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Graphics Stuttering Issues


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Is anyone continuing to suffer from issues with the graphics both in game and in cut scenes randomly stuttering? I have tried all of the offered solutions, and have downloaded all the patches including the most recent but this problem simply won't cease.


Is this a general issue, or am I the only one continuing to suffer still? :jawa_confused:

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Not me any more, at least since I dropped to minimum settings. On my old max settings, however, stuttering is still worse than before 1.4, though better since the fix.


I can live with playing on the lowest settings myself, but I don't pretend to speak for others.


I would add that there might be hope....the fact that they even found a fix could lead to some more meaningful fix down the road for the overall issue. This is what I'm hoping for.

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A lot of my stuttering issues went away. Mostly with the Maps. I still have issues though. Artifacts with using blasters, lower performance, and a few other odd things. It was a lot better before the 1.4 patch.


My cut scenes have always had some sort of glitches in some of them. I think they could really tweak them a lot. It does not hurt the game much but seeing it all the time sort of gets a little old. Like the ones when we are landing on planets or leaving them. For something you see quite often you would think that they would focus a lot of there time and a lot of detail into making them perfect. It makes me wonder. :confused:

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A lot of my stuttering issues went away. Mostly with the Maps. I still have issues though. Artifacts with using blasters, lower performance, and a few other odd things. It was a lot better before the 1.4 patch.


My cut scenes have always had some sort of glitches in some of them. I think they could really tweak them a lot. It does not hurt the game much but seeing it all the time sort of gets a little old. Like the ones when we are landing on planets or leaving them. For something you see quite often you would think that they would focus a lot of there time and a lot of detail into making them perfect. It makes me wonder. :confused:


I love the cheering clone soldiers in the Black Talon Flashpoint.....and of course when the Ambassador trips and falls flat on the floor just before you leave on the shuttle if you space through the dialog.

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Is anyone continuing to suffer from issues with the graphics both in game and in cut scenes randomly stuttering? I have tried all of the offered solutions, and have downloaded all the patches including the most recent but this problem simply won't cease.


Is this a general issue, or am I the only one continuing to suffer still? :jawa_confused:


This is still an issue.


Prior to 1.4 I could play with no problems with shadows and shading on HIGH.


Pretty much until 1.4.2 I had to run with shadows and shading OFF.


Now that 1.4.2 is out I can run the game on shadows and shading on LOW.


Still not up to what it was prior to EAware "enhancing the quality" of my gaming experience. :rolleyes:


Try messing with the graphics settings and see if that helps ( under prefferences). :cool:



I was fine before 1.4 and it's gotten progressively worse. (Hence my sig :D.) It's still playable but getting quirkier with each patch.


Did changing your shadows and shading help? :cool:

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Did changing your shadows and shading help? :cool:


Unfortunately, I could only play a little bit last night but no one went invisible while I did, so...maybe? :p There was still stuttering. (Am pondering changing "suffering" in my sig to "stuttering" as a result.) No earthquakes, though! :D

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I too was able to play with everything maxxed out pre-1.4.

Had to turn shadows to LOW after that or got horrible stuttering where there didn't appear to be any reason for it.

Last patch improved it somewhat. I upgraded to latest NVidia drivers yesterday and that improved it more but still getting some stutters.

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Still stuttering here also...

the only way to play is to set shaders to very low

had no problems running everything maxxed out before 1.4?

tried all the fixes and workarounds and they dont work for me


are they even looking at this anymore or are we doomed to play in atari 2600 mode forever?

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What I'm experiencing can seem like "stuttering", but it isn't. I'd more accurately describe it as a "hitch" everytime some text gets drawn/redrawn. As if it's simply taking an obscenely long time (like, a second) to render.


So if the text is getting drawn/redrawn often enough, (such as if you have nameplate scaling turned on and are moving around) it feels like stuttering, since it's basically hitching every few frames.


(and yes, it isn't *just* nameplates that cause the hitch. I don't really get much chat, so not sure if chat causes it, but quest updates defitely cause a hitch, and opening up most UI windows definitely does. (though there's always been a bit of a hitch there, though I think it's gotten far worse) Nameplates are just the most common cause of text being drawn/redrawn. (particularly if scaling is turned on)

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  • 5 weeks later...

After some reasonably thorough testing it is confirmed that any time new 2D text appears on the screen (chat text and *especially* nameplates) there is a small "stutter" in the graphics engine.


If I had to guess, I'd say that this is the reason we don't have chat bubbles, especially considering Daniel Erickson stated at the guild convention a while back that (and I para-phrase) "chat bubbles caused severe lag and we cant figure out why".

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Game is choppy at times while playing at max. Normally its 28-36fps but sometimes it tends to drop to 19-16 fps for no reason in world where its just me and bunch of mobs around no other players.


I already have 1gb vram (520gtx) and 6gb ram and such low fps makes me scratch my head.

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Game is choppy at times while playing at max. Normally its 28-36fps but sometimes it tends to drop to 19-16 fps for no reason in world where its just me and bunch of mobs around no other players.


I already have 1gb vram (520gtx) and 6gb ram and such low fps makes me scratch my head.


A GT520 (unless you typoed there and you actually have a higher end model) is a pretty low end graphics card, so your fps drops aren't that surprising if you're running the game on high graphics settings. Your card is only a budget model that's not designed to run graphically intensive games on higher settings - while there is nothing physically stopping you from doing so, your performance will be much lower as a result and you're more likely to experience sharp fps drops because your card lacks the sort of horsepower that dedicated gaming cards do.


The reason you're not getting the same fps everywhere is because some areas in the game are more graphically intensive than others and this can be completely seperate from how many players are enemies are around. Because your card is pretty much pushed to its limits, it will already be working as hard as it can, so when you enter a more intensive area you card can't work harder, thus instead it ends up producing fewer frames, which is why you're getting those fps drops.


The best solution to this is to manually tweak your settings to achieve the best compromise between performance and graphics and try to reach a point where the fps doesn't drop below the point you're comfortable with even in the more intensive places. Especially when you're running an older or lower end graphics card tweaking the settings just right can make a huge amount of difference. The things I would start with turning down are shadows and anti-aliasing - while they make the game look good, they don't have as big an impact on the graphics as things like high texture quality, but they can make a huge difference ot performance.

Edited by Amarinth
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After some reasonably thorough testing it is confirmed that any time new 2D text appears on the screen (chat text and *especially* nameplates) there is a small "stutter" in the graphics engine.


If I had to guess, I'd say that this is the reason we don't have chat bubbles, especially considering Daniel Erickson stated at the guild convention a while back that (and I para-phrase) "chat bubbles caused severe lag and we cant figure out why".


Thanks, that is incredibly interesting. And worrying. How have they created a game that renders some of the most beautiful visuals ever seen in an MMO, yet cripples itself when trying to render text? :w_eek:


Are there any other MMOs using the same engine? Do they also lack chat bubbles?

Edited by -Silver-
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