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Republic vs. Imperial


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Who's better on this server, pvp wise? Because I want to join the underdog!


Both have great players. I wouldn't say one side is stronger then the other. However, I have come to the conclusion that I prefer to play republic earlier in the day and imps later in the evening. This does change depending on whos on though.


So if you tend to play late at night you might want to play Imperial, and if you play afternoons early evening you might want to play republic.


Or level both sides and play on the side that isn't sucking at that moment in time.

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Yeah pubs in the day and Imps at night works best. FR gets on 9+ so when I'm on before that it just makes sense.


I do agree sides are balanced skill wise, but I get way more imp vs imp matches. I think we need more pub players tbh.


I agree, mornings are a total stomp-fest most of the time.

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This might be a dumb question ha ha, so forgive me. You guys are saying pubs are stronger during the day and imps are stronger at night?


Yeah, no idea why. Seems to be like this since the merger. I get my dailies done in a pug pretty easily like this. If I reverse it, it tends to take more matches (less wins).

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To echo what everyone's saying, republic definitely owns when the sun is up, and imps rule the night. Absolutely breaks my heart on my Vanguard when I PVP late at night and constantly run into the likes of We Haz Cookies, RAWR, WAR MACHINE, Aliens, House Targaryen, Haterade, etc., while the rest of my team (with the exception of the guildies I run with) has an average of 15-16k health and do dumb stuff like avoid the huttball, ignore the ball carrier, attack a node when we're defending two nodes with one or two people each...


I've gotten my entire weekly done in a few hours in one afternoon and I've also had it take a few days when I PVP'd at night for the whole week.

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I too agree.. it seems like better Pub PvP'ers are morning.. at night.. Imp own it.. its as if the the people that play pvp at night on the pub side have no clue what they are doing.. they seem to think that all wz's are nothing but giant deathmatches... it's bad.
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To echo what everyone's saying, republic definitely owns when the sun is up, and imps rule the night. Absolutely breaks my heart on my Vanguard when I PVP late at night and constantly run into the likes of We Haz Cookies, RAWR, WAR MACHINE, Aliens, House Targaryen, Haterade, etc., while the rest of my team (with the exception of the guildies I run with) has an average of 15-16k health and do dumb stuff like avoid the huttball, ignore the ball carrier, attack a node when we're defending two nodes with one or two people each...


I've gotten my entire weekly done in a few hours in one afternoon and I've also had it take a few days when I PVP'd at night for the whole week.


Oh yeah, i just break down in tears when I have to face a war machine premade.

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Pubs top pvp guilds (Dead Weight and Blackjack) are either in RWZs or Ops (silly DW and ur pve) after the sun goes down. Covenant calls it a night pretty early. No other guild can stand a against Ascendency, Cookies, or Full Resolve players, and it looks like imps have more Tier two pvp guilds to fill in the pug slots at night anyway.
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I too agree.. it seems like better Pub PvP'ers are morning.. at night.. Imp own it.. its as if the the people that play pvp at night on the pub side have no clue what they are doing.. they seem to think that all wz's are nothing but giant deathmatches... it's bad.
Its not only here. Pretty much every server I've played on Pubs wreck Imps during the daytime, Imps wreck Pubs at night.


I have no idea why it works that way. :confused:

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Its not only here. Pretty much every server I've played on Pubs wreck Imps during the daytime, Imps wreck Pubs at night.


I have no idea why it works that way. :confused:


Because imps are evil and the night time darkness refills our evil energies

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Could it be due to the age demographic of the players behind the toon? I read somewhere kids seem to gravitate towards the heroes and Luke Skywalkers, while adults prefer the characters that are in the gray areas or just evil. Adults may have RL responsibilities such as work and family. They can only log on in the evening. But yeah, daytime is ruled by the good guys.
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Could it be due to the age demographic of the players behind the toon? I read somewhere kids seem to gravitate towards the heroes and Luke Skywalkers, while adults prefer the characters that are in the gray areas or just evil. Adults may have RL responsibilities such as work and family. They can only log on in the evening. But yeah, daytime is ruled by the good guys.


Teenagers being awed and inspired by Luke Skywalker? I think they're more likely to say "zomg I lightninged him!", than buy into worshiping a protagonist from 30 years ago. Perhaps you have a point for 8 year olds who think Darth Vader is scary, but, in spite of the gameplay of quite a few, I have my doubts that the faction is comprised of second graders.

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Could it be due to the age demographic of the players behind the toon? I read somewhere kids seem to gravitate towards the heroes and Luke Skywalkers, while adults prefer the characters that are in the gray areas or just evil. Adults may have RL responsibilities such as work and family. They can only log on in the evening. But yeah, daytime is ruled by the good guys.

From my experiences i'd say it's literally the exact opposite to be honest.

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Seems to me the Imps Just have more healers.

And Alot of good tank healer combo`s!!!


But PVP can go anyways at anytime...Day or Night-

A Healthy Friends list and a good guild is all you need to PVP anytime!!!


So you Imps in the WZ`s:)


This trend will continue. I've been leveling a lowbie alt almost exclusively through PVP. And I have run into a TON of teams with 4-5 operatives on them (that stunlocked me to death and made me unsub). Pure conjecture, but I imagine once they hit 50 and realize operative dps is meh...they will respec as heals.

Edited by criminalheretic
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I generally only play during the day and the Reps have the advantage. Last night I played, which is rare and every group I was in we slaughtered the Reps.....


Until I played in the evening, I was beginning to think the Reps were exploiting. But after playing at night a few times, I am sure some Reps thought we were. All I will say is the grind as an Imp during the day sucks.

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