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Updated! BOOM! Awesome clothing on the Cartel shop.


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But you DO have a way to get those items - people buy the stuff, the timer runs out and they can sell it on the GTN. Yeah, it's pricier, but it's a perfectly viable way to get alternate coloration and gear set ups


From my experience in STO, those kind of items top the charts of the Market at anywhere from 500-850 million credits. Considering the extreme greed already displayed by the players who sell items on the GTN now, that price will likely be even higher here. I do not have the kind of time it takes to earn that kind of cash in the game (nor do most people), which means I am still out of luck. That is not a viable option.



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Everything in those packs has a binder count down on it (much shorter for subscribers) and then player can sell them, give them away, or use them.


So, you are complaining that they inject some much desired items into the free market economy on the servers via their premium coin purchase channel.


Don't like to buy /random lootz.... then wait a bit until the GTN gets swampped with people under-cutting each other. Got lots of coins you don't know what to spend them on.... buy some loot bags and have at it. The point being, they are giving all the power to the players effectively.


In case you have not figured it out yet... this mechanism allows players to essentially use the server economy channel and real money for coins to convert RL currency into in game credits. pretty much like every other MMO with shops in them. There is some risk involved to the loot bag buyers... but there is risk in everything in an MMO right. Most players will just monitize the risk through the GTN.


Other successful games I mentioned already do it right. These items are not needed to boost the game economy. Add them to the store as separate purchases for higher prices and leave the boxes as a lower priced option that gives you a chance to get lucky and get the items for less. What's the problem with that?



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Other successful games I mentioned already do it right. These items are not needed to boost the game economy. Add them to the store as separate purchases for higher prices and leave the boxes as a lower priced option that gives you a chance to get lucky and get the items for less. What's the problem with that?




And nothing that you are craving is required to play or advance your play in the game. They are not designed to boost the game economy, they are designed to be rare and desirable.


You are QQing because some cosmetic items will be rare.


Rare in MMOs generally means HARD TO GET, which is the antithesis of falls from droids like spare parts.

Edited by Andryah
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Nothing there that I'm interested in. Might buy something for a laugh, like the SI set for my smuggler!


But apart from that nothing really floats my boat. I just want some decent robes for my sage, is that too much to ask? I'd be happy with a moddable version of the robes the Jedi wear on tython. Ideally I'd love to get the 'movie' robes.

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Did you not notice that some of them are now adaptive and usable by all????????


Yes, I'm just disappointed that they are using the same colors that are already available in game.


Take for example, the Outrider’s Flight Jacket.



This is the same skin/color as a prototype (purple) chest that drops around level 19 or so for a smuggler (I'll update this with the name when I get home and can check it in game).


Instead they could have used the version of that jacket that you see on the SWTOR home page, where is it showing the free-to-play video preview. The coloration in that promo pic is not available in game and would have been a much better choice for that item.


Edited by Flying-Brian
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Im actually disappointed. The gear is nothing epic, and the only thing that seems iconic is the gear that other NPCs wore.


Since a lot of the existing gear and the ones that cost 1200 would exist with our own customization, and dying system. If we were allowed to use one.


So a lot of that gear is using a dye system we dont have. If they wanted to impress us with customization and gear then that is not how they do it with a game that has been out for almost a year now, and no new armor sets.


On a bright side that could mean they are working more on other things, but in reality from what we actually see they are willing to charge people for things that already exist in the game, and are very easy for them to put together.


If they were willing to be this cheap, then why didnt they release more WZs, put duel arenas, make more variety of WZs... we were under the impression BW took their sweet *** time due to being perfectionists... now that they finally broke that time consuming mold (as they had us believe- probably thier **** engine causing them too much trouble), they can finally add more things in larger quantities, which are somewhat time consuming but add more to the game... oh wait... if them repacking old armor for their new f2p is an indication, they dont like to make new things...


im not sure whats going in bw... but something as simple as designing new looks and not even new mechanics is child's play. If they made their game open source and we could make our own maps... anyone could prove that.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Look sir QQ! Normalcy has been restored and I was for a second thinking the forum had changed. Whether or not you like anything offered is subjective so if you don't like anything you aren't 'losing' anything it's all optional anyway.


This is only the first wave of items to be introduced. Yes, it's low hanging fruit for the most part but I welcome all the adaptive armor they give us. And on top of that I think that quite a few of the items are going to get me reaching for my wallet because I like how they look. Not bad.


Already we've had our first I'll quit if this goes through of the thread. Though it took about 100 posts to get there so that's progress. Since even the rare items can be traded it's not a valid argument. Bioware has to make their money on these things and I will in turn be buying boxes with the intentions to sell the rare items on the GTN. I'll make Bioware money and you can pay me for it with credits and have that rare piece you want. Everyone wins.

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The patch notes published for the Public Test Server are not final and are subject to change. The Public Test Server Patch Notes will be provided in English. The final release notes will be provided in English, French, and German when the content is moved to live servers.


I'll just leave this here.

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That's Revan's gear in red (with a different mask)! Need that gear!


With this helmet, it is the outfit worn by Malgus' Master who fought in the Return cinematic intro (and who had his helmet slashed). But colorisation it not the same.

Edited by Altheran
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Other successful games I mentioned already do it right. These items are not needed to boost the game economy. Add them to the store as separate purchases for higher prices and leave the boxes as a lower priced option that gives you a chance to get lucky and get the items for less. What's the problem with that?




Black, you won't win with that one. If BW put out garbage on a stick and sold it in stores, that one would be saying it's the best tasting food she ever had.


I agree with you on the aspect that Bioware could lose some money. Some people (not all) would be more willing to pay more for a guaranteed item they want. While plenty will do the gambling route. Hey, Vegas, Atlantic City, and others know this.


I opened 4 or 5 of those boxes and got 2 of the same purple speeders. Waiting on the countdown of 5 days before I can get rid of the spare one. Since now the STAP ranks up with training (on the PTS all speeders do except the referral one which stays as it is now), I probably will only use the STAP or the referral speeder even though I have a cybertech that can make more. So if I could choose what I really wanted or the gamble, I'd spend more on the guaranteed item. That does raise a question of cybertech losing a money maker since vehicles will become so unnecessary to upgrade except to those who love to collect cars in games.


Again, showing you're not alone in what you're saying.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Can any one answer this question I have.


I notice that they are selling some gear that looks like sith or republic gear. My question is if you buy a sith looking gear, can you use it on a republic character and not have it magically change to the mirrored version on the republic side, but get to keep the sith like look?

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Can any one answer this question I have.


I notice that they are selling some gear that looks like sith or republic gear. My question is if you buy a sith looking gear, can you use it on a republic character and not have it magically change to the mirrored version on the republic side, but get to keep the sith like look?

It seems the look is unique, and not faction bound.

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Can any one answer this question I have.


I notice that they are selling some gear that looks like sith or republic gear. My question is if you buy a sith looking gear, can you use it on a republic character and not have it magically change to the mirrored version on the republic side, but get to keep the sith like look?


I don't remember any saying they were bound to one faction or another. I could have overlooked if it did but I could have sworn it said for whatever character buying it and using it.

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Can any one answer this question I have.


I notice that they are selling some gear that looks like sith or republic gear. My question is if you buy a sith looking gear, can you use it on a republic character and not have it magically change to the mirrored version on the republic side, but get to keep the sith like look?


What you see if exactly what you get regardless of faction for these pieces.

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At first I was like sweet, but then I took a closer look and noticed many of the armors are just recolors/very slightly modified versions of already existing armor. I am disappoint.


You really expected something else? When you saw some new and nice gear in this game since it's release? :)

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