to me feels like final fantasy 11, will last for awhile but no consoles fall back, keep the hardcore for awhile. lame communications untilled they fired there boss in final fantasy 11, only thing i see on this game is it a cpu game and people will leave faster then hell in the year and kotor, do not got a console to fall back on to. Game will be dead in a year or two they need to get the game on a console and play to there liking to save the game imo. final fantasy 11 still going after 10 yrs 13$ with 200k active accounts 60% on consoles.


The New mmos coming out are going destroy this game, guild wars 2 amazing, got two japanes games that will surprise alot of people. and a few others and perfectworld games free to play just growing. i even think wow time as king will get cut in half in next 2 years.


TBH, GW2 seems to be trending as FOM. :cool:

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A direct question - what is EA's roadmap for this game ?


I really want to enjoy the class stories and invest the majority of my game time into Swtor. But EA does so little to make me trust in the future of this game. There is no real communication with the playerbase, the Q&A panels only focus on silly stuff like "Can we marry Wookies ?" while I am more concerned if I will still get to enjoy Swtor next year.


I don't want to pour money for Cartel Points and the little game time I have into a game which might already be doomed. The weird f2p decisions (paying for an extra hotbar), the fresh bugs introduced with every patch and the dwindling subscriber numbers often make me wonder if sometime next year they will just close it down because it does not create enough cash to pay for the Star Wars license and the running costs.


No. the game is in clinical death and both parents EA&BW need to admit that sometimes the harsh decisions are for the best and ask the doctor LA to pull the plug.


This is answer you wanted to hear or something else? The game will be up as long as some one out there from who ever is in charge of it is happy. In the moment that will change the guy with the plug will have green light to pull it out.

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I think you're looking at it in the wrong light.


These games aren't an investment. You don't ever get anything back that you put in. You pay to play them and get enjoyment out of it in the present. If the game gets shut down in the future, so be it. It won't detract from the enjoyment you derive from playing it right now.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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I think you're looking at it in the wrong light.


These games aren't an investment. You don't ever get anything back that you put in. You pay to play them and get enjoyment out of it in the present. If the game gets shut down in the future, so be it. It won't detract from the enjoyment you derive from playing it right now.


I dont quite agree with that. Playing your character is an investment of time and commitment.

It feels more secure to deliver that kind of commitment if you know it wont go to waste one year from now.


I might prefer to invest on another game i know wont disappear anytime soon. That is one of the major factors that leads players to stick to WoW. They know the game isnt gonna go away very soon, even if its considered to be old and dated, their efforts wont go to waste.

Edited by Nemmar
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I dont quite agree with that. Playing your character is an investment of time and commitment.

It feels more secure to deliver that kind of commitment if you know it wont go to waste one year from now.


I might prefer to invest on another game i know wont disappear anytime soon. That is one of the major factors that leads players to stick to WoW. They know the game isnt gonna go away very soon, even if its considered to be old and dated, their efforts wont go to waste.


You invest time and commitment into your character, but you'll never recover either. These games are by definition a waste of time (even if we feel it's time well spent :)).


I'd much rather play a game I enjoy for a short period of time versus playing a game I don't enjoy just because it has the potential to last longer.

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If this lasts past 2013 I will be shocked.


The game is terrible.


its NOT terrible,,but it needs a lot of tweaking,,and a lot more content


they have most of the puzzle parts,,now they just have to find the rest, and put them in the right places

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